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1、几组近似词辨析1. anyway 与 any way这一对词的意思并不一样。anyway 和 anyhow 同义,但前者多用于美国英语,后者多用于英国英语。anyway 在句中用作副词和连接词,意为“无论如何;不管怎样” ,相当于 in any case 和 at any rate。例如:Anyway ,we can try.不管怎样,我们可以试试看。I will not change my mind anyway. 无论如何我都不愿意改变我的想法。“I can give you a lift if you wait. ”“ No, I ll walk.Thanks,anyway.”“如果你等

2、一下, 我可以开车送你去。 ”“不用了,我步行好了。谢谢你(尽管我不坐你的车) !” Any way 的意思是 “任何方法; 任何方式”,way 是名词,any 是修饰它的定语。例如:He could not find the way to the village in any way.他怎么也找不到那条通向村庄的路。I cannot manage it any way. 我无法做到此事。2. as well as 与 as well作为习语用作介词时,as well as 的涵义是“还有;不但 而且 ” 。值得注意的是,在A as well as B 的结构里,语意的重点在 A ,不在 B

3、。因此,“He can speak Spanish as well as English.”的译文应该是: “他不但会说英语,而且会讲西班牙语” ,决不能译作: “他不但会说西班牙语,而且会讲英语”。如果这样翻译, 就本末倒置了。 as well as 和 not only. but also. 同义,但前者的语意重点和后者的语意重点恰好颠倒。如果as well as 用作连词引出比较从句,则意为“和 一样好”。因此,“ He speaks Spanish as well as English.”应译作:“他说西班牙语和说英语一样好”。语意的重点依旧在前部,不在后半部。请注意 as well

4、as 的以下用法:She called on you as well as I. 不但我来看你, 她也拜访了你。She called on you as well as me.她不但拜访了我,也拜访了你。在下列句中, as well as 表示“像 一样” :She as well as you is an English teacher.她像你一样也是英文教师。这里的谓语动词用is,不用 are,因为句中的主语是she,不是 she 和 you。As well 则是副词短语,其义为“也” ,相当于 too,它一般放在句末,有时和连词and 或 but 搭配使用。例如:He is a work

5、er , and a poet as well.他是工人,也是诗人。 China possesses enormous quantities of coal and is rich inother minerals as well. 中国拥有大量煤炭,其他的矿藏也很丰富。3. asleep 与 sleeping这两个词都表示“入睡;睡着”,但用法各异,主要区别有以下几点:asleep 是表语形容词,在句中放在动词之后;它不能放在名词之前,例如我们不可以说:Look at the asleep baby,应把 asleep 改为 sleeping。例如:She was fast asleep;I

6、 couldn t wake her up.她睡得很熟,我喊不醒她。The old man has fallen asleep.那个老人睡着了。 sleeping 是定语形容词,它放在它所修饰的名词之前,如 the sleeping baby。例如:Who is that sleeping man ?那个在睡觉的人是谁?Let sleeping dogs lie. 莫惹事生非。sleeping 一词有构词能力,它能和另一些词构成复合名词。如: sleeping-bag(睡袋); sleeping-car(卧铺车);sleeping-pill (安眠药); sleeping-sickness(昏

7、睡症);sleeping-partner(不参与经营的匿名合伙人)。sleeping 有一近义词,即sleepy。sleepy 既可作表语,又可作定语。作表语时意为“困倦;想睡觉”,用作定语时意为“贪睡;寂静的” 。例如:The children fell sleepy ; put them to bed.孩子们困了,把他们放到床上睡吧。Here are the outskirts/suburbs of Kowloon.Do you like thissleepy valley ?这里是九龙的郊区。你喜欢这寂静的山谷吗?4. at ease与 with ease这两个介词短语的词义范围和使用场

8、合并不相同。atease的意思是“安逸地;安心地;自在地”( feeling confidentor relaxed),其反义短语为ill at ease;with ease 的意思是 “轻松地;容易地” ( easily or without difficulty)。就使用场合而言, at ease既可作表语, 又可作状语; withease只能用作状语。例如:The old couple are nowquite at ease as their son is out of danger.这一对老夫妻现在可以安心了,因为他们的儿子已经脱离危险。With good social securi

9、ty ,the aged can live at ease有.好的社会保障,老年人都过得很安逸。I dont know why he is ill at ease. 我不知道为什么他心神不宁。They fulfilled the task with ease. 他们轻松地完成了任务。 Everyday we marched twenty miles with ease. 每天我们毫不费力地行进二十英里。注: stand at ease是军事术语,意为“稍息”;take ones ease意为“休息”或“无拘无束”。例如:The soldiers are standing at ease now

10、.士兵们现在在立正稍息。We are now taking our ease.我们现在是优哉游哉。Please sit and take your ease while enjoying a cup of coffee.请坐下来舒舒服服地喝杯咖啡。5. at heart 与 by heart这一组短语的涵义也各不相同。At heart 的意思是 “在心里; 心底里” 或“本质上”(from the heart, from the bottom of one s heart or essentially)。 by heart 的意思是“背诵;熟记”( by rote;to learn so we

11、ll that one can remember it perfectly )。例如:That socialite is a rascal at heart.那个知名人士实质上是个坏蛋。A councillor should have the collective interest of societyat heart.议员应当关心大众的利益。Mr Wang looks stem ,but he is kind at heart.王先生看来严肃,但实质上他很仁慈。I know this poem by heart. 我能背诵这首诗。I dont see the point of learnin

12、g by heart all the dates in thehistory book !我真不明白为什么要把历史书里所有的日期都记下来!请注意下列短语的意思:in one s heart of hearts 在内心深处take something to heart 认真考虑 /关注某事set ones heart on something 决心做 /得到某事 /物cut( or touch) sb to the heart 触及某人痛处one s heart is in something 把整个心放在某事上与此类似区别的词语有:in demand 非常需要的,受欢迎的on demand 一经要求at fault 有过失的;有错to a fault 过份地


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