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1、精选国庆节英语作文合集六篇 在平平淡淡的日常中,大家对作文都不生疏吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化沟通的目的。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?下面是我帮大家整理的国庆节英语作文6篇,欢迎阅读与保藏。国庆节英语作文 篇1 he anual ational Day, th steet are hung up the brnd-nw red flags and btul lnerns, pole u the intense sud and workat orinay tms, dreed ncsaclthes, withhis famil ad oveones, appye ut o pla. Sun

2、y today, my terand I alsgo out tlay during he holia, first of all, we nttogrndmas home, y grdsis as picturofNonal Day, h sreetscleaand iy,wang re flag wth iv sts everywere, eople addition to celbate the Natonal Dyand a piue a good ares busy lantigMy motherand I ipojia playfor sever ay,ad went totheo

3、o, ca r al thew, evyonel rvea the happ mle onhisface. e at the gate o hotel, buding, usiness factry fowers dcore teclourul, heground isspotles.Zo is a bustlingscene, peoplefag n han, wifaily and fens ol, hilde hapilycanglowingcolorfl bubbls, people want to vaio spt left god memy, in rertoleave a mrk

4、,mymher ad I lsooo ew phoo, xtedly eryoe decided in thesea ofjoy. I tis celaay, e appeite the motherla, thanks t t bloo f te soldierstring us happi. In ts happ day, I wan to be in th fie-star e flag flying, study had, epy the motheradIntis wndru feal at he ame m, I alo w th moherand prperous, or bea

5、tful!国庆节英语作文 篇2Naional D s comng,and we an have asven-dy.My flae gong to HianItsa gd seasi cit.We ae stin there fo aee. We are gig tot bech ad goig swimingn tesa.WerevisitigTianya Haijio,auan Riverand ay oter beautful pcs.I think wl have a good ie thee.国庆节来了,我有七天的假期,我们一家去海南,那是一个漂亮的海滨城。我们在那里待上一个星期,我们

6、去沙滩,还在海里游泳,我们巡游天际海角,菀泉河还有别的很多利益所,我想我们在那里会玩得很快乐,例2Nationalay oliaysI went to my cousnhouse ntheit dy of thehoday and o apice ofoodnews that his wifaspregnnt。 heaid sewynat tig t,t onhe fac there ws a unconcelble lesureo oneivg a babyM coui told m hat hllduat hs child i a severe way,wth a ture fahrs m

7、turens.hapy form.)Yestrday,ur reech ho socceeam hd a matc h the grduatestuent frthe paent fntratialusinest waalmot a lse gae inthe fishalf,bt esemed lacki of igor n tesond half,sowel the gamHf o teNational Dayholdays hvepassd byifesll gos witgod dbad tis. Naion ay s cg,ad we n ave a se-day.My aly ar

8、 goingto Hainn.Ita good sasid ty.We are sta te or wee.e re goin tothe bach an going swmin the sa.erevisting Tianya Hijiao,Wanqua ive nd many oter eauiflplaes.I thi wll he oodime ter国庆节来了,我有七天的假期,我们一家去海南,那是一个漂亮的海滨城。国庆节英语作文 篇3 Ceeerate he 55TH NationaDaChine people wil welcome the 55th National y wo d

9、as lat,Ocoer h.I Beijing,eianamen sureis decorate moethan 30,00pos of floer,the Chairma Mo oldicon iscngby a new one angngonte TananenBuilng.In Nning,sweescetedosmanthu fstival,misty in ctr etval nochouLa,bab estiva in uli Pak will helddurngthe Natinl Day.In qing,more tan ,000 of ligts on ige areren

10、wdto welcomeeNionlDy.Duig the Nainay eiod,Rising thenaoal fgcemn,a coce onatona music ad a xhiitionfparioti fims will be eldi Hangzhou,hejig Pvne.appy Natia D!国庆节英语作文 篇4 Otoe1o each yar sthe annual Natoal Da o our ret mohelnd mohers birthday Wtthe u and dons, we hve theotherot meland 55 ears o age,h

11、is dy, toclbre teation a celebraing the oliday.Ealytemoring,wet o th school, at scool, stdntshae a blackboa, draing; osoegreetng crds, the huiahui; therethrugh he di, the frm opory ershe lovefrhe ohld ter. ona ayvactin, te tudets get utf the ose, tgeth withparents, to visithisocal tes and ejo the re

12、aculture o he motherlad. Hanging at te etrnc f thestore balloos and unting, d, yllow, gren . . fille i afestive atmospere. Insi vics ta redisunted, caryout ries pomtional ativities. Sea of epon thrt, eve uying te r o a log row f ttem av to play good,ad s on fora logtie. eni reaslike tlong ueu ofvisitos, cuntess en, omen and hilde in th bestof hm, peopl are taing advatage th holia plyout. Amo emtyparkin pces, esaats, hotel reeus mst beusti. Bijn distant un called to tell us t te Beijing



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