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1、2022年考博英语-辽宁大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题世界不会缺少贪婪,且很少有人、公司或国家能例外。企业和国家总是相互竞争,采用不那么合法的手段获取优势。随着全球网络的出现,技术扩散至每个人,贪婪来到了那些可能永远也不会犯罪的人旁边。贪婪在各个层面上都起作用,而大多数信息系统存在的薄弱环节则为企图利用这些弱点的人提供了攫取惊人利润的机会。【答案】【参考译文】Greed is in no short supply, and few individuals, business, or countries are exempt. Business and governments

2、 constantly maneuvered to gain an advantage over each other, relying on less-than-legal techniques to gain an edge. With the Global Network in place, and the proliferation of technology for everyone, greed has found its way to people who might otherwise never commit a crime. Greed operates at all le

3、vels, and due to the vulnerability of most information systems, provides opportunity to exploit their weakness for enormous profits.2. 单选题Health experts recommend leisurely meals.问题1选项A.paid forB.deletedC.gatheredD.regular【答案】D【解析】考查词义辨析。leisurely意为“不慌不忙的,慢悠悠的”;pay for意为“赔偿,付款,为付出代价”;delete意为“删除”;ga

4、ther意为“聚集,集合”;regular意为“规则的,有规律的”。句意:健康专家建议从容饮食。3. 单选题The atmosphere contains water vapor, but there is a limit to how much water can be evaporated into a given volume of air, just as there is a limit to how much sugar can be dissolved in one cupful of coffee. More sugar can be dissolved in hot coff

5、ee than in cold. A given volume of air can hold more water vapor at a higher temperature than at a lower temperature. The air is said to be saturated when it holds as much water vapor as it can at the temperature. At 20C a cubic meter of air can hold about 17 gram of water vapor; at 30 C it can hold

6、 about 30 gram. Usually the atmosphere is not saturated. Relative humidity (expressed in per cent) is the ratio of the mass of water vapor actually present in a given volume of air to the mass which would be present in it if it were saturated. For example, if a cubic meter of air at 20C contains 12

7、gram of water vapor, the relative humidity is 12 gm/17 gm x 100 =71%. Hydrometers are instruments for measuring relative humidity. Readings on wet and dry bulb thermometers can be compared with the aid of a chart from which one can then read off the relative humidity. The basic principle of this is

8、that evaporation is a cooling process. The rate of evaporation from the wet-bulb thermometer will be high when the relative humidity is low, and therefore on such a day the wet-bulb thermometer will read considerably below the dry-bulb one. There is no simple formula for converting this temperature

9、difference to relative humidity, and therefore a chart is used.If unsaturated air is cooled, its relative humidity goes up. If the temperature of the air drops sufficiently, saturation is reached and excess moisture precipitates out. The dew point is the temperature to which the air must be cooled t

10、o become saturated and condensation will just form.1.When the readings on the wet-bulb thermometer and the dry-bulb thermometer are similar, we may assume that( ).2.When the temperature of the air rises above the dew point,( ).问题1选项A.we have relative humidityB.the air is saturatedC.the thermometer i

11、s inefficientD.the temperature is about to rise问题2选项A.dew will formB.it will rainC.the relative humidity exceeds 100%D.evaporation is likely to take place【答案】第1题:B第2题:D【解析】1.推理判断题。由文章第一段中的Relative humidity is the ratio of the mass of water vapor actually present in a given volume of air to the mass

12、which would be present in it if it were saturated.(相对湿度是给定体积空气中实际存在的水蒸气质量与饱和时存在的水蒸气质量之比)和The rate of evaporation from the wet-bulb thermometer will be high when the relative humidity is low, and therefore on such a day the wet-bulb thermometer will read considerably below the dry-bulb one.(当相对湿度较低时,

13、湿球温度计的蒸发率将很高,因此在这一天,湿球温度计的读数将大大低于干球温度计)可推测当干湿球温度中的度数相近时,则说明相对湿度高,故相对湿度越高说明空气中实际水蒸气含量越接近饱和,因此选B。2.推理判断题。由文章最后一段中的If the temperature of the air drops sufficiently, saturation is reached and excess moisture precipitates out. The dew point is the temperature to which the air must be cooled to become sat

14、urated and condensation will just form.(如果空气温度下降到足够的程度,就会达到饱和,多余的水分就会沉淀出来。露点是指空气必须冷却到的温度,以达到饱和,然后才会形成冷凝)可推测当空气中的温度上升到高于露点温度时,空气中水汽将不会达到饱和,就会产生蒸发,因此选D。4. 翻译题以前人们常说,英国人享乐时也会郁郁不乐。如今,如果英国人真有什么乐趣可享的话,情况无疑还会依然如此,不过英国的烟酒价格构成了足以令人忧愁的外因。有时我觉得,这种享乐时也郁郁不乐的癖性已经传到了大西洋彼岸,我不由得纳闷:这么多讲英语的人身体又健康,收入又丰厚,怎么人生观却如此消沉。我在美国

15、旅行期间,注意到了一种根深蒂固的忧郁症。我觉得这种忧郁症似乎极其普遍,这就给社会改革家出了难题。大多数社会改革家认为,若是消除了贫困,有了经济保障,太平盛世就会到来。但是,无论在贵国还是在蔽国,看着坐在豪华轿车里的人们的面孔,却见不到社会改革家引导人们期待的那种喜气洋洋的神情。相反,十有八九,我看到的是一副厌倦不满的神情,以及一种近似疯狂的渴望,想找点东西吊起早已发腻的胃口。【答案】【参考译文】It used to be said that English people take their pleasure sadly. This would no doubt still be the ca

16、se today if they had any pleasure to take, but the price of alcohol and tobacco in British has provided sufficient external causes for melancholy. I have sometimes thought that the habit of taking pleasure sadly has crossed the Atlantic, and I have wondered what it is that makes so many English-speaking people somber in their o



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