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1、Increasing Contest BenefitsActivitiesTime NeededMaterials NeededPeople InvolvedBefore ContestStart of ContestDuring ContestContest Follow-upSupervisory MethodsSales RepresentativesMethods Monitoring Frequency*RecordsField ObservationSupervisory InterviewComments*A = Weekly; B = Monthly; C = Quarterl

2、y; D = Semiannually; E = AnnuallySupervisory MethodsSales RepresentativesMethods Monitoring Frequency*RecordsField ObservationSupervisory InterviewComments*A = Weekly; B = Monthly; C = Quarterly; D = Semiannually; E = AnnuallySAMPLEImproving PerformanceSelf-Development Programfor(Name)(Use separate

3、page for each objective)ObjectiveIn the next six months, I want to:StepsTo reach this objective, I must:Completion DateI will complete thisstep by:ResponsibilityThe people who will beinvolved in this step are:Learn more about whatReproduce copies of the Outcomes chart6/14Secretarymotivates individua

4、l sales(LIMRAs permission granted)representatives whoreport to meAsk sales reps to rank outcomes in order of6/21Self, all sales repsimportance to themComplete a second copy of the Outcomes chart for 6/28Selfeeach sales rep as I think the person would rankthemSchedule private interviews with sales re

5、ps to8/30Self, all sales repsdiscuss the value of the outcomes to each personDevelop personalized guidelines for supervising10/11Selfeach sales rep based on individual valuesSchedule periodic follow-up interviewsOngoingSelfImproving PerformanceSelf-Development Programfor(Name)(Use separate page for

6、each objective)ObjectiveIn the next six months, I want to:StepsTo reach this objective, I must:Completion DateI will complete thisstep by:ResponsibilityThe people who will beinvolved in this step are:Sales Representatives NamesTOTAL:Add across rowfor field salesoffice ratingin each area.I. Key Sales

7、 ActivitiesA.ProspectingB.Needs analysisC.Selling and closingD.Policy administrationE.Planning and goal-settingF.Dealing with other peopleII. Skills and Abilities1.Communication ability2.Ability to control situations3.Interpersonal relations skills4.Time management andadministrative ability5.Ethical

8、 and professionalbehavior6.Ability to learn and applyprocedures . . .7.Goal and achievementmotivation8.Market potential9.Independence and self-reliance10.Technical insuranceknowledge11.Prospecting abilityTOTAL:Add each columnto get a composite rating or each sales representative.Rate each sales repr

9、esentative on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = lowest; 5 = highest)Refer to Skills and Abilities Glossary for definitionsIndividual Performance StandardsActivities per QuarterName ofSales RepresentativeAnnualProduction GoalQuarterlyProduction GoalNo.of SalesNo. ofClosing InterviewsNo. ofFact-findingInterviewsNo. ofContacts to SecureInterviewsNo. ofEfforts toEstablish ContactIndividual Performance StandardsActivities per QuarterName ofSales RepresentativeAnnualPro


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