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1、2022年考博英语-云南大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 写作题Directions: Choose one of the two topics to develop an essay of about 300 words.1.“All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure.” How do you understand this statement? You can give examples to illustrate your point and then expla

2、in how to cultivate confidence and achieve success.2.It is generally believed that reading is crucial to thinking independently. Do you agree or disagree? Illustrate your points of view on the relationship between reading and thinking.【答案】略2. 单选题Naturally, in a group of animals as diverse as the sna

3、kes, and with so many varied enemies, there are numerous defensive reactions and devices. There is, however, one general pattern of behavior, in the presence of a suspected enemy the first reaction is to try to escape observation; if this fails, the next resort is flight to some inaccessible retreat

4、, but if this is not possible, or is circumvented, various kinds of intimidatory gestures and warning devices are brought into play; in the last resort the snake attacks. This pattern varies with the circumstances; some stages may be omitted or combined unpredictably whilst; some notoriously irascib

5、le species may dispense with all the preliminaries and attack almost at once, though seldom or never without some provocation.Amongst the factors that increase aggressiveness are hunger, the mating season and surprise, with the last mentioned the commonest; when hunting for food or for mates, activi

6、ty and the aggressive instinct are both at their peak, but it is when it is caught unawares that the normal chain of re-actions tends to become telescoped. Owing to their poor sense of hearing, snakes are very liable to be, quite literally, caught napping and a similar situation arises during their

7、periods of temporary blindness just before sloughing begins. By far the greatest number of snake-bite accidents result from the unwitting disturbance of resting snakes, and this hazard is much increased with species that are well camouflaged and whose natural instinct is to trust to this concealment

8、 as their principal defense. As well as differences in aggressiveness between individuals of the same species according to the circumstances and conditions, there are also notable differences between species, even closely allied species; and the reports of those who have been attacked may understand

9、ably be lacking in objectivity. So it is impossible to forecast, even in outline, how any encounter will develop.The Hamadryad, for example, is usually credited with being amongst the most aggressive of snakes, and there are many accounts of unprovoked attacks, yet on one occasion fourteen men and s

10、even dogs passed and returned within two yards from a nest and no snake was seen although the female, which guards the nest, could not have been far away.1.When a snake meets a potential enemy, its primary device is( ).2.By “dispense with all the preliminaries” (the last sentence, Para. l.), the aut

11、hor most probably means that( ).3.A snake is most aggressive when( ).4.It is difficult to predict what would happen when a snake meets a man because( ).5.The author uses the example in the last paragraph to support his idea that( ).问题1选项A.avoiding any observationB.finding a safe shelterC.giving a wa

12、rning threatD.starting a quick问题2选项A.the snakes combine all the previous three steps.B.the snakes give up all the previous steps.C.the snakes follow all the previous steps one by one.D.the snakes reverse the order of all the previous steps.问题3选项A.it meets a possible enemyB.it is caught when it is sl

13、eeping or sloughingC.it is disturbed unknowinglyD.it seeks a partner in the mating season问题4选项A.no one has ever clearly known how he himself was bitB.man tends to be subjective when he describes his encounter with a snakeC.the aggressiveness of the snakes diversifies according to different situation

14、sD.a snake does not begin to attack without provocation问题5选项A.snakes do not begin the aggressive act if it is not disturbedB.some snakes are more aggressive and more ready to attackC.it is hard to forecast whether and how snakes would attackD.snakes often conceal themselves as their principal defens

15、e【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:D第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.推理判断题。定位到文章第一段,“in the presence of suspected enemy the first reaction is to try to escape observation”,在可疑的敌人面前,第一反应是设法逃过观察。由此可知蛇第一装置是逃避任何的观察,因此选项A正确。2.事实细节题。定位到文章最后一段,“some stages may be omitted or combined unpredictably whilst; some notoriously irascible species

16、 may dispense with all the preliminaries and attack almost at once”,一些阶段可能被省略或合并不可预测,而一些臭名昭著的暴躁物种可能免除所有的准备,几乎一下子攻击。由此可知,蛇会放弃所有步骤直接攻击。因此选项B正确。3.推理判断题。定位到文章第二段,“when hunting for food or for mates, activity and the aggressive instinct are both at their peak.”当寻找食物或配偶时,活跃性和攻击性的本能都达到了顶峰,因此选项D符合题意。4.推理判断题。定位到文章第二段,“As we


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