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1、应用型大学英语第二册学习参考资料Unit 2Starter B. Listen to a passage and write down the words expressing negative feelings.Tapescript It is said that the worst enemy can be in ones family. Having been born into a family does not mean everyone in your family will treat you as family. Sometimes, some people in your f

2、amily may treat you as an enemy. There are some reasons for this. One reason would be jealousy, like a brother or sister being jealous of the others achievements or attention one sibling is getting more than the other from their parents. Another reason would be spite, due to some family members feel

3、ing the need to hurt someone they want to see in a humble or inferior position in life. Some family members may be controlling and resent the person they are trying to control for resisting their influence over him/her. Sometimes, people just hate for no reason.Text AHarboring Ill Feelings 1 There w

4、as once a little boy who dreamed of sailing around the world. He shared his dream with his mother and father, his teachers and schoolmates, his minister and his friends. But instead of embracing his dream and encouraging him to follow his hearts desire, they made fun of him, laughed at him and belit

5、tled his vision. 2 You will never sail around the world, his father scoffed. When you are of age, I will get you a job at the factory where I work and you will follow in my footsteps. 授课:XXX3 But I dont want to follow in your footsteps, I want to sail on the open seas and visit new lands, the little

6、 boy protested. The father just laughed and shook his head, showing no faith in his son or his dream. 4 The kids at school also made fun of him, so much so that he stopped sharing his thoughts and desires and kept them hidden within his heart, until the time arrived, when he could make them a realit

7、y. 5 It seemed that the worlds thumb was pressing the boy down throughout his adolescence. Within fifteen years, the boy became a man. He had worked two jobs night and day saving his money, so he could put a down payment on a sailboat. 6 He answered an ad in the newspaper and set up a meeting with t

8、he owner of a sailboat at the local harbor. The young man bought the boat on site and immediately paid the down payment and signed the sales agreement. He was so happy he began to share the news with everyone he knew. They were surprised, to say the least, and wished him well, while never admitting

9、they were wrong. But he didnt care, because now, he owned his own sailboat. 7 The next day, he went to the harbor intending to take his boat out on the water, when he saw official-looking men surrounding his newly purchased sailboat. The men were federal agents who were preparing to seize the boat.

10、The man who sold the boat was a con man and drug runner and the boat was now being confiscated in a federal drug sting operation. 8 The young man had lost his lifes savings. He was horrified! The federal agents said they would be back in the morning to take possession of the boat and left without ev

11、en showing concern for the young mans loss. As the young man was leaving, the harbormaster presented him with a bill in the amount of twelve hundred dollars for past docking fees, owed by the previous owner. 9 This was the last straw. The young man cursed the harbormaster and left. He came back late

12、r with a can of black spray paint and painted over the sign on the boat, which displayed the boats name, Serenity. He then wrote the new name he was now giving the boat, Ill Feelings. He got on the boat and started to sail out to sea. If he could have the boat for only one night, then he was going t

13、o sail it.授课:XXX 10 The harbormaster waved his arms and yelled for the young man to stop, that there was a storm coming. But the young man just cursed him again and continued heading out to sea. 11 Sure enough, after sailing ten miles out a storm overtook the boat, tossing it from side to side. The

14、young man frantically headed the boat back to shore. When he was a mile from the harbor, he radioed the harbormaster and asked him to prepare for his docking. The harbormaster told him no, that he wouldnt let him dock at his harbor. 12 Was it because of what I said, the young man said in desperation

15、. 13 No, I never hold a grudge, the harbormaster said. One thing is for sure I never harbor ill feelings!心怀怨恨 1 有一个小男孩梦想着驾船环游世界,他把自己的梦想告诉给父母、老师、同学,告诉他的牧师和朋友们。然而他们不但不接受和鼓励他去实现自己的梦想,反而取笑他、嘲弄他,轻视他的憧憬。 2 “你永远不可能驾船环游世界。”他的父亲嘲笑道。“等你长大后,我会在我工作的工厂给你找份工作,你将跟我过一样的日子。” 3 “但我不想跟你一样,我想航行在辽阔的海洋上,见识见识陌生的国家。”小男孩抗议道

16、。他父亲只是笑了笑,摇了摇头,对儿子和儿子的梦想没有什么信心。 4 在学校里,同学们也拿他开玩笑,以至于他再也不愿和他们交流想法和愿望,而是把这些想法和愿望埋藏在心底,等待着有一天能把它们变成现实。 5 在他年少时期,好像全世界都不支持他的想法。十五年后他长大成人了,他夜以继日地干着两份工作,终于攒够了购买一艘船所需的首付金。 6 他看到了报纸上的一则广告并写了回信,在当地港口见了那个船主。这个年轻人当场买下了那艘船,并立刻付了首付金,签订了买卖合同。他太高兴了,把这个消息告诉给了所有他认识的人。他们很惊讶,这样说毫不夸张,但他们还是祝他一切顺利,然而绝不承认自己是错的。但他并不在乎这些,因为现在他拥有了自己的船。授课:XXX



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