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1、2022年考博英语-中国艺术研究院考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题One theory about intelligence sees language as the logical structure underlying thinking and insists that since animals are mute, they must be mindless as well.问题1选项A.inactiveB.cooperativeC.unintelligentD.brutal【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。句意:有一种关于智力的理论认为语言是思维的逻辑结构,坚称既然动物不

2、会说话,那么它们也一定是没有头脑的。A选项inactive“不活跃的”;B选项cooperative“合作的”;C选项unintelligent“愚蠢的,不聪明的”;D选项brutal“残忍的,野蛮的”。mindless意为“愚蠢的,没有头脑的”,选项C与之意思相近,代入符合语境。2. 单选题You may never experience an earthquake or a volcanic eruption in your life, but you will( )changes in the land.问题1选项A.adaptB.adoptC.witnessD.define【答案】C【

3、解析】考查动词辨析。A选项adapt“适应,改编”;B选项adopt“采取,接受”;C选项witness“目击,见证”;D选项define“定义,规定”。句意:在你的生命中你可能从来没有经历过地震或火山爆发,但是你将见证这片土地的变化。选项C符合语境。3. 单选题There have been several attempts to introduce gayer colors and styles in mens clothing, but none of them( ).问题1选项A.has caught onB.has caught him outC.has caught upD.tak

4、e roots【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项原形是catch on“理解,明白,变得流行”;B选项原形是catch out“发现有错误”;C选项原形是catch up“赶上”;D选项take roots“生根,扎根”。句意“曾有几次尝试在男装中引入更鲜艳的颜色和风格,但都没有流行起来”。选项A符合语境。4. 单选题We can begin our discussion of “population as a global issue” with what most person mean when they discuss “the population problem”: too m

5、any people on earth and a too rapid increase in the number added each year. The facts are not in dispute. It was quite right to employ a similar matter that linked demographic (人口统计学) growth to “a long, thin power fuse that burns steadily from time to time until it finally reaches the limit, and exp

6、lodes”.To understand the current situation, which is characterized by rapid increases in population, it is necessary to understand the history of population trends. Rapid growth is a comparatively recent phenomenon. Looking back at the 8,000 years of demographic history. We find that population have

7、 been really stable or growing very slightly for most of human history. For most of our ancestors, life was hard, often nasty, and very short. For most of human history, it was seldom the case that one in ten persons would live past forty, where infancy and childhood were especially risky periods. O

8、ften, societies were in clear danger of extinction because death rates could exceed their birth rates. Thus, the population problem throughout most of history was how to prevent extinction of the human race.This pattern is important to know. Not only does it put the current problems of demographic g

9、rowth into a historical perspective, but it suggests that the cause of rapid increase in population in recent years is not a sudden enthusiasm for more children, but an improvement in the conditions that traditionally have caused high rate of death.Demographic history can be divided into two major p

10、eriods: a time of long, slow growth which extended from about 8000 B.C. till approximately 1650 A.D. And a period of rapid growth since 1650. In the first period of some 9,600 years, the population increased form some 8 million to 500 million in 1650. Between 1650 and the present, the population has

11、 increased from 500 million to more than 4 billion. And it is estimated that by the year 2020 there will be 8 billion people throughout the world. One way to appreciate this dramatic difference in such abstract numbers is to reduce the time frame to something that is more manageable. Between 8000 B.

12、C. and 1650, an average of only 50,000 persons was being added annually to the worlds population each year. At present, this number is added every six hours. The increase is about 80,000,000 persons annually.1. According to the passage, “population as a global issue” ( ).2. It can be inferred from t

13、he example of a power fuse that( ).3. What leads to a stable growth of population for most of human history?4. The reason for a rapid growth of population lies in the fact that( ).5. How many people are born every six hours at present, according to the author?问题1选项A.is quite unlike the population pr

14、oblem and thus doesnt need our concernB.focuses on tracking down the reason of rapid population growthC.deals with the same problem aroused by the population problemD.will manage the population growth problem from global perspectives问题2选项A.too much population will one day lead to the doom of human b

15、eingsB.the trend of population growth will keep unsteady until the destruction of EarthC.demographic growth will follow a certain pattern of ups and downsD.it is likely in the near future that population will reduce gradually问题3选项A.Species competitionB.Low fertilityC.Tribal fightsD.High rate of death问题4选项A.people are permitted to have more childrenB.people can live better than beforeC.newborn babies die less than beforeD.we have found the secret of longevity问题5选项A.Eighty million.B.Eight thousandC.Fifty thousandD.



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