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1、话题阅读滚动练(一)话题:人物介绍、购物、喜好、学校生活 / 文档可自由编辑打印.完形填空。Liu Lin,a student at Chengdu University,made a big decision in August,xx.She _1_ to take her 93yearold grandmother to live with her near the university.Many _2_ things happened to Lius family last year.In March,her grandmother broke her leg.In April,her

2、father passed away.Her mother,plagued(折磨) by these _3_, lost the ability to take care of others.This was the only choice _4_ no one else could care for her grandmother.A room with two beds,a wardrobe(衣柜),a desk and a table is their new _5_ in Chengdu.The room costs 600 yuan per month.Lius younger br

3、other works in the same city and spends most of his salary(工资) _6_ the family.Liu and her brother were brought up(养育)by their grandmother.“When we were young,our grandmother could prepare lunch for us on time every day _7_ she could not read a clock.Its our turn to _8_ her now,” said Liu.In the eyes

4、 of Lius teachers,the girl is a(n) _9_ student.“Though taking care of her grandmother requires lots of energy,Liu still tries her best to stay on top of all her _10_,” one of her teachers said.(C)1.A.invited BrefusedCdecided Dregretted(D)2.A.important BimpossibleCmagical Dunlucky(A)3.A.events Bpeopl

5、e Cmistakes Dillnesses(C)4.A.but Bso Cbecause Dif(D)5.A.office Bschool Chotel Dhome (A)6.A.supporting Bcreating Ccontrolling Dtroubling(C)7.A.so that Bas long asCeven though Das if(D)8.A.thank for Bprepare forCtake up Dlook after(B)9.A.natural BexcellentCimpatient Dimpolite(A)10.A.courses BmethodsCc

6、lothes Djobs.阅读理解。第一节根据短文内容,判断正误(正确“T”,错误“F”)。Dear Sir or Madam,One of the teachers at our school in New York tells me that your school has summer courses.Im planning to go to Beijing next summer and would like to take a onemonth course.Im 18 years old and have been studying Chinese for six years. I

7、 was born in the USA and have never been to China before.I am going to study Chinese at the university.I think the course will help me improve my Chinese.Could you send me a catalogue(目录) and application form(申请表)?I would also like information about Beijing and other places nearby.I hope to do some

8、traveling when the course is over. Thank you. I am looking forward to your reply. Jim Green(F)11.Jim Green is a student from Canada.(T)12.Jim Green was twelve years old when he started to learn Chinese.(T)13.Jim has never been to China before.(F)14.Jim will come to China next summer to visit friends

9、.(T)15.Jim will probably take a trip in Beijing after the summer course.第二节根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AAn elderly Chinese woman won millions of fans on the Internet because of the lifestyle she chose.Ms.Qi is 73 years old.She chose to travel around after she retired(退休)Ms.Qi says that she has

10、been travelling all her life,visiting countries in Europe,North America and Asia.Ms.Qi made a threeminute video about her life and put it online.It caused hot discussions.Some people thought that the elderly(年长的) should move in with their children and help them out.Some people didnt agree.“Why shoul

11、d the elderly spend the rest of their lives staying at home to do housework? Its unfair.” they said.“We should have our own life,” Ms.Qi said.Ms.Qis mother is still alive.Ms.Qi calls the 92yearold mother every day to know how she is.Ms.Qi also sends messages with pictures to her children and grandch

12、ildren.Ms.Qis video has been viewed more than 11 million times.Many people regard her as a freespirited(无拘无束的) woman.“An independent and interesting woman,” one says.(A)16.Ms.Qi became popular on the Internet for _Aher lifestyle Bher interesting family Cher job Dher beauty(D)17.Ms.Qi has visited the

13、 following places except _.AEurope BNorth AmericaCAsia DNorth Africa(C)18.Which is NOT true according to the passage?AMs.Qis video has been viewed more than 11 million times.BPeople regard Ms.Qi as a freespirited woman.CAll the old people should help out with their children after they retire.DOld pe

14、ople should have their own life.(C)19.Ms.Qi communicates with her mother by _Asending messages Bwriting lettersCmaking phone calls Dvisiting her every day(B)20.From the passage we know that Ms.Qi is _Ahelpful BindependentCsilly DhardworkingBSui Yiyang started out to learn to play the guqin,but he no

15、w makes the instrument with his own hands.The Wenqu Academy of Classical Learning lies in Beijings Dongcheng district.It is an oasis(绿洲) of peace and the place where Sui Yiyang produces the traditional Chinese musical instrument.Sui,who is from Chengde,Hebei,came to Beijing in xx to study how to play the guqin.But by th


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