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1、Lesson 1 I Am Excited借鉴教案 二次备课教学内容: Lesson 1 I Am Excited教学目标: 1. 学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇: run,sorry, jump, sing, dance, sit, down, stand, up2. 学生能认读,理解并运用下列基本句型结构: Please dont 重点、难点: 学生能认读, 理解并运用下列基本句型结构: Pleasedont 教学准备:教学光盘教学过程:一、 Class opening and review1. Greeting :How do you feel?2. Review :What di

2、d you do on the holiday?Talk about their holiday.这是开学后的第一课,通过让学生谈论自己寒假的事情及春节买的新衣服,激活学生的思维,唤起记忆,为后面的有效学习打下良好的基础。二、 New conceptMrs. Li and Danny, Jenny will go to Beijing, but now whereare they? What ha ppened? Let s listen.播放光盘。整体感知课文,理解含义。同时听的时候给出问题,带着问题去听,让学生听的更集中更有针对性。Is Danny naughty?What does Mr

3、s. Li say?Introduce :Dont_. Please _.Listen and write. Dont swim! Dont smoke! Dontturn left!Please go straight! Please close the door教师要借助图片、动作等直观形象的方式呈现新知,让学生理解性的去学习。Watch the video again, follow to read.1听录音跟读,让学生模仿规范的语音语调 , 从人物的表情、语气变化中体会句子的含义。Can you perform?学生自编短剧, 在惟妙惟肖的动作表演中理解运用本课的新知。三、practi

4、ce1. Read the text. 分角色读课文并表演。指导学生朗读时的语音语调, 养成良好的按意群朗读的好习惯。2. pair work:Listen and do.3. Let s do it!(1) Read and match.(2) Look, say and write.学以致用,学生能把文本中学到的知识运用到自己的生活实践中,表达各自的情感,实现了“用英语做事情”的目的。四、classclosingHomework:Read the text.Exercise book.板书设计:Lesson 1: I Am Excited!run.jump. stand up.Dont s

5、ing. Please sit down.dance.课后反思:2借鉴教案 二次备课教学内容: Lesson 2 What Are You Doing?教学目标:1. 学生能听懂、 会说、认读并书写下列词汇: see, look,look out of, look at , boy, girl, now, draw, picture,2. 学生能认读,理解并运用下列基本句型结构:What are you see? What are you doing?I am drawing a picture.重点、难点 : :1. 学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇: see,look, look ou

6、t of, look at , boy, girl, now, draw, picture,2. 学生能认读,理解并运用下列基本句型结构:What are you see? What are you doing?I am drawing a picture.教学准备:教学光盘教学过程:一Class opening and review1. Greeting :How do you feel?2. Review :What do you like to do ?复习环节也要多采用小组或两人组活动,不是师问生答,而是生生对话, 这样才能扩大学生的参与面 , 并且复习的内容要与新授知识相关。二New

7、 conceptThey are on the train now. What do they see on the train?Let s listen !播放第一部分光盘。整体感知文本,理解大意。听的时候给出问题,带着问题去听,让学生听的更集中更有针对性出示一些图片, What do you see?What are they doing on the train? Let s listen.此活动可以是口语表达,也可以是写句子,通过比赛的形式,看哪一队说的最多或写的最多,激发学生参与的兴致播放第二部分光盘培养学生根据要求抓住关键信息,然后提炼信息,完成任务。3利用动画形式或其他运动的形式

8、介绍现在进行时: I mjumping.She is swimming.They are talking 现在进行时强调正在进行的动作,所以教师呈现给学生的一定是正在做的事,持续播放的动画或动作等,更真实贴切,利于学生理解和接受。播放整篇文本, listen and read.三 Practice1.Read and perform the text.2. Let s do it!Pair work, point and talk.学以致用,学生能把文本中学到的知识运用到自己的生活实践中,实现了“用英语做事情”的目的。四 ClassclosingHomework:Read the text.E

9、xercise book.板书设计:Lesson 2: What are you doing?What do you see? I see _.What is the boy doing now?He is drawing a picture.What is the girl doing now?She is looking out of the window.课后反思:借鉴教案 二次备课4教学内容: Lesson 3 Who Is Singing?教学目标: 1. 学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇: woman,baby,cry, talk, man, sleep2. 学生能认读,理解并

10、运用下列基本句型结构: Whois/Who s _ing?重点、难点:1. 学生能听懂、 会说、认读并书写下列词汇: woman,baby,cry, talk, man, sleep2. 学生能认读, 理解并运用下列基本句型结构: Whois/Who s _ing?教学准备:教学光盘教学过程:一Class opening and reviewGreeting :How do you feel?Review :What are you/is he/she doing now?二New conceptThey are on the train now. What are they doing no

11、w? Let slisten !播放光盘。整体感知文本,理解大意。听的时候给出问题,带着问题去听,让学生听的更集中更有针对性。Watch again, introduce “Who”谁。Who is singing?Who is the man?Who is crying?由旧知引出新知,这样过渡自然,学生易于理解。出示一些图片, 如活动图片或家庭图片, 练习 who 句型。Look atthe pictures and talk:Who is running?Who is drawing?Who is the boy in red shorts?Who is the man with bro

12、wn hair?.运用图片等直观形象的辅助材料,帮助学生操练所学新知,符合小学生的认知规律和学习特点,效率高,印象深。5播放光盘Listen and follow to read.Listen and sing.优美的旋律,不断复现的新知,让学生在轻松愉悦的心境下巩固知识。三Practice1.Read the text.2. Let s do it!Pair work, point and talk.四ClassclosingHomework:Read the text.Exercise book.板书设计:Lesson 3: Who is singing ?Who is singing?T

13、he woman behind me is singing.Who is crying?The baby is crying.Who is talking?Danny is talking to the man behind you.课后反思:借鉴教案 二次备课教学内容: Lesson 4 Who Is Hungry?6教学目标: 1. 学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇: who, hungry,water, tea, candy2. 学生能认读,理解并运用下列基本句型结构: Who is hungry?Would you like _? Yes, please. / No, thanks

14、.重点、难点:1. 学生能听懂、 会说、认读并书写下列词汇: who, hungry,water, tea, candy2. 学生能认读,理解并运用下列基本句型结构: Who is hungry?Would you like _? Yes, please. / No, thanks.教学准备:教学光盘教学过程:一、Class opening and reviewGreeting :How do you feel?Review :Whats your favorite food?What would you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?二、New concep

15、tDanny is hungry.What would he like? Let s listen !播放光盘。整体感知文本,理解大意。听的时候给出问题,带着问题去听,让学生听的更集中更有针对性。What would Jenny and Li Ming like?Let s read.学生由听变为阅读,通过自读或小组合作读文本,找出问题的答案,逐步提高阅读能力。播放光盘Listen and follow to read.模仿标准的语音语调跟读。三、practice1.Read the text.2. Let s do it!7(1)Pair work. Look and talk.(2) Look and w


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