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1、11-12学年英语:Module 6 同步教案(外研版九年级上)课程解读一、学习目标:知识目标:能正确使用Module 6 中的单词和短语;能力目标:能掌握谈论环境的日常交际用语,并能简单介绍环保举措,劝说人们增强环保意识;情感目标:引导学生提高环保意识。二、重点、难点:重点:1. 掌握句型Itsadj.to do sth.;2. 掌握短语throw away, instead of, do harm to, make a difference to,stopfrom 的用法;3. 初步了解前缀和后缀。难点:1. for example, such as 与like的区别;2. instead

2、 of 和rather than的辨析;3. 前缀,后缀构词法的构成。三、知能提升:(一)重点单词 单词学习 1. waste【用法1】n. 浪费 【例句】These meetings are a waste of time. 这些会议真是浪费时间。【用法2】v. 浪费 waste sth. on sth. 在某物/某事上浪费钱财、时间等; waste time (in) doing sth. 浪费时间做某事。【例句】Why do you waste money on clothes you dont need? You are wasting your time (in) trying to

3、 explain it to him. 【用法3】adj. 无用的;废弃的 【例句】Waste paper can be recycled. 注意:wasteful adj. 浪费的 如:Its wasteful to throw away your old book. 【考查点】词义理解。【易错点】词性混淆不清。【考题链接】Its bright enough, turn off the light, please. We shouldnt w_ electricity.答案:waste.解题思路:此题考查waste的用法,句意为“这里足够明亮了,请把灯关了。我们不应该浪费电。”故填写wast

4、e,这里waste作动词。2. environment【用法】n. 环境它是由动词environ(包围)名词后缀-ment 构成的名词。类似的词有:development, excitement【例句】The children have a happy environment at school.【考查点】词义理解。【易错点】environment的拼写。【考题链接】We should prevent the pollution of the e_.答案:environment。解题思路:此题考查environment的拼写,句意为“我们应该防止环境污染。”故填写environment。3.

5、product【用法】n. 产品,制品【例句】The company sells plastic products. 与product相关的动词是produce,意思是“制造,生产”。如:Many kinds of machines are produced in this factory. 【考查点】词义理解。【易错点】product的拼写。【考题链接】We have to find the right p_ for the market.答案:product。解题思路:此题考查product的拼写,句意为“我们要找出适合市场需要的产品。”故填写product。即学即练 Its w_ to

6、keep the light on in the bright room. Those factories are causing a lot of e_ pollution. Our factory produces a kind of new p_. They are very popular to people. Dont w_ money on junk food. (二)重点短语 短语学习1. throw away【用法】“扔掉,抛弃(某物)”【例句】You should throw away these chairs and buy new ones.【考查点】短语本意。 【易错点

7、】throw 的过去式和过去分词形式。【考题链接】他问我你刚才扔掉了什么。He asked me what you _ just now.答案:threw away 解题思路:此题考查throw away的时态,句中“你刚才扔掉了什么”是一个宾语从句,要用陈述句的语序,由表示时间的just now可知要用一般过去时,故填写threw away。2. instead of【用法】“代替,而不是”(后接名词,代词和v-ing形式)【例句】What about eating fish instead of meat today? 今天不吃肉改吃鱼怎么样?You should go out inste

8、ad of staying at home. 你应该出去而不是呆在家里。注意:instead adv. “代替,反而”,单独用时放在句末。【例句】Why not play football instead? If you cant go, let him go instead. 【考查点】instead of的用法。【易错点】instead of 与rather than易混淆。辨析:instead of 和rather than的区别:都有“而不是”的意思instead of:“代替,而不是”,重点词是of,它是介词,所以后接名词,代词和v-ing形式,尤其需注意的是动词该用动名词形式,即v

9、-ing;rather than:“(是)而不是”,它是连词,前后成分在形式上必须保持一致,所以后面的结构应该与前面一样,就有可能出现代词主格,动词的各种形式等,不一而足,但关键是要和与它对比的结构形式一致!【例句】Ill go there instead of him.I rather than he(与I一致)will go there.Yesterday he walked here instead of driving here.Yesterday he walked here rather than drove(与walked一致)here.【考题链接】有些废品是可循环再利用的,所以

10、我们最好是卖掉它而不是扔掉。Some waste is reusable, so wed better sell it for recycling _.答案:instead of throwing it away/ rather than throw it away。解题思路:此题考查“而不是”的翻译,由于“而不是”可译为“instead of”或“rather than”,需要注意它们后面动词的形式,instead of后只能跟动名词,故写为instead of throwing it away;而rather than后的动词要和前面的动词形式保持一致,故写为rather than thr

11、ow it away。3. do harm to【用法】对造成伤害 do harm to sb./ sth. = do sb./ sth. harm “给某人/某物造成伤害,伤害(某人),损害(某物)” do no harm to sb./ sth. 对某人/某物没有造成伤害【例句】In my opinion, cheating in exams does great harm to our study.我认为考试作弊对学习非常有害。【考查点】短语本意及句型转换。【易错点】句型转换。【考题链接】Hard work does no harm to anyone.Hard work _ _ _ _

12、.答案:does anyone no harm。解题思路:此题考查do harm to sb.的句型转换,由于do no harm to sb.do sb. no harm, 故写为does anyone no harm。4. make a difference to 【用法】对产生重大影响,对很重要 注意:to是介词,所以后跟名词或动名词。当中的a可以用“no, some”代替,表示“对没什么影响/有些影响”等意思。【例句】Success or failure in the exam will make a difference to the students. 【考查点】短语本意。【易错点

13、】difference易写成different。【考题链接】空气对她的身体有很大影响。The air has _ her health. 答案:made a difference to。解题思路:此题考查的是make a difference to的翻译,在这里要翻译的是“对有很大影响”,由于句子前面有一个has,说明动词make要用过去分词,故填写made a difference to。5. such as 【用法】例如 【考查点】for example, such as 与like的辨析。辨析:for example, such as 与like :三者都有“例如”之意for examp

14、le:一般只以同类事物或同类人中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首,句中或句末。如:For example, air is invisible(看不见的)。such as:用来例举同类人或物中的几个例子,后跟名词或动名词, 不用逗号隔开。如:We learn many subjects, such as English, Chinese and maths.like: 用来举例时,作为介词,可与such as互换。但such as用于举例时可以分开使用,且不与like互换。如:Some animals like/ such as the cat, the dog and the wolf, dont need to hibernate(冬眠).He has several such reference books as dictionaries and handbooks.他有几本像字典、手册之类的参考书。【易错点】for example, such as 与like的用法易混淆。【考题链接】I like playing ball games, _ basketball and football.A. for example


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