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1、形容词、形容词表达某一事物或人的特性,副词表达某一动作的特性。形容词和副词有三种形式:原形、比较级、最高档。比较级:+e、mre +;最高档:the+est、most两个重要特性:as中间一定用原形,a的前面一定要+e。2形容词、副词比较级和最高档有规则变化和不规则变化1)规则变化构成方法原级比较级最高级单音节词和少数多音节词一般在词尾加-er/或-est/it/ldfast以字母e结尾的形容词,加或-estnicelarge重读闭音节词只有一种辅音字母时,应先双写辅音字母;再加r或-esbgot以“辅音字母y”结尾的双音节词,先改“+y”结尾的双音节词,先改“y”为“”,再加或-estesy

2、ar多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加mor或mostirdeasiy2)不规则变化:原级比较级最高级mn mucitle /ewo/welbillfald(表新旧)(表兄弟姊妹之间的长幼)3)比较级前的修饰词:uc, een甚至,(by) far大大地, litle有点, a bit有点, tl,ye, alot很,非常常考知识点一:形容词的比较级和最高档的构成(1).以不发音的结尾,直接加r或-st: nicniceicstlargarlarges().以辅字母+y结尾的,变y为i,再加-e或es:easeaieresiestappyapeapist(3).以“辅元辅”结尾的,双写末尾字母,再

3、加er或es:biiggeriest常用的尚有:thin, fat, et, red, sadhotrhotest(4)不规则变化:oobettrbestmany/muchorms(好坏多少远老)badwoerstlle(少)lelestfarathr/furterfrthet/uthestoldolder/eoldestelst().其她较短的单词,直接在词尾加-e或est。smalsmalrsortshorter(6).对于较长的单词,在其前加mre,most即可。poularme poplarmst purdeliiousmoreliciosthe ot delious【中考题】1. i

4、s hir is not lage eough.Pleaeshwe _one. largeB. lrgerC.agest. Sh s the _ (god) sude inhr class.注意:下列词为易错,fefenwerwecleerlevertedmore tiredpleasedmore pee常考知识点二:具有比较级的句型构造1)Ais .thn B:A比B更.Th earh is bige hate mo.2)A sth.tanB:A比B更.He wrks ardr tha us.【中考题】China ha becoe ch_(srg)than eor. Wereproud of

5、 er.3)Which Who i .,A or B?“A和哪个/谁更.?”4). n .“越“越来越.”Whe pring comes, thedys are getnlong nd lner.)oe d more. “越来越.”T son coming morand more pplar.【中考题】an people prefe trael b pane Thy thik a pa is faster and_(ae)ta arai.6)the.,the. “越.就越.”Teuir h is, te hpiere eelsThemore u have, temoe ou a【中考题】-an

6、yutel m why yu learn English s wl?- vey smple._you work, _grdes you will e.A. The hade, theesB.Thehd, thebter. Harder, Better The arder,he better常考知识点三:比较级的修饰语当强调比较级的限度时,可以在形容词(或副词)的前面使用uh,a ltle, a lt, eve, sil等。注意:uet, so, very, uh这些词背面不能接比较级。只能接原级。It s mch coldrtoday tha yestedy.My pp is littl er

7、 than yurs.【中考题】Thefirs cmputrs wr uil inh 1940s.The were n _(bg)hacars.使用形容词比较级时的三个注意事项(易错点):1)比较的对象前后要保持一致。()h olatio of Shanhaii lrr tantat ofBeing.()e popuatonf Shanga islargr thanBeijig2)避免将主语涉及在比较对象中。()Chinais iger tha a onryin Africa.()iais biger ta an oter contr frica3)避免反复使用比较级:()Hesceverer

8、 thnhis brot.()He ismoe ceertan is bter.【中考题】Tm is _(tal)tan any ohr playrs ithe cootea.tal lerC talletD me taler常考知识点四:形容词最高档的用法形容词最高档用于三者及以上的比较,表达在一定范畴内“最.”。范畴一般用in/amon.来体现。形容词的常考句型:)A is te. in .He ishe tlest in hs clss或 s the. o .H i the tllstof e thee oys或h. among .He i te tllest amo ethree y.

9、【中考题】Bekfat _meal of tha.t prvis us wit neg after a lon ightwihou fodA. iportant.mre imprtaC. te st imporat. vry mpotant2) s onothe最高档+复数名词A是最的之一。y Cho i one of he ost popur sigern Tia.China sneo the arest contrie n he wrld【中考题】-ha o thnkfte fimou sa yeserday?-O!Its on of _l Ive ee eeA ineetingB. morinterestinC. mo nteretiD the ost nteresing3)isth first最高档+复数名词是第一最.的.The Changiang Rver is thfist lonest ir inour ounry.【中考题】印度是世界上第二人口大国。Indiahsthe_ _optio i the wrld.


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