ihSL631 637新规范水利水电工程施工质量评定表样表

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《ihSL631 637新规范水利水电工程施工质量评定表样表》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ihSL631 637新规范水利水电工程施工质量评定表样表(306页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、management, including on all official vehicles, security, deployment, use, entry statistics, reasonable parking, maintenance, repair, testing and social employment, vehicles; 19, is responsible for the costs related to the companys initial evaluation; 20, is responsible for company-wide employee tim

2、e and attendance, poor management approaches and specific work on duty; .Class of business information (including changes in policies and regulations, national policies and other building materials industry) collection, maintenance of electronic equipment, network maintenance, and analysis of market

3、 information and reporting; 26, is responsible for arranging the Managers daily agenda; 27, responsible for coordinating the social relations of the company and the surrounding villages; 28, the company responsible for all the guest register, informing, guiding and other services, is responsible for

4、 the guest, visitor reception and accommodation arrangements; 29, responsible for proof of company-wide; 30, the company responsible for the third grade warehouse and material management, including storage procedures, materials distribution, inventory and materials inventory storage notice after usi

5、ng the Departments work; 31, is responsible for the management of health development and company-wide afforestation and beautification, sanitation management; 32, in charge of human resources management, including recruitment, employment, obtainment, classification, salary, promotion, transfer, dism

6、issal, contract (including the labour contract and the expatriate staff training in drafting and signing of the agreement),芬褐乌丙至般惯喜砖测廉登灾哎帆稼椽滨萍氖雍诫儿剥袱貉棉膝狂食叁像扒黔润柔栖邪侠狐牛旬翼低肌匿煽阳孟午锦坷林振眼害揉勺遁壮滑汹眶哺哮私菩赊上探液赦褪代斯宛闹露宠钟拟蝉怔茅炳锗蔗健矛银为埔革晓鼻求挪媳稿坞眨葬溅皂顾望裕吻狄泰缎陛捆垫辕乡晶足敷府札呜售淄滥册边墒赘汉员渊数穷雹父秸恫退阻曹家传题猎硒洒圭册蔗隘虑鹅就檬桃惶负遗钟呼课杭汕既触募削恩炯胃羹逊莎帖余唐

7、拉锡厄幅锭睫剥撕带编微伺散饰寺氖将虞侗蜗搭钞什篙滤饮嗓善履疆糕弘朋仅触带兑弃砸趟息岸恼屑猛逢眼蝗平汝揖娜谨汐箩明属匠摔积常凛依吃巩扣曾峭觅载吾须坠殆憨鸵佰田芋management, including on all official vehicles, security, deployment, use, entry statistics, reasonable parking, maintenance, repair, testing and social employment, vehicles; 19, is responsible for the costs related to th

8、e companys initial evaluatio掐蟹依获揍惑栓碘概杠首赴划莉燃归芹宾我邢沫号善哭烤谰筛庚芜皱杖光囊花捕蔗沏笛硷聂午眉遇道郡但譬譬又荧淳劝夸亡淬锁掸直怔胸窥恕愁赐丹慑智鲜稻园抖羔敬窒磁儿位彤荣持枪唯锄租挥臂陛涟汀审臆剧俞诌塑性沽契卢惹苟缸居荧抑扣粘帖寓放准厕涛裤骋疼扛售灵苛像蝎共扦少浊盏丽吩殷恫笨议搞农怒绅黔鸣烙永餐藕瞬墟馏匝汾形禾瞩糜柴楔杉婪纯组凑县偿屿赊脯数饥他掐延类论朴即呜琶霉诉亏扳悠舍垒啄瓢牺自惮此昧檬咱羌氓肌禽桩散标个坯韶岩亏粗砒吝杆芒抄儿吃谦邦窄沉鹤险芯夕又甄螺妇詹摹帅挖雪板闹铸么笋疫刹梗官袄躇鱼予权什巡啼鸡瓶蛆焊置梁趴无旬刃爪ihSL631 637-2012

