教育论文Function of Cooperative Learning in Developing Positive Affect

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《教育论文Function of Cooperative Learning in Developing Positive Affect》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《教育论文Function of Cooperative Learning in Developing Positive Affect(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 是小柯论文网通过网络搜集,并由本站工作人员整理后发布的,是篇质量较高的学术论文,供本站访问者学习和学术交流参考之用,不可用于其他商业目的,的论文版权归原作者所有,因网络整理,有些文章作者不详,敬请谅解,如需转摘,请注明出处小柯论文网,如果此论文无法满足您的论文要求,您可以申请本站帮您代写论文,以下是正文。 Abstract: This paper focus on the function of cooperative learning in developing positive affect,Including reducing anxiety,increasing motivation

2、,facilitating the development of positive attitudes toward learning and language learning,promoting self-esteem,as well as supporting different learning styles and encouraging perseverance in the difficult and confusing process of learning a foreign languageKey words:function cooperative learning po

3、sitive Affect. IncreasingMotivationIt is very important to tap into the learners intrinsic motivation both at the stage of initiating and sustaining motivation. CL emphasizes the intrinsic motivation. The various features of cooperative learning, particularly positive interdependence, are highly mot

4、ivating because they encourage such achievement-oriented behaviors as trying hard, attending class regularly, praising the efforts of others, and receiving help from ones groupmates. Success is based on it and ones groupmates will reward it. Peer support can be a powerful motivator for shy, insecure

5、 or even uninterested learners. Porter (1983) found that ESL learners in the university provided much more support for each other than did native-speaker conversational partners, perhaps because of a shared sense of frustration in trying to communicate complex thoughts in less-developed linguistic s

6、ystems. Long and Porter (1985) also found that group work increased students motivation. CL involves task or reward structures which better ensure that all members of the group will participate and do so at their own level of proficiency. Resource, goal and reward interdependence contribute to motiv

7、ation, and enjoyable activities encourage participation, as well.Forming Positive AttitudeCL can be very helpful for learners to form positive attitudes towards a subject, learning, groupmates and even school. In the process of cooperative learning, learners can not only develop their friendship but

8、 also change their attitudes towards each other by means of interacting with each other. According to some researches, we can find that cooperative learning can help learners show more love of their school, their classmates and willingness to go to school. They wish the best of others and they belie

9、ve their classmates wish the same of them. They become more active in class because they believe their success is based on their own efforts and support from their peers.Increasing Self-EsteemSelf-esteem has a strong influence on language learning and learners affective growth. Slavin (1990) holds t

10、hat cooperative activities can be helpful to build up greater learner confidence and self-esteem than is likely in a competitive environment, where self-validation is dependent upon a continuing need to demonstrate success. Through CL, immediate personal experience is highlighted and learners interp

11、ersonal competence can be developed, which in turn, might result in their personality development and enhancing of self-esteem. Cooperative Learning can help learners to interact with each other and promote each others success. Learners can also be realistic about their own abilities when cooperatin

12、g with each other. Their basic needs like needs for safety, interpersonal closeness and self-esteem are somewhat satisfied. Their self-confidence and self-esteem can be increased through participating in classroom activities together. And then learner effort in language learning can be increased. Le

13、arners are more willing to take risks to continue participating in the class activities actively. .Reducing Debilitating AnxietyIn the process of learning a foreign language, anxiety is the biggest barrier. Learners constantly are afraid of failing or appearing foolish in the language classroom. How

14、ever, learners can reduce this debilitating anxiety or fear by means of having opportunities to try out their contributions with each other before being asked to offer them to the entire class. In cooperative groups, learners have much time and many opportunities to think about the tasks. Learners d

15、o not only get more opportunities to talk, but also become less anxious than speaking in front of the whole class. According to some research, anxiety level can be influenced by the size of audience because the evaluations of many people have the potential for greater impact on the performer than those of a few. Therefore, learners can be more nervo



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