(江苏专用)2020高考英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(十一)完形填空之记叙文体(二)

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《(江苏专用)2020高考英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(十一)完形填空之记叙文体(二)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(江苏专用)2020高考英语二轮复习 专题限时检测(十一)完形填空之记叙文体(二)(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题限时检测(十一) 完形填空之记叙文体(二)(共2篇,每篇限时18分钟)A(2019南京、盐城模拟)Fiftyfive years ago, I got into my fathers car to take my drivers license exam. My father and I got to the test site on time. The streets seemed quite _1_ to me, and the test would take me down a main street. Although _2_, I was determined to do my

2、best. Parallel parking was my _3_, so I hoped that my _4_ would not hit the curb (路缘)When I was _5_ for the test, my father, _6_ being the best teacher, was not pleased with my parallel parking. His fearful _7_ could be heard along the streets of my hometown, or in the large empty parking lot.I felt

3、 _8_ when he said, “Step on the gas! Check your mirror! _9_ on the brake!” I was convinced that no one could do all those things at the same time. I drove _10_ during my test, probably a little too slow. I kept my hands _11_ on the steering wheel (方向盘), _12_ my mirrors, stopped at stop signs and _13

4、_ for turns. I was satisfied with my _14_ up to that point, but then it was time to parallel park._15_, the parking area had no curb. I _16_ next to a car and began to back inward. Somehow, I _17_ it on my first try, lining up right behind the car in front. Minutes later, the _18_ announced I had pa

5、ssed. I knew that my life had changed. I finally had _19_ the freedom of movement and felt a sense of _20_ after the test.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要叙述了作者驾照考试时的紧张心情、考试过程和考试通过之后的喜悦。1A.evenBnarrowCabnormal Dtransparent解析:选B根据上下文可知,作为一个要参加驾照考试的人,作者心情很紧张,因而街道似乎很狭窄(narrow)。even“平坦的”;abnormal“不正常的,反常的”;transparent

6、“透明的,显然的”。2A.strange BconfidentCnervous Dsecure解析:选C虽然紧张(nervous),但作者下决心要尽他最大的努力。strange“奇怪的,不寻常的”;confident“自信的,确信的”;secure“有把握的”。3A.strength BtaskCgoal Ddrawback解析:选D根据下文可知,平行停车是作者的欠缺点(drawback)。strength“长处,优势”;task“工作,任务”;goal“目标”。4A.seat BtelephoneCtires Dtracks解析:选C根据常识可知,作者希望轮胎(tires)不要碰到路缘。se

7、at“座位”;telephone“电话”;track“足迹,车辙”。5A.arranging BregisteringCpraying Dpracticing解析:选D根据上文“I got into my fathers car to take my drivers license exam”(我上了父亲的车去参加驾照考试)并结合下文父亲对他发出的指令可知,此时作者在练习(practicing),为考试作准备。arrange“安排,筹划”;register“记录,登记”;pray“祈祷”。6A.well above Bfar fromCmore than Dbecause of解析:选B根据下

8、文父亲的表现和“fearful”可知作者的父亲远非(far from)最好的老师。well above“远远超出”;more than“超过”;because of“因为,由于”。7A.cries BanswersCsighs Dquarrels解析:选A在家乡的街道上,或者在大而空旷的停车场上,都能听到他可怕的喊叫声(cries)。answer“回答,答复”;sigh“叹气,叹息”;quarrel“争吵,吵架”。8A.pleased BuninterestedCembarrassed Dconcerned解析:选C当父亲向他发出那些指令时作者感到很窘迫(embarrassed)。please

9、d“快乐的,高兴的,满意的”;uninterested“冷淡的”;concerned“担心的,担忧的”。9A.Depend BBendCSwing DStep解析:选D当父亲说:“踩油门!检查一下你的后视镜!踩刹车!”depend“依靠,决定于”;bend“弯腰,弯曲”;swing“摇摆,转弯”;step“踩,踏”。10A.cautiously BuncertainlyCdesperately Dcuriously解析:选A在考试时,“我”小心翼翼地(cautiously)驾驶,可能有点慢。uncertainly“犹豫地”;desperately“绝望地,拼命地”;curiously“好奇地”

10、。11A.busy BsteadyCclumsy Dnumb解析:选B“我”双手稳稳地放在方向盘上。busy“繁忙的”;steady“平稳的”;clumsy“笨拙的,不灵活的”;numb“麻木的”。12A.polished BpreparedCwatched Dchecked解析:选D检查后视镜,在停车标志前停车,并在转弯时发出信号(打转向灯)。上文中父亲说的话“Check your mirror!”也是提示。polish“擦亮”;prepare“准备”;watch“注视”;check“检查”。13A.signaled BlookedCsped Dfastened解析:选A参见上题解析。sig

11、nal“发信号”;look“看”;speed“使加速”;fasten“扣牢,系牢”。14A.allowance BindependenceCperformance Dpreference解析:选C直到那时“我”对自己的表现(performance)都很满意,但是接下来要平行停车了。allowance“津贴,补助”;independence“独立”;preference“偏爱,优先权”。15A.Accordingly BConsequentlyCObviously DFortunately解析:选D上文中提到作者希望他的车不要碰到路缘。既然考场没有路缘,那对作者来说,肯定是幸运的。accordi

12、ngly“相应地”;consequently“因此,结果,所以”;obviously“明显地,显然”;fortunately“幸运地”。16A.pulled up Bwandered aroundCpicked out Dfell off解析:选A作者把车停在一辆车旁边,开始往里倒。pull up“(使车)停下”;wander around“逛”;pick out“精心挑选”;fall off“脱落,下降”。17A.managed BgraspedCdropped Dkicked解析:选A作者第一次尝试就做到了,正好把车停在前面那辆车的后面。manage“达成,完成”;grasp“抓牢,握紧”

13、;drop“掉下,落下”;kick“踢”。18A.driver BtesterCagent Dguide解析:选B几分钟后,测试人员宣布作者通过了测试。driver“司机,驾驶员”;tester“测试员”;agent“代理人,经纪人”;guide“向导,导游”。19A.missed BearnedCcompensated Ddeserved解析:选B作者知道他的生活已经改变了。作者获得了活动的自由,在考试后一种成熟(maturity)感油然而生。miss“错过”;earn“获得”;compensate“弥补,补偿”;deserve“应得,应受到”。20A.responsibility Blos

14、sCmaturity Ddirection解析:选C参见上题解析。responsibility“责任”;loss“丧失,亏损”;direction“方向”。B(2019扬、泰、南、淮、徐、宿、连模拟)It was New Year time. We were travelling in a van (小型货车) _1_ toys to the homeless. When we _2_ the spot, something caught my eye. Something or someone was moving in the rubbish. Soon I _3_ that it was

15、 the home of a poor family. There were two _4_, both about my age at the time, and a lady I supposed to be their mother. They sat there _5_.As a little girl myself I was _6_ interested in the little girl. How _7_ our lives were. She lived for the day, _8_ through the rubbish for something to fill her stomach. I on the other hand was well looked after and never had to worry about _9_. I had a good educ


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