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1、 精品资料江津区上期半期测试七年级英语题(考试时间120分钟 考试总分150分)I卷(100分)一、 听力测试(30分)第一节:听力辨音。(每小题1.5分)听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从ABC三个选项中选出你所听到的内容。( )1. A. picture B.phone C.pencil ( )2. A. day B. bye C. did ( )3. A. This B. These C. Those ( )4. A. friend B. number C. family ( )5. A. school B. good C. book ( )6. A. sister B. Alice C.

2、spell 第二节:情景反应。(每小题1.5分)听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从ABC三个选项中选出最佳答语。( )7. A. Yes, it isnt B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is. ( )8. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt C. It is a pen.( )9. A. PEN B. It is a pen C. Yes, it is. ( )10. A.I am eleven. B. It is 2785645 C. This is 327895 ( ) 11.A. She is my sister. B. No, it isnt.

3、C. Yes, he is. ( )12. A. Yes, they are. B. Theyre my brothers. C. Yes, it is. 第三节:对话理解。(每小题1.5分)听两遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从ABC三个选项中选出最佳答语。听下面一段对话,回答1314 小题。( )13. What is her family name ? A. Linda B. Jones C. Linda Jones. ( )14. Whats Jims phones number ? A. 2786926 B. 5184936 C. 2784936 听下面一段对话,回答1516 小题。(

4、 )15. Whats this ? A. Its a book B. Its a photo. C. Its a family. ( )16. Who is the girl ? A. Lucy B. Lucys sister C. Lucys friend第四节:短文理解。(每小题1.5分)听两遍,根据你所听到的短文内容,从ABC三个选项中选出正确答案。( )17. Whats Jacks last name ? A. Brown B. Tom C. Jones ( )18. Where is Tom ? A. In Chongqing B. In Beijing C. In China

5、( ) 19. Whats Toms telephone number ? A. 654342 B. 7784854 C. 964278( )20. What does Tom like ? A. Pen B. Orange C. English 二、单项选择 (每小题1分,共20分)( )21. _ ts are Kates. A. This B. / C. These D. That ( )22. -What is this ? -Its a _. A. egg B. orange C. banana D. apple ( )23. -_ do you spell baseball ? -

6、BASEBALL, baseball. ( )24. Lucy and I _ cousins. A. is B. are C. am D. be ( )25. -Is this her telephone number ? -No. Its _. A. my B. me C. mine D. I ( )26. This is _ eraser and that is a pencil. A. the B. a C, an D. / ( )27. -_ ? - Yes, it is. A. What is this in English B. Is it a computer C. What

7、is ten minus five D. Are you thirteen ( )28. _ my book . _ your book. A. This is ; Thats B. Thiss ; Thats C. This is; Its D. Thiss; That is ( )29. -Whats your telephone _ ? - Its 3986149. A. number B. color C. map D. pen ( )30. -Is this your watch- the Lost and Found case , Jack ? -Yes, _. A. at; it

8、s B. in; it is C. in; this is D. for; thiss ( )31. -_. Is this your phone ? - Yes, its my phone . A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Hello D. Hi( )32. -Is this _ comouter game ? - Yes, it is _ computer game . A. his, me B. your; his C. your, my D. you; my ( )33. That is a photo _ my family. A. of B. for C. in

9、 D. at ( )34. -Are these his notebkks ? - No, _ arent. A. they B. these C. those D. there ( )35. -Is _ name Jim ? - Yes, it is. A. her B. he C. his D. it ( )36. My name is James Allan Green, Allan is my _. A. first name B. family name C. full name D. last name ( )37. I cant see my ID card . I must _

10、 it. A. say B. find C. see D. thank( )38. Please _ Mary _ 6878068. A. give, at B. call ; to C. call; at D. telephone ; for ( )39. -Whats two and five ? -Its _. A. four B. six C. seven D. eight ( )40. -Thank you for your help, Frank. -_. A. I am fine, thanks. B. Youre welcome C. Yes, it is D. Sorry. 三、完形填空 (每小题1.5分,共15分) This is Peter Smith. His 41 name is Peter. His 42 name is Smith. This is 43 school. His school 44 number is 20048567. His teacher is Miss White. Miss White 45 a g



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