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1、牛津高中英语教学设计教材: 牛津高中英语(模块九)高三上学期文档内容: 教学设计教案单元: Unit 4 Behind beliefs板块:Reading (Language points)Thoughts on the design:课文教学,除了对文章内容的阅读理解之外,分段讲解课文语言知识点,也是相当重要的。由于短语句子必须在一定语段的情景中才能更好地显示出它的语言交际能力,分析一些复杂句子的结构时,更是只有把句型教学与课文教学有机地结合起来,才能真正把句型学到手,并能在真实的交际中灵活运用。因此在语言点的教学过程中,我主张以段为单位,先逐段通读,整体上把握内容含义,再逐个分析重要语言点

2、,其中讲解操练相辅相成,学生和老师都要动起来。最后再进行一系列由简到难的强化训练,当然都是要在一定语境基础上的,当场巩固当场掌握,从被动接受到主动运用。Teaching aims:After learning the language points in this text, the students will be able to get familiar with the meanings of some words and expressions. Also, the students will be able to use them correctly. Students are ex

3、pected to go over some important sentence structures and their ability of translating or paraphrasing will also be improved.Teaching procedures:Step1 Revision (Competition ) Hold a competition by asking five students each representing his or her group to write idioms on the blackboard as many as pos

4、sible. Then ask another five students from each groups to explain the idioms written by their groupmates. The group which can write the most idioms and can offer right explanations will win the competition. (播放幻灯片5)Explanation一直感觉课文语言点的讲评课形式比较刻板,学生们基本上都是以听、记或者机械的回答问题为主,课堂气氛也比较沉闷。因此设计这个竞赛作为整节课的开始,既起到

5、了复习上一节课所学内容的作用,又能有效的让学生参与进来,充分调动学生的积极性,课堂气氛也顿时活跃,为下一步学习作了良性准备。Step 2 Language pointsParagraph 11. Read the paragraph together.2. Line 1-2 An idiom is a group of words or an expression whose meaning often cannot be understood by looking at the meanings of the separate words in it.*Translate the sente

6、nce.Key: 习语是词组或者一种表达方式,其意义无法从孤立的单词中获得。*Separate here is used as an adjective with the meaning each or individual (word in the group of words or the expression) or not together.e.g. 这对双胞胎共享一个房间,但是他们各自睡一张床。The twins share one room, but they sleep in separate beds. Separate can also be used as a verb,

7、which means to become apart or to be not together.e.g. 要将两头正在争斗的公牛分开是非常困难的。It is extremely hard to separate two fighting oxen(播放幻灯片5)3. in other words 换句话说 类似于 “That is (to say).”其他和word有关的短语及固定用法: in a word 简言之,总之have a word with sb 与某人谈一下have words with sb 与某人吵架keep ones word 守信,信守承诺Word came that

8、 有消息称。(播放幻灯片7)课堂操练:Your performance in the driving test didnt reach the required standard-_,you failedAin the end Bafter allCin other words Dat the same timeKey: C(播放幻灯片8)4. a number of 许多(用于修饰可数名词) the number of 。的数目课堂操练:The number of the stamps _ limited, so a number of people _ to have a look at

9、them.Aare; want Bis; wants Cis; want Dare; wantsKey: C(播放幻灯片9)Paragraph 21. Read the paragraph. 2.Line 8-9 : The bible was first written in Hebrew and then translated into Greek, both of which use many idioms.*Translate the first sentence.Key: 圣经最初是用希伯来文写成的,后来被译为希腊语,这两种语言都是用很多习语。*代词+of which/whom引导定

10、语从句的用法:most, both, all, neither, either, none等代词+of whom(指人)/which(指物)可以引导定语从句。如:She has two daughters, neither of whom lives at home. He has five dictionaries, all of which are practical.(播放幻灯片10)*代词+of whom(指人)/which(指物)引导定语从句也可转换成of whom(指人)/which(指物)+代词引导定语从句。如:I have many story books, of which

11、all are interesting.【考例】Last week, only two people came to look at the house, _wanted to buy it. A. none of them B. both of them C. none of whom D. neither of whom Key: D简析:D。定语从句与先行词可连成neither of the only two people came to look at the house,因此应填neither of whom引导定语从句。(播放幻灯片11)3. the connection to 也

12、可以用介词with 与。的联系4. before long 不久以后,很快 long before 很久以前5. be used to do 被用来做某事 used to do 过去常常做某事 be used to doing 习惯于做某事(播放幻灯片12)课堂操练:As a young man, Tom used to in the town, _to find a job for a few coins.A. knocking about; waitedB. knocked down; waitingC. knock about; waitingD. knocked down; waite

13、dKey: C(播放幻灯片13)Paragraph 31. Read the paragraph.2.Line 14-16 Biblical idioms originally had straightforward and clear meanings because they were often meant to underline the moral of a story and to give audiences an image to help them understand the story better. *Translate the first sentence. Key:

14、 圣经习语原本都有着直白、清晰的意义,因为它们通常意在强调某一故事的寓意,给听众或读者一个意象以帮助他们更好的理解故事。3. a hidden weakness 隐藏的弱点,不为人知的弱点 hidden过去分词作定语(播放幻灯片14)Paragraph 41. Read the paragraph2. Line24-25 This is used when people want to say that they know something but not who gave them the information.*Paraphrase this sentence.Key: When pe

15、ople want to express the meaning that they know some information but they dont know who tell them the information they will use this idiom.4. Line 25-27 This idiom comes from a passage in the Bible that says, a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter.*Translate the first sentence.Keys: 这个习语来自圣经上的一段话,原文是这样的:


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