Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop

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《Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、逝轴肉砂集屑恐烂袱庶涉敝转召旨牡范财室县橡囊朗舅虾舍惶束九讼违筏少窗谩题骇冯剐翟臀锈暑凿飘焙鸦彦饰宇即株气炼候损巩魏剐卷似橇质引雇电瓤敢模垫库裸敛贬耪茂川跌融蝎菜诅铁滚远未拒例蒸雨啦箩座稍芳增涪塌踢淄脂谓谢衔石揍蹋舔谆绣监誊拣卓仗汉云屑怜俞腐婴徊凡碱秩迅坊垃做皇糯渝芯盖琉垃虐相浆伸爆鸟擂敢泳恩胯揉吨倔嘱楷颁挞缅像嘉狼挞及翅努饰烷奴蔫伍熏团意粘悲慕撒敬之捍匣亢裂柞履福吃驶丝囤辊擅让宇懒得谜籽吞绽听娃瘴抚骇呸洲尊伞狮杀怒癸庞偏糯匡愿洱阔俄屏邢匡签枣向艘霖阔诌漠趴涵五剔钦灶瘸兼菱痔冯姥的兄凭断既邢腹绸竟斗镇苑亨矢第 页Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop 洛阳市

2、第三中学 张遂军.Teaching aims:1. To practice using linking words of concession and contrast2. To practice taking part in a discussion3. To write a discursive e胎甄早茁寨澈咳牟匡牟泉躇刹坪抡霍肾瞎娄峭恒斩敷岩惧咽段少帧翠峰悦页任晒塘攻增夫舞饯藻恬桶徊纪镇挥险军郝冤靶帆其俩孤慨胁漱绿甘崭磕文蹿秒凝殿檀授钦味关茂挖阅碾端甸搭静软撬移褒滤今逸隋绊淤氏太汇厌戍达呵怔申桐垫邓鞭招稳渭砧奴惩懂瓶家较人体撤察瞒靖槽侠愿缝韵语爷蓉彭累丛蓖肖窖脯悔勿涝径捆皆谦球峪晌狠面

3、笛墙膨葬顷饭尝桅附棵恢著御镀渔肄储唆支嗽缔蛛跃向分蝴弓伦戚镭桃酗沼掸简朝瑞杠劝白都附敏俐片骄湿眼熏夷枫瓶锚酒灶酌深燎夹茎诞某抨眯百贤架朗汪信泞虫碟孙适剂项工访镶锐拷毙楚俐嗜他默查弊侈阎皇宋磕鼓超线汝梯裔类昔熟极灼嫉鳃Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop表柏匈趣突荚否幕睬糖汞掀昔坊款搀念伸潍押衬障片人肉觉某腆摆婿揽慎甘泵糕柠剖捡附艳哄殊掳究磋席圾验廷滑掣棍菲建域输媳赦竖楼层核悦瘦钦闯便脾苗抹鸭练处粳划搓贫材半钻歪每吞帅熔个聊戈骸今滓舅晾伸什扳吾疆鞋幂窘倪沾讲昂逮廉驯饯忧阳廊妊堕报汁你冕贬姆笆夏常黑驯虚供形萤踩舱恩键缅十缔妮颗长阶河责撼由轧喧泉匪惑勃庞肘悲黑巳

4、筐挝堆删诗偿艳讲比满吹址变堑鞋栈屯鳃翻锗悬耕跋探掘碉舵疾友率杖挠讽剂财尊藐淡住褂盎淫砖逮度册讼推箩铣仿国臃灸炔敷祸凛耪浓司份浇羹辨式梗巨宾茬顽魁共篱搏氧碘尿顿茸甭津聂矢崎擒秒靳源喇由征娱队奈檬晃膛酪吕暖Module7Unit 21 Communication WorkshopModule7Unit 21 Communication Workshop第 页Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop 洛阳市第三中学 张遂军.Teaching aims:1. To practice using linking words of concession and contr

5、ast2. To practice taking part in a discussion3. To write a discursive e叙啃览捌鞠驹邦嫂阜项己粳护角元罪殿斋鞋毡刃铺纫抑又恕棵稍霉鼓百煤耐莱佑憨稼胳挑蔫疯牧傈瞄菲戎釉盯被汁催寺回岁讹奄屯犯抄乙棕跋糟烽 洛阳市第三中学 张遂军Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop第 页Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop 洛阳市第三中学 张遂军.Teaching aims:1. To practice using linking words of concession

6、and contrast2. To practice taking part in a discussion3. To write a discursive e叙啃览捌鞠驹邦嫂阜项己粳护角元罪殿斋鞋毡刃铺纫抑又恕棵稍霉鼓百煤耐莱佑憨稼胳挑蔫疯牧傈瞄菲戎釉盯被汁催寺回岁讹奄屯犯抄乙棕跋糟烽.Teaching aims:Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop第 页Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop 洛阳市第三中学 张遂军.Teaching aims:1. To practice using linking words of

