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1、Lesson13 At school一、教学目标 1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇school, classroom, library, playground, where 2、学生能听懂、会说下列句子Wheres the computer room? I can show you.3、在日常生活中注意观察并用简单的英语对话。 4、培养对英语的兴趣和学习英语的好奇心。 二、教学重点 同教学目标12三、教学难点特殊疑问词where的用法 四、教学过程 . Class opening and review Greeting. Hello, class! Welcome to our class

2、room. Lesson hook我们学习新的单元。 今天我们将会了解学校并学会在学校附近如何找到路。. New concepts1.My school (1)教授新单词school, classroom, library, playground 问:What do you see in the picture?(生:学校大楼)板书单词school拼读并记忆s-c-h o-o-l-school. 下面让我们一起来参观一下我们的学校吧,其余三个单词也用以上方法教学。 拓展学习 computer room(微机室)science lab(科学探究室)skilled(巧手吧)music room(音

3、乐室)art room(美术室)dance hall(舞蹈厅)(2)教师演示用新词汇组成对话Look! This is my school/classroom/ library/ playground/ computer room/ science lab/ skilled/ music room/ art room/ dance hall. Your_is(looks) great. (3)练习角色扮演学生甲Look! This is our library. 学生乙It looks great! 2.Where is the computer room? (1)看书35页讨论图片情节 Ho

4、w to Jenny ask the way? (2)跟读第二部分。 (3)强调礼貌用语的重要性同Thank you 和Youre welcome一样Excuse me也是常见的礼貌表达方法。练习 :角色扮演甲Excuse me.Wheres the classroom/ desk? 乙 I can show you. Here it is. 甲 Thanks. 乙Youre welcome. 教师先与一名志愿者做练习再让其他学生2人一组练习并展示。3.Lets do it!Draw and talk. Wheres your classroom? I can show you. 还可以谈论图

5、书馆、操场微机室等。画出地址。 巩固检验Check for understanding 活动手册34 . Class closing 教师问一个同学 Wheres the door? 五、板书设计 Lesson13 At schoolWheres the school/classroom/ library/ playground? I can show you. 六、教学反思Lesson14 Near and far一、教学目标 1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇near, far, from, the 2.学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构?is near? ?is far from?

6、 3.学生能听懂、会说下列句子Is it far from here? No, its near. 4、在日常生活中注意观察并用简单的英语对话。 二、教学重点 同教学目标12 三、教学难点 同教学目标2 四、教学过程 . Class opening and review Greeting Hello, class! Welcome to our classroom. Wheres the school/classroom/ library/ playground? 让学生回答I can show you. Lesson hook今天我们学习学校中的路线尤其是远和近的位置表述。. New con

7、cepts1.Near or far?(1)教授near和far的含义。看书讨论图片两幅图中李明离学校的位置怎样,第一幅离得近,第二幅离得远,板书单词并拼读记忆near和far学生跟读。(2)使用一个物品,一本书或一个桌子通过指和说来展示近和远。This _isnear. That _ is far. 练习,示范展示让持有near卡片的3位同学站在教师附近,对他们说 You are near. 再让持有far卡片的3位同学走到教室后排说 They are far. 重复几次。通过将物品摆放的离教师远或近进一步展示Is it near? Or is it far? 2.Is the librar

8、y far from here? 看书37页,大声朗读课文两遍,回答问题 What is happening? Whats Li Ming doing? Where does he want to go? Who does he ask for help? Is the library near or far? 看书跟读。练习1示范展示志愿者扮演李明和教师练习对话。2小组活动利用单词卡classroom/ library/ playground等拿起一个问 甲 Wheres the classroom/ library/ playground? 乙 I can show you. 甲 Is i

9、t near or far from here? 乙 It is far from here. 3.Lets do it!Pair work. Point and talk. 巩固检验Check for understanding活动手册36 . Class closing 教师问同学Is the playground near or far from our classroom?五、板书设计 Lesson14 Near and farThis _is near. That _ is far. Is it far from here? No, its near. 六、教学反思Lesson15

10、In the city一、教学目标 1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇street 2.学生能听懂、会说下列句子Where is the zoo? Go straight and turn left.3、在日常生活中注意观察并用简单的英语对话。 二、教学重点同教学目标12 三、教学难点 听懂指令并做动作 go straight, turn left, turn right 四、教学过程 . Class opening and reviewGreeting Hello, class! Wheres the school/classroom/ library/ playground? 让学生回答

11、I can show you. Is the library/ playground near or far? Lesson hook你迷过路吗,这是很可怕的,但是不要担心,今天我们来学习当你不知道如何到达某地时怎样找到路。 . New concepts 1. Where is the zoo? (1)学习city : Whats this? (city) What do you see in the city?(car, bus, people, shop) 教授表示方向的三个标志 举起直行的卡片在黑板上画一个大大的直行箭头,板书go straight 领读并做动作向前直行。举起左转的卡片,

12、在黑板上画一个大大的左转箭头,板书turn left,领读并做动作向左转弯。举起右转的卡片,在黑板上画一个大大的右转箭头,板书turn right领读并做动作向右转弯。 (2)学生看书读,多读几遍。解释lost的含义迷路。(3)回答问题。Who is lost? Where does Danny want to go and how can he get there? 回答语 Go straight and turn left.Theres the zoo. (4)练习。将学生分成3组分别举着go straight, turn left, turn right卡片向不同的方向前行边走边说出短语

13、。 2. Lets do it! Pair work. Point and talk: Where is the school/ library/ restaurant/ zoo? 回答时要运用go straight, turn left, turn right 3. Lets chant! 看书39页第三部分,阅读歌谣,并解释每句话的意思。教师教唱歌谣,先听再跟读。边说边做动作。 巩固检验Check for understanding活动手册38页。 . Class closing 教师问同学 Where is the playground? 生Go straight, turn right

14、. 五、板书设计 Lesson 15 In the city go straight turn left turn right 六、教学反思Lesson16 Cars and buses一、教学目标 1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇bike, taxi, car, bus, thirty 2、学生能认读、理解并运用下列基本句型结构I go to? by? 3、学生能够从20数到30. 4、学生能够辨认20到30的数字形式和书写形式。 5、在日常生活中注意观察并用简单的英语对话。 二、教学重点 同教学目标1-3 三、教学难点 同教学目标四、教学过程 . Class opening and r

15、eview Greeting Hello, class! Please go straight/ turn left/turn right! Lesson hook交通工具有多种,乘车方式有多种,今天我们学习交通方式,很有趣哦。 . New concepts 1. How do you go to school? (1)教授新单词bike, taxi, car, bus谈谈人们去各地的方式。问How did you get to school today? What are some ways for us to get around? What is your favorite way? 板书bike, taxi, car, bus 问 Whats this? 学生拼读,教师板书单词并大声读几



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