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1、1.Cheating in Exams考试作弊 惯用表达与经典示句 Idiomatic Expressions and Sample SentencesCheating in the examination is a dishonest act.考试作弊是一种不诚实的行为。Many students are not aware of the consequence of cheating in exams.许多学生没有意识到考试的后果.At first, two students cheated in the exam, and soon the others followed suit.起初

2、,有两名学生考试时作弊,随后其他人也开始这样做。The student was expelled for cheating in the chemistry exam.这名学生因此在化学考试中作弊被开除了。Some students never think it wrong and shameful to cheat in exams.有些学生从不认为考试作弊是错误的和可耻的。There is no feasible measure to control cheating in exams so far.到目前为止还没有控制考试作弊的可行措施.7. The cheating habit tak

3、es root in elementary school, buds in high school and flowers in college. 考试作弊的习惯在小学生根,在中学长出蓓蕾,在大学开花。8. You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time; but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.Phineas T.Barnum 你可以在所有的时间里愚弄一些人,也可以在一些时间里愚弄所有的人;但是你不可能在所有的

4、时间里愚弄所有的人。菲尼斯 .T.巴农9. A students class attendance and performance should also be taken into consideration while he is graded. 给学生评定成绩的时候,应该把他的缺席情况和课堂表现考虑在内。10.All is well that ends well. 结果好,一切都好。范文精读Model Composition Reading Cheating in ExaminationsCheating in examinations is now very common in sch

5、ools and universities. Nearly all the students have cheated more or less in different kinds of examinations from primary schools to universities. Some students have cheated in examinations for many times while others only once or twice. Sometimes teachers give severe punishment to the students who h

6、ave cheated, but cheating still exists in schools and universities.Many students cheat because they are afraid that they wont pass the examinations with their own academic abilities. On the other hand, we should admit that some examinations themselves should bear part of the responsibility. Take the

7、 College Entrance Examination as an example. If the students fail to pass it, no matter how hard and well they study in schools, they wont go to college. Therefore, we can say that the examination system is perhaps partly the reason.To prevent cheating in examinations, we should not only emphasize p

8、rinciples to students, but also try to make some changes in our examination system so as to make it a real effective tool to measure students abilities.精彩点击Highlights 文章第一段第二句Nearly all the students have cheated more or less in different kinds of examinations from primary schools to universities. 中使

9、用了more or less “或多或少”来说明考试作弊的普遍性。另外,from primary schools to universities也加强了考试作弊普遍性的论点。第三句中使用了some others 结构是对前一句的进一步解释。第二段第二句中on the other hand 的使用引出了考试作弊的另外一个原因,使两个原因的论述连贯自然。Bear part of the responsibility 意思是“承担部分责任”。第三段中not only but also 的使用突出了应该改变考试机制的必要性。to make it a real effective tool to mea

10、sure studentsabilities. 中的it 指代前面提到的examination system, 而动词make 在此处的用法也值得借鉴,它是make+宾语+宾补的用法,意思是“把变成”。2.No pains, No gains不劳无获 惯用表达与经典示句 Idiomatic Expressions and Sample Sentences1、three fundamental principles of success should be borne in mind: diligence, devotion, and perseverance.应该牢记成功的三要素:勤奋、专注和

11、坚毅。2、According to Edison, 99% perspiration plus 1% inspiration results in great achievement. 爱迪生认为,成功来自于百分之九十九的勤奋加上百分之一的天才。3、Doing nothing will make one listless. 碌碌无为会使人倦怠。4、Real happiness lies in the fruit of labor produced by ones sweet and oil.真正的幸福是用汗水和辛劳创造出的劳动成果。5、There are but two roads that

12、lead to an important goal and to the doing of great things; strength and perseverance.世间只有两条路可以使人达到重大目标或完成伟业,那就是:力量和坚持不懈。6. Constant dropping wears away a stone.滴水可以穿石。 As a man sows so he shall reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。After a storm comes a calm.雨过天晴,苦尽甘来。Without constant efforts, no one can expect to succee

13、d in doing anything great.没有不懈的努力,任何人都不会有什么大的成就。If you dont devote yourself to your study and work, you can hardly make a living, let alone make some accomplishments.如果你不全身心地投入到你的学习和工作中去的话,就很难维持生计,更不用说取得什么成就了。范文精读Model Composition ReadingNo Pains, No GainsNo pains, no gains. This is a proverb full o

14、f logic. If we want to reach the top of a mountain, we must climb it. If we hope to achieve success, we have to do hard and painstaking work.On the contrary, the less one pains, the less he gains. To do nothing is to bring ruin upon oneself. Idleness is the source of all failure, and, sometimes, of all evils, for trouble is likely to be made out of nothing. Examples can be easily found to illustrate this proverb. A scientist may be well known


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