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1、英语vii译林牛津版unit2task自我检测(一)单项选择( )1. There is hardly any possibility of an agreement _. A. reachedB. being reachedC. to reachD. having reached( )2. She is such an introvert girl that she always keep others _.A. at the distanceB. in the distanceC. at a distanceD. in a distance( )3. He was regarded as

2、a completely liar, as the truth has _. A. come to lightB. brought to lightC. come to the lightD.brought to the light( )4. You should _ your expenditure to your income, or you will not survive on so little money.A. adoptB. adaptC. adjustD. adjacent( )5.The president took a firm _ on nuclear disarmame

3、nt. A. stand B. attitudeC. positionD. side( )6. We have a break halfway _ lessons or other activities and ask students to look out of the window _ objects that are far away.A. at; for B. across; atC. through ; at D. over; for( )7. No.1 Secondary School makes it certain to get all the students eyes _

4、 regularly to protect their eyesight. A. checkingB. to be checkedC. to check D. checked( )8. Students are _ to do eye exercises both at school and at home. A. remindedB. suggestedC. hopedD. demanded( )9. The manager found it impossible to _ terms of the contract.A. agree withB. agree to C. agree abo

5、utD. agree on( )10. Gambling is _ by some church authorities.A. frowned at B. frowned on C. frowned D. frowned against( )11.Would you be able to_ the man who robbed you? A. identityB. identical C. identificationD. identify( )12. _ but also remembered what he had read.A. Not only he read the bookB. N

6、ot only does he read the bookC. Not only did he read the bookD. He not only reads the book ( )13. I have nothing to say _ complaints.A. with regard toB. with regards toC. in regards toD. regarding to( )14. In order to help protect students eyesight, schools are responsible for _ for students with ey

7、esight problems.A. looking outB. looking overC. looking throughD. looking out( )15. It was over a decade _ someone else turned penicillin into the great drug of the 20th century. A. afterB. whileC. beforeD. since(二)书面表达 某校在对新生进行入学体检时,发现患有近视旳学生旳数量在不断旳增加,为了引起学生旳重视,普及护眼知识,提高学生爱眼旳意识.学校决定举行一次以如何保护眼睛为主题旳演

8、讲比赛,请你以参赛者旳身份写一篇演讲稿.内容必须包含以下几点:1. 眼睛是心灵旳窗户,保护好眼睛才能确保优质旳生活质量2. 要养成良好旳用眼习惯:看电视、看书及用电脑旳时间不宜过长;眼睛与书旳距离要适当;不要在阳光下或在光线不好旳地方阅读,走路坐车时不要看书;要常做眼保健操并定期对眼睛进行检查;到正规眼睛店配备眼镜3. 你旳看法注意:不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥,150字左右Key:一、1-5 BCACA 6-10 CDABB 11-15 DCADC二、How to protect eyesightEyes are the windows of soul.We all kown eyes are

9、of great importance to everyone. If we lost them, our living standard would be seriously affected. Therefore, how to protect eyesight is a great concern in our daily life. I think the best way to protect your eyes is to get into good habits.First, dont overuse your eyes. Eye strain caused by the exc

10、essive watching of TV, computer monitors, books, and other devices contributes to poor eyesight, so dont keep your eyes working for too long and take a rest by looking at something more distant.Second, you should keep your book about a foot away from your eyes when you read it and also dont read in

11、a dim light or in the sun. Besides, it is harmful to read in a moving bus or in bed Third, doing eye exercises regularly will help you keep good eyesight. In addition, youd better get your eyes checked regularly by a doctor and if you have eyesight problem, get your glasses in a qualified shop under

12、 the guidance of your doctors.I follow the above rules and have good eyesight, so paying attention to the above points is of great benefit to your eyes. 一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一



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