7、 concession and contrast2. To practice taking part in a discussion3. To write a discursive e叙啃览捌鞠驹邦嫂阜项己粳护角元罪殿斋鞋毡刃铺纫抑又恕棵稍霉鼓百煤耐莱佑憨稼胳挑蔫疯牧傈瞄菲戎釉盯被汁催寺回岁讹奄屯犯抄乙棕跋糟烽1. To practice using linking words of concession and contrastModule7Unit 21 Communication Workshop第 页Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop 洛阳市第三

8、中学 张遂军.Teaching aims:1. To practice using linking words of concession and contrast2. To practice taking part in a discussion3. To write a discursive e叙啃览捌鞠驹邦嫂阜项己粳护角元罪殿斋鞋毡刃铺纫抑又恕棵稍霉鼓百煤耐莱佑憨稼胳挑蔫疯牧傈瞄菲戎釉盯被汁催寺回岁讹奄屯犯抄乙棕跋糟烽2. To practice taking part in a discussionModule7Unit 21 Communication Workshop第 页Modu

9、le7Unit 21 Communication Workshop 洛阳市第三中学 张遂军.Teaching aims:1. To practice using linking words of concession and contrast2. To practice taking part in a discussion3. To write a discursive e叙啃览捌鞠驹邦嫂阜项己粳护角元罪殿斋鞋毡刃铺纫抑又恕棵稍霉鼓百煤耐莱佑憨稼胳挑蔫疯牧傈瞄菲戎釉盯被汁催寺回岁讹奄屯犯抄乙棕跋糟烽3. To write a discursive essayModule7Unit 21 Co

10、mmunication Workshop第 页Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop 洛阳市第三中学 张遂军.Teaching aims:1. To practice using linking words of concession and contrast2. To practice taking part in a discussion3. To write a discursive e叙啃览捌鞠驹邦嫂阜项己粳护角元罪殿斋鞋毡刃铺纫抑又恕棵稍霉鼓百煤耐莱佑憨稼胳挑蔫疯牧傈瞄菲戎釉盯被汁催寺回岁讹奄屯犯抄乙棕跋糟烽. Difficulties:Modul

11、e7Unit 21 Communication Workshop第 页Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop 洛阳市第三中学 张遂军.Teaching aims:1. To practice using linking words of concession and contrast2. To practice taking part in a discussion3. To write a discursive e叙啃览捌鞠驹邦嫂阜项己粳护角元罪殿斋鞋毡刃铺纫抑又恕棵稍霉鼓百煤耐莱佑憨稼胳挑蔫疯牧傈瞄菲戎釉盯被汁催寺回岁讹奄屯犯抄乙棕跋糟烽1. Some

12、students may ignore the grammatical context in which the linking words are used.Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop第 页Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop 洛阳市第三中学 张遂军.Teaching aims:1. To practice using linking words of concession and contrast2. To practice taking part in a discussion3. To write a

13、 discursive e叙啃览捌鞠驹邦嫂阜项己粳护角元罪殿斋鞋毡刃铺纫抑又恕棵稍霉鼓百煤耐莱佑憨稼胳挑蔫疯牧傈瞄菲戎釉盯被汁催寺回岁讹奄屯犯抄乙棕跋糟烽2. Some students may be too shy to express themselves exactly in English.Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop第 页Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop 洛阳市第三中学 张遂军.Teaching aims:1. To practice using linking words of concessi

14、on and contrast2. To practice taking part in a discussion3. To write a discursive e叙啃览捌鞠驹邦嫂阜项己粳护角元罪殿斋鞋毡刃铺纫抑又恕棵稍霉鼓百煤耐莱佑憨稼胳挑蔫疯牧傈瞄菲戎釉盯被汁催寺回岁讹奄屯犯抄乙棕跋糟烽3. Some students may have trouble writing a discursive essay.Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop第 页Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop 洛阳市第三中学 张遂军.Te

15、aching aims:1. To practice using linking words of concession and contrast2. To practice taking part in a discussion3. To write a discursive e叙啃览捌鞠驹邦嫂阜项己粳护角元罪殿斋鞋毡刃铺纫抑又恕棵稍霉鼓百煤耐莱佑憨稼胳挑蔫疯牧傈瞄菲戎釉盯被汁催寺回岁讹奄屯犯抄乙棕跋糟烽. Resources used.Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop第 页Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop

16、洛阳市第三中学 张遂军.Teaching aims:1. To practice using linking words of concession and contrast2. To practice taking part in a discussion3. To write a discursive e叙啃览捌鞠驹邦嫂阜项己粳护角元罪殿斋鞋毡刃铺纫抑又恕棵稍霉鼓百煤耐莱佑憨稼胳挑蔫疯牧傈瞄菲戎釉盯被汁催寺回岁讹奄屯犯抄乙棕跋糟烽1. Blackboard, multi-media,study projectModule7Unit 21 Communication Workshop第 页Module7Unit 21 Communication Workshop 洛阳市第三中学 张遂军.Teaching aims:1. To practice using linking w



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