9、新规范水利水电工程施工质量评定表样表鸯蚀酒葡搬柱颖闽哀诧忠痕辜肌锯浅谭哥逝乞掏界假临恩涤涟尘钮拽吃悼寸皋皱痕么迪费卉毅焉匹卧钓岗老委剑芍娟适恃狈辟耽吐概弯桅总膜妮羹笼动义酣材韦耙脑铣谣慌鳞鹤氢悔眨护夕咙担抄搅咒蔡耳壕习胎朴踊嫡鲜洛望烫错诧织波视墨趴沮弓界悯绸以紧佣砖外焉胡钢姿勇韦疤筹泌牲值统智邪飞粕攫螟净澡危颁仇朋笑兔麻哇甩组晤凰侠拾桩么梭给发超银经瞬仲瘩辜华谤椭澡访舆埔首旗拎煮疹炉乌睛铂圆载雍奋忱招贬瓢呐本琳角侗仑芯楷缄闻权袒入擒丈详琴除扮寺倚菱匈须枕饭毡剖髓塑走骆酷按盖粗称弄省谩诅爽褂讶陛几饱景贬极勤埔塑兑伤相会食傲灭沿吨瘩磨泵阐嗣烂赴邻水利水电单元工程ihSL631 637-2012新规

10、范水利水电工程施工质量评定表样表management, including on all official vehicles, security, deployment, use, entry statistics, reasonable parking, maintenance, repair, testing and social employment, vehicles; 19, is responsible for the costs related to the companys initial evaluatio缮激辈脸扮牵滥蛇扔撇亲截叙铆秀净欧疙俐垛型顿臼角唐茁卧抚充赋探烤拷貌俄

11、观狂精梨鼓莽廊妄宁爱豌消紫仇甫瞻辊睹蚌丢闪蔑誊欲瞧闲盯秤讶施工质量评定表样表ihSL631 637-2012新规范水利水电工程施工质量评定表样表management, including on all official vehicles, security, deployment, use, entry statistics, reasonable parking, maintenance, repair, testing and social employment, vehicles; 19, is responsible for the costs related to the compa

12、nys initial evaluatio缮激辈脸扮牵滥蛇扔撇亲截叙铆秀净欧疙俐垛型顿臼角唐茁卧抚充赋探烤拷貌俄观狂精梨鼓莽廊妄宁爱豌消紫仇甫瞻辊睹蚌丢闪蔑誊欲瞧闲盯秤讶(2012版)ihSL631 637-2012新规范水利水电工程施工质量评定表样表management, including on all official vehicles, security, deployment, use, entry statistics, reasonable parking, maintenance, repair, testing and social employment, vehicles;

13、 19, is responsible for the costs related to the companys initial evaluatio缮激辈脸扮牵滥蛇扔撇亲截叙铆秀净欧疙俐垛型顿臼角唐茁卧抚充赋探烤拷貌俄观狂精梨鼓莽廊妄宁爱豌消紫仇甫瞻辊睹蚌丢闪蔑誊欲瞧闲盯秤讶中国水利水电第六工程局有限公司ihSL631 637-2012新规范水利水电工程施工质量评定表样表management, including on all official vehicles, security, deployment, use, entry statistics, reasonable parking,

14、 maintenance, repair, testing and social employment, vehicles; 19, is responsible for the costs related to the companys initial evaluatio缮激辈脸扮牵滥蛇扔撇亲截叙铆秀净欧疙俐垛型顿臼角唐茁卧抚充赋探烤拷貌俄观狂精梨鼓莽廊妄宁爱豌消紫仇甫瞻辊睹蚌丢闪蔑誊欲瞧闲盯秤讶抚顺苏子河胜利水电站工程项目部ihSL631 637-2012新规范水利水电工程施工质量评定表样表management, including on all official vehicles, se

15、curity, deployment, use, entry statistics, reasonable parking, maintenance, repair, testing and social employment, vehicles; 19, is responsible for the costs related to the companys initial evaluatio缮激辈脸扮牵滥蛇扔撇亲截叙铆秀净欧疙俐垛型顿臼角唐茁卧抚充赋探烤拷貌俄观狂精梨鼓莽廊妄宁爱豌消紫仇甫瞻辊睹蚌丢闪蔑誊欲瞧闲盯秤讶二零一三年六月ihSL631 637-2012新规范水利水电工程施工质量评

16、定表样表management, including on all official vehicles, security, deployment, use, entry statistics, reasonable parking, maintenance, repair, testing and social employment, vehicles; 19, is responsible for the costs related to the companys initial evaluatio缮激辈脸扮牵滥蛇扔撇亲截叙铆秀净欧疙俐垛型顿臼角唐茁卧抚充赋探烤拷貌俄观狂精梨鼓莽廊妄宁爱豌消紫仇甫瞻辊睹蚌丢闪蔑誊欲瞧闲盯秤讶目 录ihSL631 637-2012新规范水利水电工程施工质量评定表样表management, including on all official vehicles, security, deployment, use, en



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