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1、2022年考博英语-昆明理工大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Jack was about to announce our plan but I( ).问题1选项A.cut him shortB.gave him upC.turned him outD.put him through【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项cut sb. short“打断某人”;B选项give sb. up“放弃某人”;C选项turn sb. out意为“驱逐某人”;D选项put sb. through“替某人接通”。由句中的but可知前后表示转折关系,结合句意可知选A。句意:杰克正要宣布我们的计划

2、,但我打断了他。2. 单选题One of the wrong notions about science is that many scientific discoveries have come about( ).问题1选项A.accordinglyB.accidentallyC.artificiallyD.additionally【答案】B【解析】考查形近词辨析。A选项accordingly“照着,相应地,因此”;B选项accidentally“偶然地,意外地,非故意地”;C选项artificially“人工的,人造的”;D选项additionally“此外”。空格处副词修饰动词,B选项符

3、合语境。句意:关于科学的错误观念之一是许多科学发现是偶然发生的。3. 单选题Heavy smokers are twenty times more likely to be( )by lung cancer than non-smokers.问题1选项A.grippedB.strickenC.attackedD.ravaged【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项grip“紧握,抓牢”;B选项strike“击打,碰撞”,指灾难或疾病的爆发;C选项attack“攻击,进攻”,指暴力性的袭击或者战争的攻击;D选项ravage“毁坏”。由lung cancer(肺癌)可知选B符合逻辑搭配。句意:烟瘾

4、大的人患肺癌的几率是不吸烟者的20倍。4. 单选题The fishing village of 1,480 people is a bleak and lonely place. Set on the southwestern edge of Iceland, the volcanic landscape is whipped by the North Atlantic winds, which hush everything around them. A sculpture at the entrance to the village depicts a naked man facing a

5、 wall of seawater twice his height. There is no movie theater, and many residents never venture to the capital, a 50-minute drive away.But Sandgerdi might be the perfect place to raise girls who have mathematical talent. Government researchers two years ago tested almost every 15-year-old in Iceland

6、 for it and found that boys trailed far behind girls. That fact was unique among the 41 countries that participated in the standardized test for that age group designed by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development. But while Icelands girls were alone in the world in their significant

7、lead in math, their national advantage of 15 points was small compared with the one they had over boys in fishing villages like Sandgerdi, where it was closer to 30.The teachers of Sandgerdis 254 students were only mildly surprised by the results. They say the gender gap is a story not of talent but

8、 motivation. Boys think of school as sufferings on the way to a future of finding riches at sea; for girls, its their ticket out of town. Margret Ingporsdottir and Hanna Maria Heidarsdottir, both 15, students at Sandgerdis gleaming schoolwhich has a science laboratory, a computer room and a well-sto

9、cked libraryhave no doubt that they are headed for university. “I think I will be a pharmacist,” says Heidarsdottir. The teens sat in principal Gudjon Kristjanssons office last week, waiting for a ride to the nearby town of Kevlavik, where they were competing in West Icelands yearly math contest, on

10、e of many throughout Iceland in which girls excel.Meanwhile, by the harbor, Gisli Tor Hauksson, 14, already has big plans that dont require spending his afternoons toiling over geometry. “Ill be a fisherman,” he says, just like most of his ancestors. His father recently returned home from 60 days at

11、 sea off the coast of Norway. “He came back with 1.1 million krona,” about $18,000,says Hauksson. As for school, he says,“it destroys the brain.” He intends to quit at 16, the earliest age at which he can do so legally “A boy sees his older brother who has been at sea for only two years and has a be

12、tter car and a bigger house than the headmaster,” says Kristjansson.But the story of female achievement in Iceland doesnt necessarily have a happy ending. Educators have found that when girls leave their rural enclaves to attend universities in the nations cities, their science advantage generally s

13、hrinks. While 61% of university students are women, they make up only one-third of Icelands science students. By the time they enter the labor market, many are overtaken by men, who become doctors, engineers and computer technicians. Educators say they watch many bright girls suddenly flinch back in

14、 the face of real, head-to-head competition with boys. In a math class at a Reykjavik school, Asgeir Gurdmundsson, 17, says that although girls were consistently brighter than boys at school, “they just seem to leave the technical jobs to us.” Says Soirun Gensdottir, the director of education at the

15、 Ministry of Education, Science and Culture: “We have to find a way to stop girls from dropping out of sciences.”Teachers across the country have begun to experiment with ways to raise boys to the level of girls in elementary and secondary education. The high school in Kevlawik tried an experiment i

16、n 2002 and 2003, separating 16-to-20-year-olds by gender for two years. That time the boys slipped even further behind. “The boys said the girls were better anyway,” says Krlstjan Asmundsson, who taught the 25 boys. “They didnt even try.”1.Which of the following words can best describe Sandgerdi?2.According to the passage, the r



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