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1、江苏大学本科毕业设计继 续 教 育 学 院C o l l e g e O f C o n t i n u i n g E d u c a t i o n Of J i a n g s u U n i v e r s i t y本 科 毕 业 论 文基于PLC的旋转灌装机控制系统设计学生学号: 学生姓名: 专业班级: 指导教师姓名: 指导教师职称: 年 月 基于PLC的旋转灌装机控制系统设计专业班级: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 教师职称:摘 要食品机械是专为食品工业服务的,包装机械大约有70%是为食品包装服务的,特别是近年来饮料工业迅速发展,使得液体灌装设备的需求大量增长。美国、日本等国的包装设备

2、正在向高效率、高精度、高自动化程度方向发展。我国的包装机械起步较晚,主要是采用引进一消化的发展模式,虽能满足生产需求,但技术含量不高,特别是对光、磁和计算机等先进技术的应用较少,从而使得我国包装机械的包装精度和运行稳定性同国外设备相比存在着较大差距。本论文对集清洗、灌装、加盖三合一体的旋转型灌装机一XG-24128进行控制系统研究,使其对500ml PET瓶灌装速度可达18000BPH以上,单个封盖头的工作效率可达2000-2200瓶/小时,灌装容量误差不大于3%。,在高速灌装下能够实现高的灌装精度和运行稳定性,自动生产可以实现无瓶不灌装和无瓶不加盖。并对XG-24128型灌装机的关键技术-一

3、个伺服泵同时控制两个灌装头并实现连续灌装的控制设计进行研究。首先,对XG-24128型灌装机进行控制系统方案设计。在研究XG-24128型灌装机整体结构的基础上分析其灌装的工艺流程,并根据设计要求确定灌装机控制系统的整体方案。其次,明确控制系统的硬件配置。根据灌装机的设备状况和工艺要求,确定PLC的类型及相关模块,对I/O 口进行定义,并对伺服电机、步进电机和其他电器元件进行选型和布置。接着,对XG-24128型灌装机的关键技术-一个伺服泵同时控制两个灌装头并实现连续灌装的控制设计进行研究。分析连续灌装时灌装头位置的确定,对灌装速度进行初步分配,并对其换向机构进行研究。最后,在硬件配置的基础上

4、,对XG-24128型灌装机进行控制系统的软件设计。在对XG-24128型灌装机控制过程进行分析的基础上编制相应的程序和系统软件,实现其灌装流程。进行人机界面的设计,使PLC和触摸屏配合使用,充分发挥触摸屏的优势使系统操作更方便快捷。关键词:灌装机,PLC控制,伺服泵,运动控制,连续灌装IIIBased on the PLC rotary filling machine control system designAbstract:The foodstuff machinery serves the whole food industry, and the about 70 percentof

5、packing machinery serves the foodstuff packaging, especially, beverage industryrapidly develops recently so that there is an increased demand for liquid fillingequipment. There is a new tendency among the packaging equipment of America andJapan towards the direction of high efficiency, high accuracy

6、, and high automation.Domestic packaging machinery developed late, and it principally used thedevelopment mode of import-absorb, although it can meet the demand for production,the technology content is low, especially, it hardly applies advanced technology suchas photo, magnetic and computer and so

7、on. Therefore, there is a great gap betweenthe packaging accuracy and stability of the domestic packaging machinery and theoverseas equipment. The thesis emphasizes on researching on the control system of XG-24128 rotaryfilling machine which integrates washing, filling and spinning caps. The machine

8、ryfills the 500ml pet bottle at a speed of 18000BPH, the efficiency of single tip sealinglid can reach 2000-2200 bottle/hour, and the blunder of filling capability isnt morethan 3%o, so that it can maintain high accuracy and stability at high speed, moreover,the automatic production can reach the go

9、al no bottles no filling, no stopper.Meantime, the thesis also research the key technology of XG-24128 that the fillingsection uses one servo pump to control two tips filling fluid in order to improve thefilling speed and continuous filling.Firstly, this article designs the program of control system

10、. On the basis ofresearching the whole structure of XG-24128, it analyses the process flow of thefilling and determines the whole program of the control system of filling machineaccording to the demand of design.Secondly, this article defines the hardware collocation of control system. Itdetermines

11、the type and correlation module of PLC, defines the I/O in light of theprocess requirements and equipment status of filling machinery, and selects andarranges such electrical sections as servo and feeler search.Furthermore, the article researches the key technology of XG-24128 that thefilling sectio

12、n uses one servo pump to control two tips tilling fluid in order to improvethe filling speed and continuous filling, analyses how to locate the tips filling fluidduring the continuous filling, distributes the speed of filling, and researching thereverse mechanism.Finally, the paper designs software

13、of control system of XG-24128 filling machineon basis of hardware collocation. On basis of analyzing control procedure it draws uprelevant programs and system software with a view to achieving the filling process.While designing software it tries to design HMI of the filling machine.Key words: Filling machine, PLC control, Servo pump, Kinesis control, Continuousfillin目 录中文摘要. IIAbstract. III第1章绪论. 11.1论文研究的背景和意义.11.2灌装技术在国内外的研究现状.21.3灌装机械概述.31.3.1基本概念.31.3.2灌装机的分类.41.4 PLC简介.61.4.1PLC的特点.61.4.2PLC的应用范围.7第2章XG-24128型灌装机控制系统方案设计.102.1



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