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1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit5 What are the shirts made of?单元练习 一、听力(听力)(共20小题;共20分) 一、听力部分(20分). 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(5分) 1.A. crazyB. tinyC. noisy 2.A. decisionB. inventionC. permission 3.A. take outB. ate upC. put up 4.A. up toB. get toC. come up to 5.A. We disagreed with each other.B. We havent known anything a

2、t all.C. We have agreed with each other. . 听对话和问题,选择正确答案(5分) 6.A. He is singing a song.B. He is reading a poem.C. He is writing a poem. 7.A. Because he wants to take an English course.B. Because he wants to give an English speech.C. Because he wants to meet an English learner. 8.A. Hainan.B. Beidaih

3、e.C. Nanjing. 9.A. B. C. 10.A. B. C. . 听语段、对话和问题,选择正确答案(5分)11. Where are they talking?A. In a hospital.B. At a shopping store.C. In the restaurant.12. What does the man want to buy?A. A shirt.B. A tie.C. A shirt and a tie.13. What does he buy them for?A. A birthday party.B. Finding a job.C. A weddin

4、g.14. Why doesnt he want to buy the red tie?A. Because he doesnt like its shape.B. Because he doesnt like its colour.C. Because it doesnt match his shirt.15. How much money does the man pay?A. 210 yuan.B. 120 yuan.C. 330 yuan. . 听短文,选择正确答案(5分)16. When do most astronauts begin training?A. At school.B

5、. Between 27 and 37.C. Older than 37.17. What do all astronauts need to do?A. Study engineering, medicine or one of the sciences.B. Be pilots in the air force at first.C. Speak more than two languages.18. Why must you be healthy if you want to be an astronaut?A. Because you should walk in space.B. B

6、ecause it is very cold when you are training.C. Because the astronaut training can be tiring.19. What do you need to learn if you are on a spacecraft?A. How to go around the Earth.B. How to live and work alone.C. How to get on well with people.20. How many tips are there in the passage?A. Two.B. Thr

7、ee.C. Four.二、单项选择(共15小题;共15分)21.Many children in Britain to have their own bank cards these days.A. allowB. allowedC. are allowedD. were allowed22.- Dont you see the sign No Parking! on the right?- Sorry, I didnt. But now I know parking here.A. wasnt allowedB. isnt allowedC. wont allowD. doesnt allo

8、w23.He is very surprised that all the houses in the village white.A. paintB. paintedC. are paintingD. are painted24.We to start at once, or we will miss the train.A. tellB. have toldC. are toldD. told25.- Does she like singing English songs?- Yes. She to sing English songs in her room.A. often doesB

9、. is often heardC. often hears26.- What do you know about Xiangyang?- Its its state level scenic spot (景点)Gulongzhong.A. famous asB. different fromC. similar toD. known for27.You two live in the same community now. Its too hard for you to avoid her.A. to meetB. to meetingC. meetingD. met28.Last nigh

10、t Miss Smith told us a story.A. livingB. liveC. livelyD. alive29.The desk is made wood, and its made Shanghai.A. of; byB. of; inC. from; inD. from; by30.- Your coat looks very nice. Whats it made ?- Cotton, and it is made Wuhan.A. from; inB. of; inC. from; onD. of; on31.A year has four seasons and i

11、t twelve different star signs.A. divided intoB. is dividing intoC. divided intoD. is divided into32.The world has a big headache and it by money. It began in America last year.A. causeB. causesC. is causedD. are caused33.Every year, more than 70,000,000 sharks for their fins(鱼翅).A. were killedB. hav

12、e killedC. are killedD. will kill34.- Look at the sign on the right.- Oh, parking here.A. doesnt allowB. isnt allowedC. didnt allowedD. wasnt allowed35.The room every day. You can live in it now.A. cleansB. is cleaningC. is cleanedD. has cleaned三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)36. China now p enough rice

13、to feed her people every year.37. - Which language is spoken most w in the world?- English.38. The small l (当地的) school closed in Parkville closed down five years ago.39. My little brother has many foreign classmates as he studies in an i school.40. There was a l discussion in our class. Everybody gave his or her ideas.41. There are many kinds of plastic p in the department store.42. She had trouble making c sentences.43. The street has lots of t . Its very busy.44. You should learn



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