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1、Unit1Passage A Care for Our Mother Earth Read and think 3 15 BBCADRead and complete 61. strategies2. specific3. consumers4. released5. trapped6. consequence7. was isolated8. priority9. convenience10. elementsRead and complete 71. transform2. all the way3. sit back4. resulting from5. share withPassag

2、e B Frog StoryRead and think 1215 DACABRead and complete 131. subtle2. were overtaken3. species4. decades5. boundaries6. audio7. directly8. focus9. tone10. cuppedRead and complete 141. at that rate2. for the sake of3. come to4. by hand5. vice versaUNIT1A1 这场给 人类带来 巨大灾 难的战争对这样 一个诗 人产生了什 么影响1How did t

3、he war ,which brought terrible disasters tomankind,impact on such a poet.2 做母亲的有时候不能察觉她们所深爱的孩子们的 过错,这样做的 结果回事孩子们再次犯错。2Mothers are sometimesblind to the faults of theirbeloved children which will cause the childrentomake the same mistake again.3 做为一个在 这个我完全陌生的新移民, 她总是感觉到孤立无援。3As a new immigrant in th

4、is completely strange country she always felt isolated.4 做事不 先考虑常会导致失败,因此我们应该三思而后行。4Acting before thinking often results in failure.so weshould think before we leap.5 奢谈的饿时候已经过去了,我们必须积极行动起来保护我们的环境。5The time for talking is past.wemust take a positiveaction to protect our environmentUNIT1B1 年轻人有时会抱怨无法

5、和父母沟通。1. Young people sometimes complain of not being ableto communicate with their parents.in a2 玛丽从小就盼望着能在 中国云南的一个村庄住上几年现在他终于 梦想成真了。2. She has been longing to take up residenceChinese village for a few years. Now her dream has come true.3 家养的动物习惯于依赖人因此很难在 野外继续生存。3. Domestic animals are used to dep

6、ending on humans,so it is difficult for them to survive in the wild.4 他突然有种恐惧感觉得自己会因为经济不景气而被公司裁员4. He was suddenly overtaken by a fear that he would be laid off by the company because of bad economy.5 我想他很快就会回来,因为他答应和我一起吃饭。5. I figure hell be back soon since he promised to have dinner with me.大学体验英语

7、- 综合教程 3 Unit2 Passage AEinstein s CompassRead and think 315 CDACBRead and complete 61. fundamental2. ultimate3. sparked4. apparently5. patience6. curiosity7. convince8. detail9. responses10. (has) stirredRead and complete 71. fooled into2. came upon3. join in4. come up with5. up toPassage B The Wak

8、e-up Call from StockholmRead and think 1215 ADBBCRead and complete 131. classical2. breakthrough3. elegance4. faculty5. handful6. probe7. swift8. transition9. reactions10. retirementRead and complete 141. has brought in2. under his belt3. specializes in4. a wealth of5. be applied toUNIT2A1 记者敦促 发言人就

9、此次 军事打击作出解 释.makevoters1The reporter pressed the spokesman to explanation of this military attack.2. 他的 竞选 演讲 未能使 选民相信他就是 参议员 的合适人 选.2. His election speech failed to convince the that he was the right person for the senator3. 尽管我承 认有问题存在,但我并不认为这 些问题 不能解 决.3. Whike I admit that there are problems,I d

10、o not think these problem can not be saved.4. 他在电视 上的第一次 辩论给观众 留下了深刻的印象 .His firsh debate on TVmade a deep impression on the audience .4. 一切事物都是相互联系又相互作用的5.All things are interrelatedand interactwith eachother.UNIT2B1. 大会报告人原来是我的一位老朋友的女 儿out to be theThe lecturer at the conference turned daughter of

11、 an old friend of mine.2. 尽管他已经退休 5 年了,但他在学术界仍然很活跃 It is5years since his retirement, but he has remained active in the academic circles.3. 如果确实在经济上有困难,你可以申请助学金。If you do have financial difficulties, you can apply for a student loan.4. 这位科学家研制这种新材料达 10 年之久才有了突破。This scientist had worked hard at this

12、new material for10years before he made his own way in the end.5. 世界上主要的几家飞机制造公司正竭力制造 飞得更快,更远的飞机, 以争得更大的市场。The chief airplanemanufacturersin the world arepushing the envelope to make faster and longer range airplanes to compete for bigger share of the market.大学体验英 语- 综合教程 3 Unit3Passage A Bathtub Bat

13、tleships from IvorydaleRead and think 315 ABCABRead and complete 61. attain2. modest3. attractive4. precise5. campaign6. market7. manufactures8. sponsor9. imported10. brandsRead and complete 71. frown on2. for instance3. as a result4. when it comes to5. under umbrella Passage B Haier Seeks Cool U.S.

14、 Image Read and think 12 15 CDCABRead and complete 131. revenues2. targeting3. appliances4. via5. smashing6. loyal7. comparable8. alongside9. claiming10. filmedRead and complete 141. beat expectation2. So far3. built up4. at home5. on basisUNIT3A思想是通 过语 言来表达的.1. Thoughts are expressed by means of la

15、nguage.2. 我今年买的新书多得难以数清 .2.I have bought so many new books this year that it is realy difficult for me to keep count of them .3. 这位老太太确信 ,今天她儿子会回家来为她庆祝生日的.3. The old lady feels assured that her son will come back home today to eclebrate her birthday4. 他妈妈坚持说他每月的零用钱不能超过 100 元.4. His mother insisted that his pocket money should not exceed100 yuan per month.5. 上个月我们买了一辆车,是用我的名字登记的.5. We bought a c



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