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1、台城城西开智小学四年级英语公开课教案课题:Unit3 Bank or Beach ?第一课时 授课班级:四(2)班授课教师:洪 玲一、背景分析(一)学生分析 四年级的学生爱唱,爱跳,爱玩,善于模仿,敢于开口。在英语课堂中,教师灵活的教法,教材上有趣的歌谣、故事、动听的音乐等,都使初学英语的学生对英语的学习产生浓厚的兴趣。在此课之前,学生通过三年级和四年级上学期的学习,基本上养成了用英语问候,用英语合作交流完成任务的学习习惯及相应的学习策略,具备了初步用英语进行交际的能力。(二)教材分析本单元的语言素材是有关地方的单词,既有学生日常生活中最熟悉的地方:park, bank, swimming p

2、ool, hospital, shopping mall, restaurant ,也有学生少见的地方:movie theater, beach ,要求掌握句型:A:Where are you going ? B:Im going to the ./ A: Are you going to the ? Yes , I am . / No , Im not . 等句型。本单元一开始是以Gogo与朋友Tony、Jenny一起坐车去海滩来开展对话的,通过Gogo询问车上的人来展开对话,并通过Practice, Activity, Song等多种课堂教学活动形式来进一步巩固复习本课的重点难点。Soun

3、ds and Words, 让学生在歌谣中感受语音,培养良好的语感,丰富了学生的语音知识。也让学生多方面接触、了解本单元的教学内容,从而激发学生的求知欲,为课堂教学打下良好的基础。(三)教学目标1、认知目标(1)能听懂、会说、认读、拼写单词“movie theater, swimming pool, hospital, bank, shopping mall, restaurant, park, beach”。(2)能认读并熟练运用句型:A. Where are you going ? Im going to the . Are you going to the ? Yes , I am .

4、/ No , Im not .”。B. Where is he/she going ? He/shes going to the.Is he/she going to the? Yes, he/she is./ No, he/shes not.C. Where are they going ? Theyre going to the.Are they going to the? Yes,they are . /No,theyre not.2、能力目标(1)学会用英语谈论自己打算去的地方。(2)培养学生的观察力、访谈能力,发展学生综合运用语言的能力。3、情感目标(1)努力创造一种和谐、平等的课堂

5、学习氛围,激发学生爱学英语的情感。(2)培养学生敢开口,积极参与的学习态度,使学生能够得到成功的体验,建立学习自信心。4、教学策略A教学方法(1)运用“歌曲”教学技巧,创设情景,让学生自然“拾得”语言。(2)运用游戏教学法,激发学生的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。(3)运用情景教学法,为学生的学习营造真实的语言环境。B教具1、CAI课件。2、图画卡片、图片扑克牌、小兔子手偶、4个卡通图片。二、教学过程:(一)Warm-upGreetings. ( 小兔子手偶)T:Good afternoon,boys and girls! Im new here,Im Miss Wu.Nice to meet you!

6、May I know your name? Hi,whats your name?S:My name is -T:Nice to meet you!(握手)Childrens day is coming.Are you going to the beach? Are you going to the bank?Now,today,were going to review: Unit3 Bank or Beach?(二) Revision (1)1.Read the cards together.2.Divide four groups: bank group, restaurant group

7、, park group, beach group.3. Who reads quickly? 渗透语音教学:shopping- ship- shirt- she-shorts -shelly. Shelly is a girl,now,lets chant! 4. Childrens day is coming.Shelly is going to the shop,too.Guess where is Miss Wu going.(猜猜吴老师要去哪)(1)Im hot. I want to swim. (2)I like movies. I want to see a movie.(3)I

8、 have no money. I want to get some money.(4)Im hungry. I want to have dinner.(5)I have a toothache. (6)I want to buy some food.(7)Its sunny. I want to fly kites.(三) Revision (2)1. Its sunny. Im going to the seaside park on Childrens Day.Where are you going on Childrens Day?Are you going to?A: Where

9、are you going?B: Im going to .A: Are you going to?B: Yes,I am . / No,Im not.2.In Zhuhai,there are many popular places. Now,lets make a survey. Which place is the most popular?Lets make a survey.Happy surveyIn Zhuhai,there are many popular places. Now,lets make a survey. Which place is the most popul

10、ar?A: Where are you going? B: Im going to,and.A: Are you going to? B: Yes, I am./ No, Im not.wherenamebeachmovietheaterreataurantshopping mall示范:(You can ask your classmates or your teachers around the classroom.)OK,Who can tell me,指着一个同学问 Where is he/she going ? Is he/she going to?A: Where is he/sh

11、e going ? B: Hes going to .A: Is he going to? B: Yes,he is./ No, hes not.Lets guess.Look at the pictures,Is he/she going to?Lets sing together.3. Are they going to the pospital? No,they arent. Where are they going ? They are going to Zhuhai Ocean Kindom.A: Where are they going ?B: Theyre going to .A

12、: Are they going to?B: Yes,they are . / No,theyre not.Lets play cards.Give you a model first.Who gets 3 cards? Super!This is for you.从中抽牌,问:Are they going to the shopping mall? Yes, they are going to buy something.Where are they going ? Theyre going to the movie theater. Theyre going to see a movie.

13、4.Lets write. This is my Childrens Days plan. Gogo,Tony and Jenny are my friends.Childrens Days plan Childrens Day is coming ,we are happy. I am going to the park. I am going to play. Gogo is going to the restaurant. He is going to eat. Tony and Jenny are going to the swimming pool. They are going t

14、o swim. Please write your Childrens Days plan, you can write about your classmates,friends and father, mother,sister and brother.Childrens Days plan Childrens Day is coming ,we are happy. I am going to _, I am going to _. _is going to_, _is going to _. _are going to _, _ are going to _.及时反馈,让完成的同学上台念出来。(四) Summary 1、 让学生懂得怎样运用语言,达到学以致用的效果。T: Today we learn :(看着板书)A:Where are you going ?B:Im going to the beach . A:Are you going to? B: Yes,I am . / No,Im not.A: Where is he/she going ? B



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