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1、真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。仁爱版英语九年级上册重点考点(Unit 1Unit 2) / 【教材回归考点过关】1. have been to 表“曾经去过某地”。注意区别:have gone to表“已经去某地了”。如:I have been to Shanghai. (去过上海,已经回来)He has gone to Shanghai. (去上海了,不在此处)2. have (no) time to do sth做某事(没)有时间 Tom is busy helping his mother with housework, he has no time to play w

2、ith you. 汤姆忙于帮助妈妈做家务,他没有时间和你玩3. Whats the population of? 对人口提问的方式= how large is the population ofWhats the population of China? 中国的人口是多少?How large ix the population of China?注:人口不能用many/much 修饰, 但是How many people 对多少人提问这样是可以的。How many people are there in China?= Whats the population of China?4. What

3、 do you mean by sth.? 某物是什么意思呢?= Whats the meaning of sth.?= What does sth. mean?What do you mean by the word? 这个单词是什么意思?= Whats the meaning of the word? = What does the word mean?5. How long have you been like this? 你处于这样的状态多久了? I have been like this since last month. 自从上个月以来我一直这样。 How long has she

4、 been away from her home? 她离开好她的家有多久了? Since she went to a college. 自从她上了大学。6. “so + be/ 情态动词/助动词 + 主语”表示“也如此”1) She likes singing a lot. 她非常喜欢唱歌。 So does Li Lei. 李磊也是。2) They can play basketball well.他们打篮球很棒。 So can we. 我们也打得很好。3) Mary finished her homework. 玛丽做完了作业。 So did Bob. 波波也做完了。4) His fathe

5、r is a teacher. 他父亲是教师。So is his mother. 他母亲也是教师。7. It is a beautiful place with flowers and grass. 那是个有花、有草的美丽地方。 I want to have a big house with three rooms. 我想要一个有三个房间的房子。8. What has happened here? 这儿发生了什么事? I dont know what happened to the boy. 我不知道这个男孩发生了什么事。. sth happen to sb 某人发生了什么事情 Yesterd

6、ay a traffic accident happened to Tom. 昨天汤姆发生了一起车祸。What has happened to the population? 人口发生了什么(变化)。9. All the flowers, grass and fish have gone! 所有的花、草和鱼儿都没有了! The rich land has gone, leaving only sand. 良田都没有了,留下的只有沙子。10. It smells terrible. 难闻极了。 This kind of food smells bad, but it tastes good. 这

7、种食物闻起来臭,但吃起来香。11. There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into river. 有几座工厂正往河里排放污水。 There are some students playing basketball on the playground. 有一些学生正在操场上打篮球。12. Im sorry for making so much noise. 很抱歉我弄出这么大的噪音。 be sorry fo doing sth. 表对做过的事感到抱歉,be sorry to do sth. 表对当前的事感到抱歉。如: I

8、m sorry for giving you so much trouble. 我很抱歉给你带来了这么多的麻烦。 Im sorry to hear that. 听到那个(消息)我感到很遗憾。13. Its ones duty to do sth. 做某事出有因是我们的职责。 Its your duty to clean the room. 打扫这间房间是你职责。14. I have been at this school since last year /for one year. 自从去年我就在这所学校了。/我在这所学校已经一年了。 Miss Wang has taught English

9、since 2000 /for seven years. 自从2000年王老师就教英语了。/王老师已经教了七年的英语的。15. Noise is a kind of pollution and it is harmful to our ears. 噪音是一种污染,对我们的耳朵有害。 This kind of food is harmful to our stomach. 这种食物对我们的胃有害。16. Dont step on the grass or pick the flowers around us. 不要践踏我们周围的草坪和采摘花朵。 You shouldnt be late for

10、school or leave school early. 你不能上学迟到和早退。17. It says that China has become the worlds largest producer and user of coal. 它(文章)中写到中国已经成为世界上最在的煤炭生产和消费国。 The letter says your mother misses you very much. 信中写道你的妈妈很想你。18. A lot of rich land has changed into desert, leaving only sand. 大量肥沃的土地变成了荒漠,遍地是黄沙。

11、The girl is sitting there, watching whats going on. 那个女孩坐在那里看着事情的发生。19. Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away. They can also prevent the sand from moving toward the rich land. 树可以防止风把泥土吹走,也可以阻止风沙吹进良田。 The mother is trying to stop his child from playing computer games. 这位母亲正尽力阻止她的孩子玩电子游

12、戏。20. Although we have built the Great Wall, we still need to work hard to protect the environment. 尽管我们已经建了绿色长城,我们仍需要致力于保护环境。 Although是连词,表“虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句,相当于though,但比though更正式,它不能与but同时使用。如: Although he was very tired, he still finished the work. 尽管他很累了,但他仍然完成了这项工作。21. Water is very important to

13、human beings, but not everybody knows how to save it. 水对于人类是非常重要的,但并不是每个人都知道如何去节约它。 Not everyone likes apples. 不是每个人都喜欢苹果。22. Some things weve done are very good, while some are not good for the earth. 我们所做的一些事情对地球有益,然而有一些却对地球有着负面的影响。 My sister likes English, while my brother likes math. 我姐姐喜欢英语,然而我

14、哥哥喜欢数学。23. Now some kinds of animals are becoming fewer and fewer. 现在有些种类的动物变得越来越少。 We should try our best to make our country more and more beautiful. 我们应尽力使我们的国家越来越漂亮。24. What for? 为什么? What do you put the tool here for? 你为什么要工具放在这里?25. I have only one ticket. Either you or your sister can go to s

15、ee the movie. 我只有一张票,要么你,要么你姐姐可以会期看这部电影。 注:eitheror作并列连词,连接对等结构,连接主语时,需根据就近原则。如: Either you or he is twelve years old. 要么你是十二岁,要么他是十二岁。26. My main job is to do sth. 我的主要工作是,不定式短语可用作表语 Your groups task is to find out the answer to the question. 你们这组的任务是找出这个问题的答案。27. We should use both sides of , rather than 我们应该用的两边,而不是。 1)both修饰复数名词,它的否定形式是neither,而either修饰单数名词。如: There are many trees on both sides of the street. = There are many trees on either side of the street. 在街道的两边有许多的树。 2) rather than意为“(是)



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