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1、英语第二册下期末测试卷总分(100分)题号一二三四五六七八总分得分一、从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个与前面单词划线部分读音相同的一项,把答案填入前面的括号内。(10%)( A )1.powder A. crowd B. grow C. below D. fellow( B )2.stone A. modern B. motto C. movement D. model( D )3.favorite A. happen B. athlete C. fan D. late( A )4.slipper A .decision B. rise C. spice D. cite( C )5.goos

2、e A. foot B. blood C. pool D. look( A )puter A. duty B. hurry C. just D. rush( C )7.emerge A. writer B. counter C. internal D. inner( A )8.myth A. city B. flyover C. nearby D. spy( D )9.visitor A. landlord B .form C. force D. doctor( C )10.theatre A. leader B. least C. area D .eat二、单项选择题(20%) 从A、B、C

3、、D中选择一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项( A )1.Either he you can get it back today. A.or B.and C.with D.nor( C )2.It took a whole day my honework. A.finishing B.finish C.to finifsh D.finished( A )3. to you today is a pleasure.A.Talking B.To talk C.To be talked D.Talk ( C )4.The students are going to visit the Great Wall

4、 Monday 25th,july. A. in B. at C. on D .from( D )5.The teacher asked her pupils making any noise in the class. A. stop B. not to C. stopping D. to stop( B )6.Our teacher made him it again. A. to do B. do C. that he do D. doing ( A )7. made me very happy. A. Her coming B. She comes C. Hers coming D.

5、She came( D )8.It is no use me worry about the matter. A. tell; not to B. telling; to not C. told; not to D. telling; not to ( A )9. The flowers you bought yesterday were placed in the bedroom. A, what B. which C. those D. when( B )10.It is one of the best films I have ever seen. A. which B. that C.

6、 this D. that one( A )11.Who is the girl over there?A. She is my sister. B. She is a teacher.C. She is beautiful. D. She is over there.( D )12.Let me help you carry the books.A. Help yourself. B, Not at all.C.I think so. D. It,s very kind of you( B )13.What is the whether like today? A.I like it ver

7、y much. B. It is fine. C. It looks like it. D. It is beautiful.( C )14.Do you like another piece of cake?A. No, a lot. B. Yes, very much.C. Thank you, I am full. D. Let,s see.( D )15.I did not pass my examination. A. Yes, I agree. B. Sorry, I do not agree. C. No problem. D. What a pity!( C )16.Sorry

8、,I do not know ,I am a stranger here. A. Bye-bye B. That,s all C. Thank you all the same. D. Thank goodness.( A )17. you be happy! A. May B. Can C. Must D. would( B )18.Shall I help you? A. No, you shall not. B. No, thanks. C. Yes, you will. D. Please don,t ( A )19.What do you usually do during vaca

9、tion? .A. Traveling B. Yes, please C. Thanks a lot D. Of cause( B )20.How can I get to the restaurant?A. Yes, you are right. B. You can take NO.1bus.C. Thanks a lot D. No problem三、根据句子意思,讲括号中的汉语翻译成英语。(10%)1.My career (生涯)as a teacher did not last long.2.Would you please fill in the application (申请)f

10、orm.3.They are working overtime (加班)to finish the work.4. E-mail (电子邮件)is a time saving method of communication.5.I,d like to recommend (推荐)you a good website to scan news.6.She prefer pop music and jazz to classical (古典的)music.7.It is not easy to become a celebrity (名人).8.Madam Curie had great achi

11、evements (成就)in the field of chemistry.9. Preview (预习)the text before class is a good study habit.10.The key (关键)to keep healthy is to have a good habit of life.四、完形填空阅读下列短文,从个体中所给出的四个选项中选出一个能填入空白的最佳选项(10%)It was two weeks before Christmas, and Mrs. Smith was very 1 .She bought a lot of Christmas ca

12、rds and put them 2 the table. They were 3 friends and her husband,s friends.When her husband came home from work, she said to him,“Here are Christmas cards and here are some stamps ,a pen and the book of address. Will you please 4 the cards while I 5 the dinner?”Mr. Smith didn,t say anything, but we

13、nt to the next room. Mrs. Smith was very 6 with him, 7 she didn,t say anything.A minute 8 Mr. Smith came back 9 a box full of Christmas cards. 10 of had address and stamps already.“There are for last Christmas,”he said.“I forgot to post them.”( D )1.A.tire B. sad C. angry D. busy( A)2.A.on B. at C. in D. over( B )3.A.of B. for C. to D. from( C )4.A.to write B.



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