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1、2022年考博英语-华东交通大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题The idea that boys and girls have different learning styles seems to be losing ground,but there are still many( )supporters of single-sex education.问题1选项A.compulsoryB.pervasiveC.criticalD.passionate【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项compulsory“义务的,强制的”,B选项pervasive“遍布的,普遍的”,C选

2、项critical“批判性的,关键的”,D选项passionate“狂热的,热情的”,句意:认为男孩和女孩有不同的学习方式的观点似乎正在失势,但仍有许多普遍支持男女分校教育的人。因此,B选项符合句意。2. 单选题I hate people who( )the end of film that you havent seen before.问题1选项A.revealB.rewriteC.reviseD.reverse【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项reveal“透露”;B选项rewrite“改写”;C选项revise“修正”;D选项reverse“反转”。句意:我讨厌那些透露没看过的电

3、影结局的人。本句表示剧透电影结局。因此A选项正确。3. 翻译题Healthy FoodAn active lifestyle and a healthy, fish-rich diet are not only good for your heart, they may also help tackle the memory loss associated with old age, two leading neuroscientists said on Wednesday.As people live longer, finding ways of halting the decline i

4、n mental agility is becoming increasingly important, said Professor Ian Robertson, director of the Institute of Neuroscience at Trinity College Dublin.“The biggest threat to being able to function well and properly is our brains,” he told journalists.“There is very strong evidence, particularly in t

5、he over-50s, that the degree to which you maintain your mental faculties depends on a handful of quite simple environmental factors,” he said.Those who remained physically fit, avoided high stress levels and enjoyed a rich and varied social life are better equipped to stay alert as they age. Mental

6、stimulation, learning new things and simply thinking young also help.【答案】健康的食物美国两位著名的神经科学家于本周三称,积极的生活方式,健康的、富含鱼类的饮食不仅对心脏有好处,还有助于解决因年老而导致的记忆丧失问题。都柏林三一学院神经科学研究所主任伊恩罗伯逊教授说,随着人类的寿命越来越长,寻找能够阻止人类思维敏捷度下降的方法正变得越来越重要。他告诉记者:“对身体机能正常运转的最大威胁是我们的大脑。”他说:“有强有力的证据表明,一个人能否保持良好的智力水平取决于一些非常简单的环境因素,对那些50岁以上的人来说尤其如此。”那些

7、身体健康、能避免高压力、享受丰富多彩的社交生活的人,在他们上了年纪后,头脑会更清醒。精神刺激、学习新事物和保持年轻的心态也有帮助。4. 单选题The supervisor didnt have time so far to go into it( ), but he gave us an idea about his plan.问题1选项A.at handB.in turnC.in conclusionD.at length【答案】D【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项at hand“在手边,即将到来”;B选项in turn“轮流,依次”;C选项in conclusion“总之,最后”;D选项at l

8、ength“详细地”。句意:导师目前没有时间进行详细说明,但他就自己的计划给了我们一个大概的看法。根据后半部分的“gave us an idea”可知,选项D符合语境。5. 单选题You can arrive in London earlier for the meeting( )you dont mind taking the night train.问题1选项A.providedB.unlessC.thoughD.until【答案】A【解析】考查连词辨析。A选项provided“假如,倘若”;B选项unless“除非”;C选项though“尽管”;D选项until“直到”。根据句意:如果你

9、不介意坐晚上的火车,那么你可以早点到达伦敦开会。后者是前者的条件,所以填入表示条件的连词provided,选项A正确。6. 单选题Being able to speak two languages fluently is not enough for a person to become a( )interpreter. Learning how to speak and listen is also essential.问题1选项A.tranquilB.futileC.mercifulD.simultaneous【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项tranquil “平静的”;B选项

10、futile“无效的”;C选项merciful“仁慈的”;D选项simultaneous“同时的”。句意:能够流利地说两种语言是不足以让一个人成为同声口译员的。学会说和听也很重要。本句表示同声传译。因此D选项正确。7. 单选题These goods are( )for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home market.问题1选项A.essentiallyB.completelyC.necessarilyD.remarkably【答案】A【解析】考查副词词义辨析。A选项essentially“基本地”;B选项completel

11、y“完全地”;C选项necessarily“必要地”;D选项remarkably“显著地”。句意:这些货物主要用于出口,但也有一些可能在国内市场销售。本句表示货物基本上用于出口,部分在国内销售。因此A选项正确。8. 单选题The temperature of the atmosphere becomes colder as elevation increases.问题1选项A.altitudeB.aptitudeC.latitudeD.longitude【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项altitude“海拔”;B选项aptitude“天资”;C选项latitude“纬度”;D选项lo

12、ngitude“经度”。句意:海拔越高,大气温度越低。划线部分elevation是海拔的意思。因此A选项正确。9. 单选题The old man( )defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion which enabled him to win the respect of all people.问题1选项A.peculiarlyB.indifferentlyC.vigorouslyD.inevitably【答案】C【解析】考查副词词义辨析。A选项peculiarly“尤其地”;B选项indiffere

13、ntly“冷淡地”;C选项vigorously“积极地”;D选项inevitably“不可避免地”。句意:老人积极地捍卫了每个公民选择宗教自由的权利,这使他赢得了所有人的尊重。本句表示积极地捍卫权利。因此C选项正确。10. 单选题Whether the eyes are “the windows of the soul” is debatable; that they are intensely important in interpersonal communication is a fact. During the first two months of a babys life, the

14、 stimulus that produces a smile is a pair of eyes. The eyes need not be real: a mask with two dots will produce a smile. Significantly, a real human face with eyes may not motivate a smile, nor will the sight of only one eye which is presented in profile. This attraction to eyes as opposed to the no

15、se or mouth continues as the baby matures. In one study, when American four-year-olds were asked to draw people, 75 percent of them drew people with mouths, but 99 percent of them drew people with eyes. In Japan, however, where babies are carried on their mothers back, infants do not acquire as much attachment to eyes as they do in other cultures. As a result, Japanese adults make little use of the face either to encode


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