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1、2022年考博英语-中国农业科学院考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题He felt a repugnance for the city because it was heavily under the influence of foreigners, whom he considered to be corrupt and( ).问题1选项A.unscrupulousB.with principlesC.in principleD.out of principle【答案】A【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项unscrupulous“寡廉鲜耻,不讲道德的”;B选项with princi

2、ples“符合原则的”;C选项in principle“大体上,原则上”;D选项out of principle“背离原则”。根据题干,可知此处应当填入一个形容词,且含有贬义,因此推测A选项正确。句意:他对这座城市感到厌恶因为这城市受外国人影响太严重了,而他眼中的外国人是堕落而又。因此A选项正确。2. 单选题The sales manager was so adamant about her idea that it was out of the question for anyone to talk her out of it.问题1选项A.adaptableB.anxiousC.firmD

3、.talkative【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。adamant在句中是“坚决的,坚定不移的”,A选项adaptable “能适应的”;B选项anxious“焦虑的”;C选项firm“坚固的;坚决的”;D选项talkative“健谈的”。句意:销售经理对自己的想法如此坚决,以至于任何人都无法说服她放弃。因此选C。3. 单选题Such an incident fits into the larger pattern of calculated indoctrination. He emphasized sincerity and loyalty as the cardinal virtues

4、 and tried to soften some of the( )edges of Lis personality.问题1选项A.smoothB.roughC.evenD.uneven【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项smooth“光滑的”;B选项rough“艰苦的,粗糙的;粗野的;猛烈的;充斥暴力的;危险的”;C选项even“平坦的”;D选项uneven“不平衡的,不公正的,不正直的”。由题干soften“使温和;使缓和;使变柔软”可知是使李性格中粗野的(或者说危险的)棱角。句意:这样的事件符合更大的有计划的灌输模式。他强调真诚和忠诚是李的基本美德,并试图抚平他性格中的一些棱角

5、。因此B选项正确。4. 单选题The methods through which they built up and maintained personal followings and the outlooks which accompanied such activity likewise became important( )for modern Chinese political behavior.问题1选项A.precedentsB.pioneerC.sourceD.resource【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项precedents“引用单元”;B选项pioneer“先锋

6、”;C选项source“来源”;D选项resource“资源”。分析题干可知,空白处应填入一个名词,根据题干内容,活动会成为中国政治行为的,可推测答案选项为C。句意:他们用来建立维护追随者的方法与完成这样的活动的展望也成为了现今中国政治行为的重要。因此C选项正确。5. 不定项选择题(1) Poultry farmers need to adopt strict hygiene standards to curb Asials deadly bird flu virus, a top Vietnamese official said on the eve of an international

7、conference Wednesday on fighting the disease.(2) A dozen Vietnamese have died of bird flu since Dec.30, raising concerns that the disease could be re-emerging after an outbreak last year spread to 10 Asian countries, forcing the slaughter of more than 100 million birds.(3) “Its difficult to change t

8、heir habit but we need to educate them, “Bui Quang Anh, head of the Department for Animal Health, said Tuesday.”Once they understand and follow all the instructions, we can prevent the virus from spreading.(4) Big commercial farms learned from the first outbreak and applied preventive measures, such

9、 as strict hygiene standards and regular disinfection, Anh said. The most recent outbreak was only reported in small farms, which failed to apply preventive measures, he said.(5) New regulations should include separating ducks from chickens, requiring ducks to be raised in cages and improving hygien

10、e measures, Anh said. Ducks should not roam freely in rice fields as they do now in the southern Mekong Delta, he added.(6) The conference will be looking at a variety of issues, including mass vaccinations, flu research, farm hygiene, animal husbandry practices and improving coordination between an

11、imal health and human health agencies.(7) The virus, which in the last year has killed 46 people including32 from Vietnam and 12 from Thailandhas yet to mutate into a form that can be transmitted between humans. But scientists say it may mutate to a human form that could become as deadly as the ones

12、 that killed millions during three influenza pandemics of the 20th century.31. The subject of the international conference mentioned in the first paragraph is about( ).32. According to the passage, which of the following statement is true?33. According to the passage, which of the following measures

13、 are NOT effective in fighting against the bird flu?34. We can infer from the last paragraph that( ).35. The best title for the passage is( ).问题1选项A.batting the SARSB.epidemic disease controlC.fighting the avian fluD.public health问题2选项A.Bird flu was first found in Vietnam.B.Big commercial farms have

14、 taken preventive measures to curb bird flu.C.Bui Quang Anh believes that it is impossible to prevent the bird flu.D.1, 000 birds were killed during the last year outbreak of bird flu.问题3选项A.to adopt strict hygiene standards in poultry farmsB.to carry out regular disinfectionC.to raise ducks and chi

15、ckens separatelyD.to stop poultry trade问题4选项A.currently the bird flu virus cannot be transmitted between humansB.the bird flu virus is easy to mutateC.the bird flu has killed millions of peopleD.the bird flu is more deadly than common influenza问题5选项A.Bird Flu: A Deadly DiseaseB.What Can We Learn from the Bird FluC.Vietnam: the Biggest Victim of the Bird FluD.Official Urges Farmers to Curb Bird Flu【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:D第4题:A第5题:D【解析】31.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“


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