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1、细心整理【常见几个连词的用法】一、 概念 连词是虚词,起连接词及词,短语及短语的作用,句子及句子的作用。 二、 常见的并列连词。 1、 and 一般用在确定句 1和,并且 连接谓语时态、构造要相同 He stood up and put on his hat. 他站起来,戴上他的帽子。 I went to the Summer Palace and he went to the Forbidden City. 我去了颐和园,他去了紫禁城。 2用在祈使句中。 Use your head,and youll find a way. 动动脑筋,你就会想出方法来。2、or 或者,否那么 1否认句 I

2、dont like playing basketball or playing football。 我不宠爱打篮球和踢足球。 2 疑问句 Which do you prefer, coffee or coke? 你宠爱喝咖啡,还是可乐? Is your English teacher a man or a woman? 你的英语老师是男的老师还是女的老师? 3、but 但是 表示转折,一般用于否认句。 He likes the piano but doesnt like the violin. 他宠爱钢琴,但不宠爱小提琴。4、so 所以 表示结果。留意:so不能和because 并列运用 Th

3、e cat was hungry, so I gave it some food. 猫饿了,所以我给了它一些食物。 Because the cat was hungry,I gave it some food. 因为猫饿了,我给他一些事物。 5、bothand 和;既也 Both Beijing and New York have traffic problems. 北京和纽约都有交通问题。 6、eitheror 或或;不是就是 Either you or he is right. 不是你就是他是对的。7、neithernor 既不也不 Neither he nor I speak a for

4、eign language. 他和我都不会说外语。 三、易错考点 1、如连接三个或三个以上的单词和词组,and 一般放在最终一个单词或词组。 Tom,Jim and I are playing football now. 汤姆,吉姆和我此时此刻正在踢足球。 There is a apple,three pears and some grapes on the plate.there 或here后跟谓语动词用单数还是复数看最靠近there/here 的名词是不行数、单数还是复数。 2、由bothand 构成的词组作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。 Both Tom and I are good at

5、English. 3、eitheror和neitheror构成的词组作主语时,谓语动词随其邻近的词。即随or后面的主语而定。 如:Either you and I am right. 不是你就是我是对的。 Neither you nor he is right. 你和他都不对。4、though虽然 及but但是不能连用 Though he was tired,he still worked hard. =He was tired,but he still worked hard.专项练习:一、用and, or, but填空。1. Id like to go with you, _ Im too

6、 busy. 2. I dont like apple juice _ orange juice.3. I can speak English _ French. 4. Are you a teacher _ a doctor?5. There is no milk _ no fruit juice.二、单项选择1. Be careful, _ you will fall off the tree.a. so b. or c. but d. and2. Never give up, _ youll make it. a. and b. but c. or d. yet3. Lucy and L

7、ily are twins. Lucy likes playing basketball,_ Lily doesnt. a. and b. as c. but d. or4. Mr Brown knows little Japanese, _ he cant understand the instructions(用法说明)on the bottle of the pills.a. so b. or c. but d. for5. My uncle doesnt have much money, _ he always enjoys himself.a. but b. so c. and d.

8、 or课后作业单项选择1、The shop doesnt open until 11 am, _ it loses a lot of business.A.and B.but C.or D.for2、Because I got up very late this morning,_ I was late for class.A.and B./ C.or D.so3、Keep off the drugs毒品,you and your family will be in great danger.A.and B.but C.or D.so4、Leo is my good friend. He li

9、kes tennis_ping-pong.A.and B.but C.or D.for5、Cross the road carefully, _ youll keep yourself safe.A.and B.but C.or D.for6、Its late, _we decide to go back.A.and B.but C.or D.for7、-Lets go traveling. -Come on. I have_money_time.A.both, and B.not only, but also C./, and D.neither, nor8、Do you want to s

10、tay at home_go shopping with me?A.and B.but C.or D.with9、Linda went into the house_said hello to us.A.and B.but C.or D.for10、_Li Ming and I are good at Chinese. Either he_I can help you with Chinese.A./, nor B.Not only, or C.Both, or D.If, or以下每个句子都有一处错误,请找出来并改正.1.Both Tom and Jerry is in Class Two. _ 2.Either boys and girls are going to clean the classroom. _ 3.Id like some bread or butter. _ 4.Because the river is clean, so we can see the fish._5.Neither Tom or Tony is student._



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