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1、盐城市初级中学2008/2009学年度第一学期期末考试初三年级英语试题(2009.D(卷面总分:150分考试时间:120分钟)第I卷(选择题,80分)一、听力(20分)(一) 听下面儿段对话.每段对话后有-个小题,从题中所给的2 B、C三个选项中选出 最佳选项,每段对话读两遍g(5分)()1. Which country is the woman from?A. America.B. France.C Russia.D Japan.()2. Where does the woman want to go?A. The Friendship Hotel.C. The hospital.()3.

2、What time docs school begin?A. At 7:30 B. At 8:00 ()4. What caused her headache?A. Too little sleep.C. Too much sleep.()5. What did the woman dislike in Canda?A. The people.B. Th languageB. The bus stop. D. The school.C.At 8:15.D. At 8:30.B Too much medicine.D. Too much sunshine.C. The weather. D Th

3、e food.C. Ten kilometers.C. No. 3 bus.C. Fifteen yearsC. Maths(二) 听下面几段对话,每段对话后有儿个小题.从题中所给的A、B、C选项中选出圮佳 选项.每段对话读两遍(10分听第1段对话,回答67题.()6. How far is the nearest bookshop?A. Five kilometersB. Five meters()7. Which bus will take him there?A. No. 1 bus.B. No. 2 bus.听第2段对话,冋答卜10题 ()& How long has the scho

4、ol been open?A. Five yearsB. Eleven years.()9. What docs Miss Yang teach in this school?A. English.B. Chinese()10. How long does it take Miss Yu to get to school by bike?A. Ten minulesB. Fifteen minutes. C. Twenty minutes.听第3段对话,回答1172题)11. Did the boys mum agree to buy new shoes at the beginning of

5、 the talk?A. Yes. she didB. Yes. she did And she also asked the reason.C. No, she didnt()12. What is the mums favourite color?C. Both A and B.A. Blue.B. White.听第4段对话.冋答1375题。()13. Who is the man?A. The doctor. B. The womans friendC The policeman()14. WhalM the matter with the woman?A. Her watch is b

6、roken.B She was caught in the rainC. Her washing machine was broken.()15. Why can the woman ask Mr. Smith for help? Because he.A. is retired and freeB. may repair thatC likes machines very much(三)听下面的独白,独白后有石个小题.从題中所给的A、B. C选项中选出最佳选项 独白读两ML (5分)()16. How many good friends does the speaker have? A. T

7、wo.B. ThreeC. Four.()17. What do you think of Peter?A. Confident and generousB. Helpful and thoughtfidC. kind and easygoing()1 & Who was bom on Christmas Day?A. PeterB DavidC. Simon)19. When is the Tree-planting Day according to the passage?C. March 12lhC. Evety thingD. ofA. August IOthB. December 2

8、5th()20. What does Simon like to dream about?A. Making friends B. Planting trees二、4项选择(15分()21. Reading in bed does harmyour eyes.A. withB. forC. to)22. The man said he preferredfootball to watching TV.A. playingB. to playC. to playingD. played)23 The interviewer asked him the murderen had used a gu

9、n.A whatB who.C. ifD. that)24. He told me the shop.before I came back.A. is robbedB. was robbed C. had robbed D had been robbed)25. Aunt Wang cant leave ababy at home by herself. She has to ask Jim forB. six onth Idhelp.A. six monthsC. sixonths IdD. six months old()2b The thiefhis house and stole li

10、ib muiicy li ni&lH.A. broke outB. broke offC. broke awayD. broke into()27. The old woman lives in avillage and he feels veryA. alone; aloneB. alone; lonelyC. lonely; lorely()28. 一Do you mind my cleaning the blackboard? Go ahead. please.A. CcrtainlvB. Yes. Ido()29. Sorry 丨 cant work out this problem,

11、A. alsoB looC. No not at allC. neitherD Ionely; aloneD. Sure.D. either)30.Dont you think theres life on Mars?A. Yes, I agreeB. Yes, of course notC. Yes, 1 dont think soD. Whafs wrong?)31 I dont knowor not he will help you,he helps you later on.1 will call you up.A. if; if B. whether; whether )32. My

12、 teacher asked me.A. what will be life like tomorrow C. what life will be like tomorrowC. if; whetherD. whether; ifB. what will lite be like tomorrowD. how is life tomorrowD goodD. more; moreD. although()33 The book isworth reading, I think.A. muchB. veryC. well)34.Mum, I want 100yuan.“Its impossibl

13、e. But I can give you50 yuan.A. another; more B. more; another C. another; another)35. Dont be afraid of asking for helpit is needed.A. sinceB. unlessC. when三、完形填空(15分)Where did you go yesterday? Did you hear _36_ at any of those places? Today most stores and restaurants play music You might _37_ he

14、ar music in an office or on a firm.Scientists believe that music changes the _38_ people behave According to some scientists, the sound of western classica1(占典的)music makes people _39_ richer. When a restaurant plays classicalmusic, people spend40_ money on food and drinks When the restaurant plays

15、_41_ music,people spend less money. With _42_ music, people spend even less.Scientists also _43_ that loud, fest music makes people eat faster. In fact, people _44_ their food faster when the music gels faster. Some restaurants play fast music during their _45_ hours. This gels people to eat faster and leave quickly. Resta


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