威廉布莱克《从一颗沙子看世界》(to see a world in a grain of...[教育相关]

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1、威廉布莱克从一颗沙子看世界(to see a world in a grain of. 威廉布莱克从一颗沙子看世界(To see a world in a grain of sand)2011-03-17 01:07:08 威廉布莱克(William Blake)是18世纪末、19世纪初的一个英国诗人,活着的时候没人知道,直到20世纪初才被挖掘出来。他在国内最出名就是下面四行诗:To see a world in a grain of sandAnd a heaven in a wild flower,Hold infinity in the palm of your handAnd eter

2、nity in an hour.这四行诗的中译,我估计至少有二三十种。下面选贴几种。一沙见世界,一花窥天堂.手心握无限,须臾纳永恒.译者不详在一颗沙粒中见一个世界,在一朵鲜花中见一片天空,在你的掌心里把握无限,在一个钟点里把握无穷。布莱克诗集上海三联,张炽恒译从一粒沙看世界,从一朵花看天堂,把永恒纳进一个时辰,把无限握在自己手心。王佐良一花一世界,一沙一天国,君掌盛无边,刹那含永劫。宗白华一颗沙里看出一个世界一朵野花里一座天堂把无限放在你的手掌上永恒在一刹那里收藏世界上最美丽的英文人生短篇但是,这几行诗在欧美并不是那么有名,讲起布莱克的时候,也不把这看作他的代表作。似乎只有中国人才特别迷恋这几

3、句话,我猜想也许因为这首诗跟佛教思想有相通之处有关系。这四行诗选自一首长达132行、名为天真的预兆(Auguries of Innocence)的长诗,是开头四行。这首长诗似乎并不重要,没有收在布莱克主要几本诗集里,评论家也不谈,我在网上甚至找不到它是写于哪一年的。William Blake - Auguries of InnocenceTo see a world in a grain of sand,And a heaven in a wild flower,Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,And eternity in an hour.A r

4、obin redbreast in a cagePuts all heaven in a rage.A dove-house filld with doves and pigeonsShudders hell thro all its regions.A dog starvd at his masters gatePredicts the ruin of the state.A horse misused upon the roadCalls to heaven for human blood.Each outcry of the hunted hareA fibre from the bra

5、in does tear.A skylark wounded in the wing,A cherubim does cease to sing.The game-cock clipt and armd for fightDoes the rising sun affright.Every wolfs and lions howlRaises from hell a human soul.The wild deer, wandring here and there,Keeps the human soul from care.The lamb misusd breeds public stri

6、fe,And yet forgives the butchers knife.The bat that flits at close of eveHas left the brain that wont believe.The owl that calls upon the nightSpeaks the unbelievers fright.He who shall hurt the little wrenShall never be belovd by men.He who the ox to wrath has movdShall never be by woman lovd.The w

7、anton boy that kills the flyShall feel the spiders enmity.He who torments the chafers spriteWeaves a bower in endless night.The caterpillar on the leafRepeats to thee thy mothers grief.Kill not the moth nor butterfly,For the last judgement draweth nigh.He who shall train the horse to warShall never

8、pass the polar bar.The beggars dog and widows cat,Feed them and thou wilt grow fat.The gnat that sings his summers songPoison gets from slanders tongue.The poison of the snake and newtIs the sweat of envys foot.The poison of the honey beeIs the artists jealousy.The princes robes and beggars ragsAre

9、toadstools on the misers bags.A truth thats told with bad intentBeats all the lies you can invent.It is right it should be so;Man was made for joy and woe;And when this we rightly know,Thro the world we safely go.Joy and woe are woven fine,A clothing for the soul divine.Under every grief and pineRun

10、s a joy with silken twine.The babe is more than swaddling bands;Every farmer understands.Every tear from every eyeBecomes a babe in eternity;This is caught by females bright,And returnd to its own delight.The bleat, the bark, bellow, and roar,Are waves that beat on heavens shore.The babe that weeps

11、the rod beneathWrites revenge in realms of death.The beggars rags, fluttering in air,Does to rags the heavens tear.The soldier, armd with sword and gun,Palsied strikes the summers sun.The poor mans farthing is worth moreThan all the gold on Africs shore.One mite wrung from the labrers handsShall buy

12、 and sell the misers lands;Or, if protected from on high,Does that whole nation sell and buy.He who mocks the infants faithShall be mockd in age and death.He who shall teach the child to doubtThe rotting grave shall neer get out.He who respects the infants faithTriumphs over hell and death.The child

13、s toys and the old mans reasonsAre the fruits of the two seasons.The questioner, who sits so sly,Shall never know how to reply.He who replies to words of doubtDoth put the light of knowledge out.The strongest poison ever knownCame from Caesars laurel crown.Nought can deform the human raceLike to the

14、 armours iron brace.When gold and gems adorn the plow,To peaceful arts shall envy bow.A riddle, or the crickets cry,Is to doubt a fit reply.The emmets inch and eagles mileMake lame philosophy to smile.He who doubts from what he seesWill neer believe, do what you please.If the sun and moon should dou

15、bt,Theyd immediately go out.To be in a passion you good may do,But no good if a passion is in you.The whore and gambler, by the stateLicensed, build that nations fate.The harlots cry from street to streetShall weave old Englands winding-sheet.The winners shout, the losers curse,Dance before dead Englands hearse.Every night and every mornSome to misery are born,Every morn and every nightSome are born to sweet delight.Some are born to sweet delight,Some are born to endless night.We



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