A Comparative Study on the Eastern and Western Culture1

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《A Comparative Study on the Eastern and Western Culture1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《A Comparative Study on the Eastern and Western Culture1(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、A Comparative Study on the Eastern and Western Culture From the Angle of Chinese-English Appellations Abstract: Appellation is a must in any language communication, and it is also an important sociolinguistic phenomenon, carrying strong cultural flavors and pragmatic characteristics. Since the appel

2、lation terms used in speech indicate the status relationship, peoples attitude and emotion etc., understanding their usages and pragmatic functions can be of great help for a successful communication. For this purpose, this thesis explores the similarities and differences of appellation systems betw

3、een English and Chinese through contrastive studies from the angles of kinship appellations and social appellations and their influences to intercultural communication. Keywords: kinship; social appellation; intercultural communication摘要:称谓在语言交际中至关重要,它也是一个重要的社会语言学现象,带有强烈的文化味道和语用特征。由于称谓术语用以表明身份关系,人的态

4、度和情感等等,了解他们的用法和语用功为交际的顺利进行提供很大的帮助。为此,本文通过对比英汉亲属关系称谓和社会称谓探索称谓的异同,探索中西文化的不同点,以及称谓对跨文化交际的影响。关键字:亲属关系;社会称谓;跨文化交际1. IntroductionIn linguistic communication, appellation is always the first information transmit to the audience. Proper appellation will make the communication go smoothly. In different cultu

5、re climate, the same appellation may have different pragmatical rules, different pragmatical scopes, and different pragmatical meanings (Dai Qingxia, 2004:98). The difference of using appellation is easy to make misunderstanding in intercultural communication. In order to avoid the appellation pragm

6、atic failures in intercultural communication, the difference between Chinese-English appellation should be learned.This paper is based on the kinship term and the address in social intercourse to realize and compare the differences between Chinese-English appellation, and understand the differences

7、between Chinese-English culture. In the communication, people have to bring different appellations to represent the speaker and the audience, e.g. teachers vs students, employers vs employees, governors vs publics etc. In this essay I expound from the following three points: the appellation of post

8、and profession, general social appellation and name appellation. At last, this essay gets the general understanding of intercultural differences on appellation by comparing Chinese-English appellation. 2. Classification of appellationAppellation is a must in any language communication, and it is als

9、o an important sociolinguistic phenomenon, carrying strong cultural flavors and pragmatic characteristics (Deng Yancang, 1989). The appellation terms used in speech indicate the status relationship, peoples attitude and emotion etc. Understanding their usages and pragmatic functions can be of great

10、help to successful communication. Different appellation, on the one hand, can reflect different identity, social status and distance of relationship between hearer and speaker. On the other hand, it can express the speakers idea or emotion to the hearer. Understanding the pragmatic difference of app

11、ellation is helpful to reduce the pragmatic misuse in intercultural communication, getting the expected communication effective. Appellation can be divided into: kinship term and social term.2.1 The comparison of kinship term between East and WestKinship systems refer to the blood and marriage relat

12、ionships that help people distinguish between categories of kin, create rights and obligations between kin, and serve ad the basis for the formation of certain types of kin groups (Ferraro, 1995:179).2.1.1 The comparison of kinship termsWhen compared Chinese appellation with English appellation, we

13、can easily find that Chinese appellation is much more complicated than that in English. The differences of appellation between east and west mainly exist in the following two aspects. There are equivalent kinship appellations employed in both Chinese and English to address the nuclear family members

14、. But, it is also found that Chinese kinship terms for paternal relatives are not the same as those for maternal relatives, while in English, same kinship terms are used to address the relatives from both sides, regardless of age and gender. E.g.: In English, cousin can represent eight Chinese appel

15、lations “表哥、表弟、表姐、表妹、堂哥、堂弟、堂姐、堂妹”. In China people use such terms as “姨妈,姑妈,舅妈,婶婶,伯母”etc. to distinguish female relatives of mothers generation, but in English all of those are represented by one word : aunt. In English, the peers, or the sisters and brothers usually do not use kinship appellation.

16、They can call others name or nickname instead. E.g.: “John-Johnny, Robert-Rob”. At the same circumstance, in Chinese, we not only add up kinship appellation but also mark the seniority among brothers and sisters. E.g.: “大哥、大姐、二哥”.After the analysis, we find that Chinese kinship terms have strong specificity while English kinship terms have strong generality from above. Chinese kinship terms not only definitely show interactive relations, but al



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