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1、Unit 2 Poems 诗歌一、词汇1. convey vt. 传达; 传送convey sth. to sb.=convey to sb. sth把传达 /转递给某人convey sb./ sth. from A to B把某人或某物从 A地运送到B地convey onefeelings / thanks / wishes ( to sb.)(向某人)表达感情/谢意/祝愿 Please convey my best wishesjo your parents. The train conveyed him from his hometown to_a new city. Words can

2、 not convey my feelings at the moment.2. flexible adj.灵活的;可弯曲的;柔顺的flexibly adv.灵活地 flexibility n.灵活性;柔韧性;适应性 We need a foreign policy (外交政策)that is more flexible. You can deal with (处理)it flexibly. He shows great flexibility in handling complex (复杂的)problems.3. take it easy=take things easy轻松;不紧张;从容

3、take it/things easy指在心理上“别紧张,别着急”:相当于don ben ervous.take on estime指在时间上不用慌张,因为Thereenough time left (时间充裕). -Im sorry I made a mistake.Take it/ things easy. Nobody is perfect (完美的) Take your time: we still have 20 minutes left.4. run out of 用完run across偶然遇见run into撞上;偶遇;达到run away逃走;溜掉run after 追赶ru

4、n through 快速传遍run over浏览;撞倒并倾轧辨析run out“被用完了”含被动意义,主语通常是时间、金钱、 食物等无生命的东西run out ofof后接被用完的东西,女口 money,ink,food,petrol等,其主语为人use up及物动词短语,其后可接表物的名词作宾语,可用 于被动语态give out作“分发,发出(气味、光、热等)”讲时为及物 动词短语;作“用完、耗尽”讲时,为不及物动词 短语,不用于被动语态 Tom was running after Jerry when Jerry ran into a person. Both of them ran ou

5、t of their stre ngth. I have used up / have run out of my money. Please lend me some.=My money has run out.Please lend me some.5. be made up of 由构成(1) consist of(不用于被动语态和进行时态)由组成be composed of 由组成(2) make up构成;编造;化妆make up for 弥补make out辨认出;理解;领会make for去,有利于make it获得成功make the most of 充分利用 The team

6、 is made up of 10 people.二The team is composed of 10 people.=The team consists of 10 people.=10 people make up the team. H e made up a story for his son. It took her half an hour to make herself up. We have to make up for the lost time. I can make out your meaning. Running makes for our health. You

7、will make it if you try. We should make the most of the chance.6. tease vi.&vt.取笑;招惹;戏弄tease sb. about sth.因某事而嘲笑某人laugh at嘲笑make fun of 取笑 make a fool of 嘲笑; 愚弄play a trick/ tricks on 捉弄 play a joke/ jokes on 开的玩笑Other boys tease him for his being fat.7. in particular 尤其;特另Ube particular about /ove

8、r 对挑剔 be particular to 为所特有in particular = particularly adv. 尤其; 特另U He is particular about what he wears. As is known to all, pan das are particular to China. I enjoy this song in particular/ particularly.8. transform vi.&vt.转化;转换;改造;变换transform A into B 使 A 变成 B transform into 转化成; 改造成transformati

9、on n.改变;变革 They have tran sformed their rooms in to a hotel. The compa ny has bee n tran sformed from a family bus in ess into astate operati on.这家已由家族企业变成一个国家运作机构。9. appropriate adj.适当的; 正当的be appropriate for 对合适It is appropriate fot sb. to do sth.某人适合做某事It is (seems) appropriate that (似乎)是合适的,从句谓语

10、动词用(should)+动词原形at the appropriate time 在适当的时候appropriately adv.适当地;妥当地 His clothes were appropriate for the seas on (季节). It is not appropriate for us to discuss that problem now. It is appropriate that he (should) get the job. You can put forward (提出)your plan at the appropriate time.10. exchange

11、n交换;交流;互换vt.&vi.调换;交换exchange A for B以A交换B exchange sth. with sb.与某人交换/交流某物in excha nge for 作为的交换 make an excha nge of sth 交换某物 Idlike to exchange this dress for a white one. Excuse me, but may I exchange seats with you ? He gave me an apple in exchange for a cake.11. spo nsor n.赞助者;主办者;倡议者 vt.发起;举办

12、;倡议sponsor of 的赞助者/主办者/倡议者spon sored adj.有组织赞助的spon sorship n.资助金;赞助 He was the sponsor of the party. The party was sponsored by him.12. try out测试;试验try on 试穿try out for 参力口选拔try for试图获得;争取 have a try试一试 She tried the dress on but it was too small. He tried out for the swimming team. He is trying fo

13、r a job in the post office . Donworry , just have a try.13. let out发出;放走let alone更不用说let sb. alone不管;不打扰letin让进来;放进 let out泄露 let sb.off不惩罚;放过let go (of)放手 let sb. down使某人失望 The baby canteven walk, let alone run. Donbother me, let me alone. Open the door and let in some fresh air. The victim s (受害者)

14、family refused to let off the murderer (杀人犯). He will let your secret out He won let you down, he is very reliable (可靠的)14. load n.负担;负荷物(尤指沉重的)(1) a load of=loads of 许多的;大量的take a load off onemind打消某人的顾虑(2) loadwith用装载,使负担loadinto/onto 把装入至Uload up装载货物 load down使负担过重 We still have a load of problem

15、s waiting to be solved. The good news that my mother had recovered took a load off my mind. We loaded the truck with bananas.=We loaded the bananas into the truck. The ship is now lying off, ready to load up.二.句型分析1. There are many reasons why people write poems.分析: 本句为主从复合句, why people write poems 作reasons的定 语。关系副词why在定语从句中作原因状语,可用 for which替代。 reason的常见用法:the reason for (doi ng) sth .做某事的原因the reason why( is that) 的原因(是)



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