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1、摘 要河南省是农业大省,是中国的粮食主产区。近年来,随着环境的恶化和城镇化的不断推进,其耕地面积在不断缩减,土地等自然资源制约的影响越来越大。随着农业现代化水平的普遍提高,越来越多从事农业生产劳动的人员从农业生产中解放出来,剩余劳动力的队伍不断壮大;另一方面,农业科技飞速发展,农机设备产能过剩。本文就河南面临的一系列问题:潜在的粮食危机、过剩的劳动力资源、过剩的农机产能及土地资源的制约等,结合国家提出的“一带一路”倡议,提出河南农业如何更好地“走出去”的若干建议,从而有效解决河南所面临的问题。本文共分为六部分:第一部分为绪论,通过阐述农业“走出去”的研究背景和意义,提出本文要研究的主题,并指出


3、议,在前文研究的基础上,针对农业“走出去”过程中出现的问题,提出有针对性的政策建议:政府牵头建立统一协调部门或组织、设立河南农业“走出去”专款专用基金、对出境人员进行有针对性的培训,及做好相应的政府服务工作。第六部分为结论和展望,得出河南与“一带一路”沿线部分国家和地区在农业方面存在互补优势,对解决河南省潜在的粮食安全问题、农机产能过剩问题和剩余劳动力转移问题有很大帮助。河南农业“走出去”不光是解决内部问题的有效途径,也是参与国际交流和竞争的一把利器,有着十分重要的意义。关 键 词:农业“走出去”、“一带一路”、剩余劳动力论文类型:其他选题来源:自选课题ABSTRACTHenan Provin

4、ce is a large agricultural province and is Chinas main grain production area. In recent years, with the deterioration of the environment and the continuous advancement of urbanization, the area of arable land has been shrinking, and the influence of natural resources such as land has become increasi

5、ngly significant. With the general improvement of the level of agricultural modernization, more and more people engaged in agricultural production and labor have been liberated from agricultural production, and the ranks of the surplus labor force have continued to grow. On the other hand, agricultu

6、ral science and technology have developed rapidly, and agricultural machinery and equipment have excess capacity. This paper presents a series of problems facing Henan: the potential food crisis, excess labor resources, excess agricultural machinery capacity, and restrictions on land resources. In c

7、onjunction with the “Belt and Road Initiative” proposed by the state, it is proposed how Henan agriculture can better “go out”. Several suggestions have been made to effectively solve the problems facing Henan.This article is divided into six parts: The first part is the introduction. Through expoun

8、ding the research background and significance of the going out of agriculture, this paper puts forward the theme of this paper, and points out that the going out of Henan agriculture has very important significance for solving the Henan issue. . The second part is the necessity and feasibility of go

9、ing out in Henan agriculture. The necessity is discussed from the aspects of potential food crisis, excess labor surplus, land resource restriction and overcapacity of farm machinery; feasibility is from Henan agriculture and target country. Comparing the relevant areas, we have concluded that Henan

10、 agriculture has comparative advantages and abundant labor resources, and rich natural resources per capita in the target country; the “One Belt, One Road” strategic environment boosts the situation. The third part is the current situation of going out in Henans agriculture. It elaborates on several

11、 aspects including agricultural products, agricultural machinery import and export, and agricultural foreign investment and labor export. The fourth part is about the problems and obstacles existing in the going out of Henans agriculture. It is analyzed that there is a lack of a unified coordination

12、 mechanism for the going out of agriculture, a small-scale financing difficulty for export, and obvious cultural differences and barriers for communication between the outbound personnel and the entry. The fifth part is the countermeasures and recommendations. Based on the previous research, we prop

13、ose targeted policy recommendations for the problems that arise during the “going out” of agriculture: the government takes the lead to establish a unified coordination department or organization and establish Henan agriculture. Special funds for special purposes, targeted training for outbound pers

14、onnel, and appropriate government services. The sixth part concludes the conclusion and outlook, and concludes that Henan and some countries and regions along the “One Belt and One Road” have complementary advantages in agriculture, and it has great potential for solving the potential food security

15、problems in Henan Province, overcapacity of agricultural machinery, and surplus labor transfer. help. The going out of Henans agriculture is not only an effective way to solve internal problems, but also a powerful tool for participating in international exchanges and competitions. It has very impor

16、tant significance.KEY WORDS: Agriculture going out, the belt and road initiative, surplus laborDissertation type: OtherSubject source: Optional subject目 录第一章 绪论1第一节 研究的背景及意义1一、研究的背景1二、研究的意义2第二节 国内外研究综述3一、国外研究现状3二、国内研究现状4第三节 研究思路与方法6一、研究思路6二、研究方法7第四节 创新之处8第二章 河南农业“走出去”的必要性和可行性9第一节 河南农业“走出去”的必要性9一、潜在的粮食危机9二、日益严重的农村劳动力剩余就业压力10三、日趋紧张的耕地资源12四、农机农资产能过剩13第二节 河南农业“走出去”的可行性14一、河南农业的比较优



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