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1、3L英语第一册Lson1. Nraor:Meean and Sue!Nato:Tis i Ses cass.Narrato:H tacrs rCris.M risp:hich i you pn,Sue?Sue:The red en,sir.MrCrisp:er you re,Sue.ue:hnk yu,sirLess3arto:This is Sandy class.arao:His eahesMissWilasMisilams:Whe is is a?Tom:It Sandys,MissWllias.Mis Williams:Sandy!Sdy:Yes,MisWillm.issWilis:C

2、om r,lesandy:Ye,Mssilliasis iliams:Is is yourcap?dy:Yes,it is.isWilliams:ere you re Sandy.St down,plaseSnd:Thak yo,is William.Lesson5To:Kc he bal,andy!Sandy:Al rigt,omTom:Lok,Sady!Mr Crisp:Oh!Mrrisp:Is all right,ny.Whseis thisball?MrCi:Is thsyour ball,Tom?To:No,it isnt,i.M Cris:Ishsyourball,Sand?Snd

3、y:Ys,i is,ir.Lso 7Mr ay:hos tht girl,MrCisp? risp:Whch girl,M May?M May:Tegil on he edbiyclerris:Thts Seakhesny classM Ma:Whs that boy,M CrispM Csp:Whic by,Mr May?Mr May:Th o iththfoballMrCrsp:Thats Sandy lHesSuesbother.Tm:Kick th ball,Sandy!r Crisp:Lok ut,Mr My!esso 9othe:Hul,Sand!Hul,Sue!ildren:Hl

4、lo,Mum!Moer:Teas ady.Mother:Are you hungry,Sue?Su:Ys,I m.Mthr:Are you huny,Sand?Sandy:o,I notSay:Whatsfor tea?Mther:Loo!Mther:Ar ou hugry no,d?San:Oh yes,Imv hugry.son 1Sandy:Look atm icture,Sue.e:Thats nce,SadySue:Whts at?ad:It bicyc.ue:os tha?Sand:Is Tm.eson hi bcycleSe:hat thi?Sandy:t car.Se:Whos

5、 hs?Sady:It MrCrsp.Sand:Hes nhis car.Lsson 13Moter:Thi g s foryo,Snd!Sany:Thans,Mu.Sue:Listen,Sandy!hatsDs car.Et o gguiclye:w putthe egg in t g-c le thisFathe:Go vening,Bety.Mthe:Good evenin,JmFaher:Good evenng,CildrenChidren:ood evening,adndy:Teas rady,Da.This eg is ryFhr:neg!hats nic hunrFaher:Oh

6、!Isepty!Lsso 15Sue:Put on Dadhat,Sandy!Sandy:ut Mums shoe,Sue!Sndy:You ae funy,Su!e:You nny,to,Sndy!ue:Comewith .Sdy:Kn atthe oor,SueMother:Cm in!Sandy:Lokat me!Im an atSue:Lo !I n atrs.Lesson17Sany:Wostht boy,To?Tom:hch b,Sand?Sad:Tht fat y.o:He new bo.isname Billy rgsSand:Loat i!is Willams:Billy!i

7、l:Yes,is ilasM Willas:pen or desk nd ie me tt appleBiy:m orr, Williams.I uny Lssn 19Sandy:y bags heavy!Tm:Whs in i,Sandyy:Open it andse.o:ibk and si xerseboosilly: hav,oo.om:What in i,illyB:Open it nd see!Tom:Onebk,to appls,reorane a a naa!Leson 21Tom d ill:ha natonltyare yo? French oGermanSany(wise

8、rng):Im Frenchom:Come o my side!Tom a Billy:Whatnationlty ae yo?Sue(whisperig):Im erman.Billy:Come on mide.Tomnd Bily:Pul!Pull!sson23Sandy:Giv that please,Se.Sue:Which box,Sady?Thi oe?Sandy:o,not hat ne.The ig blue one:Whtin it,ady?Sandy:en it an ee.Sue:h!andy:Is a Jck-in-t-box! Lessn 25u:Thrs aman

9、atthe dor,DadFather:W is t,Sue?Open the or!Se:tstpostman,D.ostman:odmorning,e.Su:oomorng,pstmanPosan:Tes a ettr for yr moher.An thres a tefor your ather.Sue:Thank u.Sue:Dad!Thres a lettefomumad hes leter for you.Fath:This isnt a ler!ts abil!Lesson27Gym Master:Lok at thes shos!Gym Mste:Whic re yursho

10、e,Sny?Sandy:Te brown shos,sir.Gm ster:What olour areyur shos,Tom?Tom:M sos ar blsir.GyMast:Hre y ar,TomTom:Thnk yu,sir.Gy Master:Ts shoe o tis lokerWose is t?om:Its Bilys,si.Leson 29Mth:Ae yor hndsclean,Sndy?Sady:Ye,yhans are clean,Mum.ther:Sho yor hands,ndy.Moh:ou hands rnt cean.Thre ey dir!Mother:

11、Go an ah yor hands t onc!Sad:All iht,Mum.thr:re yr hndslean now,Sandy?Sad:Yes,the ar,MumMother:Sady!Look a my nic lenoel!Lson1Tom:Hads o ais,u?S(calig):Hads!ue:Isheads!om:Come n or ieTom:eds ortails,andy?Sand(clling):Tals!Sandy:ts tai!To: on thei sdTo an Bil:l!Pl!eso 3Mother:Thesesoes are nie.Try on these oes,S.lesma:Si



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