外研版英语九年级下册Module-2试题及答案(DOC 4页)

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1、外研版英语九年级下册Module 2试题及答案( )21.The flowers _ some water because I havent watered them for a few days. (P50) A. require B. have C. give D. make( )22. My teacher runs at least one hour a day to keep _.(P50) A. good B. fit C. clever D. smart( )23. That matter had a bad _ on his family and himself. They a

2、re leading a hard life now.(P51) A. result B. hit C. impression D. effect( )24. I like to go to the countryside to _ fresh air at the weekend.(P54) A. collect B. breath C. feel D. breathe( )25.Why dont you go to the movies with us?(语法) Because I _ it already. A. see B. am seeing C. have seen D. saw(

3、 )26. Tom _ with his father when I came to his house. A. argued B. was arguing C. has argued D. argues( )27. Why was Jim later for class today?(P48)Because he _ the early bus and had to catch the next. A. lost B. missed C. caught D. left( )28. Whats wrong with Sam? (P48) He fell off the bike. A nurs

4、e cleaned the _just now. A. wound B. cancer C. dust D. shock( )29. Michael Smith, there is something wrong with my TV set. Can you _ it for me?(P54) OK. Let me have a try. A. fix B. buy C. sell D. damage( )30. Whats your _, please?(P51) About seven kilograms. A. weight B. height C. length D. size.(

5、)31. “_!” the man who fell into the pond called.(P49) A. Come on B. Thats OK. C. Help D. Nothing serious.( )32. We should go out now. (P53) But its cold outside. We should _ our coats. A. put away B. take off C. take down D. put on( )33. _ free education, the poor children in our hometown can go bac

6、k to school. (P50) So can the poor children in our hometown. A. Thanks to B. Instead of C. As for D. Thanks for( )34. Our national football team always do badly in international competitions.(P51)Yes. I agree with you. It is impossible for it _in the World Cup. A. win B. to win C. lose D. to lose( )

7、35. A mobile phone of this type costs too much. Youd better _.(P48)A. wait B. waiting C. waited D. to waitIII. 阅读理解。(1篇,设5道题,每小题2分,共10分)For many people the subject of hiccups (嗝) is a joke, but for Harry Mendes, a fifteen-year-old schoolboy from Birmingham, it was something quite different.His hiccu

8、ps began one Sunday lunchtime and continued day and night for two weeks. After the first week, Harrys parents took him to hospital, but it took another week for the doctors to cure his attack.Harry, who is now back at school, described what happened to him. “When I began to hiccup, I drank a glass o

9、f water but that didnt do any good. That evening I had hiccups every four seconds. We tried everything to stop them. I held my breath and drank cold drinks. My father even tried to give me a shock but that didnt work either.” After a week of sleepless nights, he went to hospital. The doctors took an

10、 X-ray of his chest but they couldnt find anything wrong.“They gave me some medicine and my hiccups slowed down, but it was another week before the medicine worked completely and my hiccups stopped.” Harry was very lucky. The world record holder is the American farmer Charles Osborne, who hiccupped

11、for sixty-eight years. He stopped in 1990 at last, but nobody knows why.( )36.Harrys hiccups lasted _. A. a week B. fourteen days C. twenty-eight days D. one month ( )37. His hiccups started after he _. A. drank a glass of water B. went to hospital C. ate an Indian meal D. finished his homework ( )3

12、8.His parents decided to take him to hospital when he _. A. hiccupped for four seconds B. held his breath C. hiccupped at night D. couldnt stop hiccupping ( )39.His hiccups completely stopped one week after the doctor _. A. gave him some medicine B. took an X-ray of his chest C. gave him a shock D.

13、let him drink cold drinks ( )40.When did Charles Osborne began to hiccup?A. 1922 B. 1942 C. 1980 D. 1990IV. 词汇。(每小题1分,共10分)A)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。51. His knee was cut and there was a lot of b_ on the wound.52. I was hurt badly when the car h_me on my way home.53. Now I am g_ to tell you that the environme

14、nt in our hometown is much better than before. 54. The machine can work well with only a small a_ of electricity.55. She was s_ at the news of her husbands death.B)根据句意及括号中的汉语完成单词。56. After I took her temperature, I found he had a bit _(发烧)57. My father told me that one of his_(膝盖) was hurt badly.58. One of the kids _(绊倒) over a brick on our way there yesterday. .59. She is an _(专家) in training animals.60. When a new _


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