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1、2019年无锡市小升初英语模拟试题与答案(试卷满分100分,考试时间60分钟)题号一二三四五六七八总分得分温馨提示:请小朋友仔细审题,细心答题,相信你一定会有出色表现。一、找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词。(10分)( ) 1. A.office B. what C. rope D. wallet( ) 2. A. good B. zoo C. school D. noodles( ) 3. A. rabbit B. bank C. fan D. snake( ) 4. A. yellow B. leg C. museum D. bed( ) 5. A. write B. kite C.

2、bike D. cinema二、选择填空(15分)( )1. This is _ English book. A.a B.an C.the( )2. My friend _ to play basketball. A. like B.is like C.likes( )3. My story books _ on my shelf. A.is B. C.are( )4. Amy likes to eat_. A. potato B.rice C.hot dog( )5. -Who is _ music teacher? -Miss Li. A. your B. you C. I( )6. Jo

3、hns father gets to work _. A. by bike B. by a bike C. on bike( )7. -What _ your father? -He is a policeman. A. is B. does C. do( )8. -Are they sheep? -No, they _. A. dont B. arent C. are( )9. Li Lei _ his bedroom now. A. cleans B. clean C. is cleaning( )10. _ are some flowers in front of the classro

4、om.A. They B. There C. These三、从栏中找出栏句子的正确答语,将其序号填在题前括号内(10分)。 ( ) get up early A 一块蛋糕( ) have a party B 一周以后( ) look like C 起床很早( ) a piece of cake D 举行聚会( ) a week later E 看起来像 四、完形填空(15分) Mike is an Englishman. He lives in a 1 building in the 2 of London. There are eighteen floors in the building

5、and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He 3 a lift to up and down. He works very hard. He 4 work early. Every day he leaves his 5 and walks to the lift. He gets into the lift. Then he walks to 6 him down to the first floor. He gets out of the lift. Then he walks to 7 bus stop. The bus stop is in front

6、 of a bank. It is about two hundred meters from 8 home. Usually, he catches the number 11 bus to work, but sometimes he goes 9 . He works in a factory about ten 10 from his home. His work starts at half past eight, and finishes at a quarter to five. He gets back home at half past five.( )1. A.tall B

7、. short C.small D. large( )2. A. country B. town C. city D. village( )3. A. makes B. uses C. does D. mends( )4. A. begins B. wants C. run D. goes( )5. A home B. building C. office D. kitchen( )6. A. costs B .spends C. takes D. brings( )7. A. an B. a C. the D./( )8. A his B. he C. him D. himself( )9.

8、 A by plane B. by train C.on foot D. by air( )10. A meters B. kilometers C. minutes D. hours五、根据要求改写句子。(8分) 1.Johnhaslunchatschooleveryday.(对画线部分提问) _ 2.Linglinggetsupatsixoclock.(现在进行时) _ 3.Ilikethesmallapple.(否定句) _4.ThattallmanisMrWhite.(对画线部分提问) _ 六、根据文章内容及首字母提示,完成下面短文。(将单词完整地填在下面横线上)(10分)Albert

9、 Einstein is one of the greatest scientists who ever lived. But he couldnt find his way home when he went for a w 1 . He often forgot things. He had other things to think about. Science was m 2 important to him than any other thing in life. Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany. When he was a

10、child, he learned things very s 3 . Albert didnt speaku 4 he was three years old. His parents were w 5 about him. When he was 12, Albert began r 6 math and science books. He was excited about the t 7 he learned in those books. He became more and more interested in math and physics. He wanted to find

11、 the a 8 to the questions about the universe. When he told people about his ideas, other scientists l 9 at him at first. But his ideas changed the world, scientists looked at the universe in a n 10 way. Because of him, we have such things as computers, televisions, and space travel today.1._2._3._4.

12、_5. _6._7._ 8._9 _10. _七、阅读理解(20分)(一)根据短文,判断正误,对的写“T”, 错的写“F”A:What a fine day!B:Yes. Its quite a fine day to have sports meeting! There are so many students on the playground. The matches are very exciting.A: Look! Helen and Yang Ling are running. Helen is behind Yang Ling now.B: Though(尽管)Helen is much taller than Yang Ling, she doesn


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