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1、九年级 完成句子1、我常用的学习方式是向老师请教。I usually study by the teacher .2、Larry 经常犯语法方面的错误。Larry often grammar.3、那位老妇人独自生活有困难。 The old woman by herself.4、嘲笑别人是不礼貌的。Its impolite others.5、昨天晚上他们的问题怎么处理的?How they their problems last night?6、令他惊讶的是,这个电话改变了他的生活。 , the phone call changed his life.7、我的每一点进步都会令父亲自豪。My fat

2、her everything good I do.8、那位警察没有放弃帮助他。The policeman didnt him.9、最后,船长做出了艰难的决定。 , the captain a difficult .10、青少年应该学会如何把问题变为挑战。Teenagers must learn how the problems challenges. 11、你过去常弹吉他吗?是的。但我现在练小提琴。 you the guitar? Yes,I .But Im the violin.12、最近几年,济南变化很大。Jinan changed a lot . 13、我们经常兴奋地(用英语)聊到某件事

3、,最后却讲起了汉语。We often get excited about something and then in Chinese.14、不要害怕当众讲话。Dont speak in front of people.15、我们要注意保护环境。We must protecting the environment.16、豆腐现在被认为是有益于健康的食物。 Bean curd is now a healthful diet.17.青少年应该被允许选择自己的衣服。 Teenagers should their own clothes.18.他似乎没有太多朋友。 He doesnt many frie

4、nds.19.他们交谈而不是做作业。 -我们也是。 -They talk homework. - .20.为了通过考试,我不得不熬夜到11点。 I had to until 11 in order to .21.老师们觉得我应该更关注学习。 Teachers think that I must more my study. 22.那是一种让老师和学生都快乐的方式。 That is a good way to both teachers and students .23.但有时候这些爱好会妨碍功课。 But sometimes these hobbies can school work.24.我

5、们希望你实现你的梦想。 We hope you will your .25.我知道父母关心我。 I know my parents me.26.如果其他人人都带礼物会怎么样? everyone brings a present?27.你很容易相处。 You are easy to .28.他宁愿在家看书而不愿去聚会。 He stay at home and read books go to a party.29.她不想让朋友们失望。 She doesnt want to her friends .30.你总能想出解决问题的好办法。 You always good solutions to pr

6、oblems.31.我们应该把药藏好,不让孩子找到。 We must always medicine children.32.这本书是吉姆的。 The book Jim.33.快点儿,否则就赶不上车了。Hurry up, or you wont .34.三只猴子从动物园里逃跑了。 Three monkeys the zoo.35.我很担心他的健康。 I his health.36.我用完了我们的钱。 We our money.37.你使我想起了你爸爸。 You me your father.38.一定要均衡饮食。 a balanced diet.39.比起跑步来我更喜欢游泳。 I .40.肉的

7、味道好吗? Does the meat ?41.这狗真讨厌,走开。 Bad dog, me.42.吸烟可致肺癌。 Smoking can lung .43.吃太多的垃圾食物对身体有害。Eating too much junk food your health.44.这件毛衣挺合适你。 This sweater .45.你离开时别忘了关灯。 Dont forget to the light when you leave.46.我不会不懂装懂的。 I dont it.47.留心那条狗,有时候咬人。 the dog, it sometimes bites people.48.它占期末考试的30%。

8、It 30% of the final exam.49.为什么不考虑换一份工作呢? Why not _ _ a job ?50.我希望你能为我们提供一些有用的消息。 I hope you can _ us _ some useful information.51.最好是乘飞机旅游。 _ _ _ travel by plane.52.相当多的学生希望完成学业后能继续学习。_ _ _ students hope to _ _ after _ school.53.他们愿意努力工作来实现他们的梦想。They _ _ _ work hard to _ their dreams.54.他梦想有一天能去月球

9、。 He _ _ _ to the moon.55.我怎样才能尽快提高我的汉语水平呢?How can I improve my Chinese _ _ _ _. 56.尽管他现在十分富有,可他坚持保持着清贫的生活方式。He _ _ _ his poor life although hes rich now.57.他们需要有一个休假来使他们振作起来。 They need a holiday to _ _ _.58.把事情推迟到以后做是个坏习惯。Its a bad habit to _ _ _ things. 59. 我已经花光了我的钱。 I _ _ _ _ my money.60.他想出的主意起了很好的作用。 The strategies that he came up with _ _ _.61.他企图想出一个逃跑的计划。 He tried to_ _ a plan for escape. 62.当然,正如我们所知道的,狗可以被用来看家,大象可以被用来做些粗重的活。Of course



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