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1、浅议现代商业广告的版式设计Modern Commercial Advertising Shallow Debate Format Design目 录摘要IAbstractII第1章引言1第2章广告设计的概述22.1广告设计的定义22.2广告设计的分类2第3章版式设计的要素分析33.1版式设计构成要素33.2版式的构成形式33.3版式构成的形式美法则43.3.1重复与交错43.3.2节奏与韵律43.3.3对称与均衡43.3.4对比与调和53.3.5比例与适度53.3.6变异与秩序53.3.7虚实与留白53.4版式的构成风格6第4章商业广告与版式设计之间的关系84.1商业广告的表现形式84.1.1

2、商业广告设计在电视广告中的表现手法84.1.2商业广告设计在报纸中的表现手法94.1.3商业广告设计在杂志中的表现手法94.1.4商业广告设计在户外广告中的表现手法104.2商业广告与版式设计之间的关系10第5章版式设计在设计广告中的表现135.1商业广告版式设计的视觉流程135.2商业广告的版式构图135.2.1图片信息主体化构图135.2.2标题型构图135.3散点型构图145.4全图型构图14第6章现代商业广告版式的趋势及重要性166.1商业广告版式的发展166.2 商业广告版式的发展的趋势166.2.1强调创意166.2.2突出个性176.2.3注重情感176.3商业广告版式的重要性1

3、76.3.1版式设计当引起人们足够重视176.3.2创造力对版式设计的影响186.3.3在版式设计中版心位置的设计186.4版式设计在其他设计中的运用18第8章结论20参考文献21致22 / 摘 要商业广告版式具有普遍的社会性,是商业事业的一个重要组成部分,与其它广告相比它具有相当特别的社会性。这决定了企业愿意做商业广告的一个因素。商业广告的主题具有社会性,其主题容存在深厚的社会基础,它取材于老百姓日常生活中的酸、甜、苦、辣和喜、怒、哀、乐。并运用创意独特、涵深刻、艺术制作等广告手段和用不可更改的方式、鲜明的立场及健康的方法来正确诱导社会公众。商业广告的诉求对象又是最广泛的,它是面向全体社会公

4、众的一种信息传播方式。例如在提倡戒烟、戒毒的公益广告中直观看仅仅是针对吸烟、吸毒者,但是烟、毒的危害已经伤及到环境中的其他人和后代了。无论是直接受众还是间接受众,它是社会性的,是整个人类的。所以说,公益广告拥有最广泛的广告受众。从容上来看大都是我们的社会性题材,从而导致它解决的基本是我们的社会问题,这就更容易引起公众的共鸣。因此,公益广告容易深入人心。企业通过做这样的广告就更容易得到社会公众的认可。经济的发展呼唤着文明的进步,公益广告有着针砭时弊、明辨是非、促进和谐、树立新风等功能, 使其得到媒体和社会各界的重视, 而其画面精美、意境悠远的艺术特色和幽默风趣、感人肺腑的表现形式, 更日益得到社


6、商业广告;创意AbstractPublic service advertising under the non-commercial advertising, public welfare is one of the most important part, as compared with other advertising that it has very special social. The decision of the company is willing to do public service ads a factor. The theme of public service

7、ads with social, the subject matter there is a strong social base, drawing on the common people in daily life it is the ups and downs and emotions. And use creative unique, profound meaning, artistic means of production of such advertising can not be changed with the way the positing clear and healt

8、hy way to induce the public right. Public advertising is the most widely appealing, and it is all for a public information dissemination. For example, in promoting smoking cessation, drug public service ads for the visually see just smoking, drug addicts, but the smoke and toxic hazards to the envir

9、onment has hurt other people and their descendants, and either directly or indirectly audience, it is social in nature, the whole human race. Therefore, public service ads have the most extensive advertising audience. Mostly from the content point of sex in our society, causing it to solve the basic

10、 problems of our society, which is easier to arouse public sympathy. Therefore, the public service ads easily enjoys popular support. Enterprises do this kind of advertising is more easy to get public recognition.Calling the economic development of civilization, progress, public service ads point ou

11、t problems, right from wrong, to promote harmony, establish a new wind and other functions, the media and the community to get attention, and its beautiful screen, mood distant. Artistic and humorous, touching forms, more to the community more widely accepted and praised the people. Can be said that

12、 the development of public service ads the attention the government level support and the social dimension of love to promote the results.Of course, the public service should continue to tap the creative excellence, creativity is the soul of public service ads. All the visual elements are the theme

13、for the service, public service ads not only beautiful screen pass, it is the theme of love and responsibility, make the perfect combination of ideological and artistic. Public service ads in the creative should be preaching or too abstract to avoid the straightforward implication, the text should b

14、e simple and a measured sense of the public to look after the real resonance, so as to achieve the purpose of dissemination of ideas and concepts.In the new thinking, new methods of promoting the cause of public service ads will make up to create a new spring. The performance of both rich and colorf

15、ul language, or moving the outpouring of affection, will give us a pleasant one, from a visual depth to the heart, so as to achieve the purpose of dissemination of ideas and concepts.Keywords: public service; social welfare; creative第1章 引言视觉是人的主要审美感官。古今中外,人们对它在审美中的地位给予极高的评价。俄国唯物主义哲学家、文学批评家车尔尼雪夫斯基在生活

16、与美学一书中说:美感是和听觉、视觉不可分离地结合在一起的,离开听觉、视觉,是不能设想的。版面上每 一个具体可感的对象,其背景、色彩、线条等形式因素,只有通过视觉才能引起人的感受。对于容不同、风格各异的图书报刊来说,不通过阅读,当然不会知道其容是否精彩,可读性强不强。读者一般是先粗略地翻一翻,一个富有时代感、新鲜感的版面设计带来的视觉 刺激,自然会成为吸引读者的重要因素,这也就是说版式设计具有广告效应。文章的容固然重要,如果再有一个设计新颖的版式,不更能够增强对读者的吸引力,更充分地展现自身的个性特征吗?欧美各国的图书报刊就很讲究视觉效应。他们常常采用整版的图片或者采取插页的办法,来描绘容要表达的意境。比如,他


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