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1、Section Word power,Grammar and usage.品句填词I prefer the _(前者) alternative to the latter.Though she is a middle school student,she can speak _(流利的)English.The singer_(捐献) most of his money to the disabled.They treated us with a _(极好的) dinner in a big restaurant.If you have a car you are _(独立,不依赖) of tr

2、ains and buses.After _(毕业) from high school,he found a job as a waiter.It would be a great _(善意) to call and see him while he is so ill.Do they teach _(绘画) at your school?.选词填空all year round,make good use of,for fun,make sure,be availableThese goods _ to members only.You must _ any opportunity to pr

3、actise English.I think the doors locked,but Id better go and _The girl kept training _The little girl did it just _;shes not serious.单项填空(2012苏苑中学高一英语学习情况检查)In the park I saw an old lady _ I thought was your grandmother.AwhoBwhomCwhich Dwhoever(2012天一中学第一学期期中考试)Here are Daphne and David;_ is my brot

4、her.Athe later BlaterClatter Dthe latterShe looked up his number in the phone book to _ that she had got it right.Amake sure Bmake up her mindCmake a decision Dmake out(2012江阴市一中第一学期期中考试)What _ fun it is to play with computer games!Dont you think its _ waste of time?Aa;a B/;aC/;the Dthe;theThe incre

5、asing number of the students makes the limited computers not _ for each student.Auseful BhopefulCavailable Dsuitable(2012安徽师大附中第一学期期中考试)The reason _ he missed this class was quite different from the one _ you explained to me.Athat;why Bwhy;thatC/;that Dwhy;whyIs that the small town you often refer t

6、o?Right,just the one _ you know I used to work for years.Awhich BwhereCthat Dwhat_ being informed the flight would be delayed,we decided to change our plan immediately.AWith BForCUpon DAsThis is the only one of the films _ really interesting.Athat is Bthat areCit is Dthey are(2012安徽师大附中第一学期期中考查)The

7、headmaster shows great interest in the way _ she teaches English.Which of the following is WRONG?Awhich BthatC/ Din which.完形填空We are warned by our teachers not to waste time because time _1_ will never return.I think it quite _2_What does time look _3_?Nobody knows,and we cant see it or touch it and

8、 no _4_ of money can buy it.Time is abstract,so we have to _5_ it.Time passes very quickly.Some students say they dont have _6_ time to review their lessons.It is _7_ they dont know how to make use of their time.They waste it in going to theatres or playing,and _8_ other useless things.Why do we stu

9、dy every day?Why do we work?Why do most people _9_ take buses instead of walking?The answer is very _10_We wish to save time because time is _11_Today we are living in the 21st century.We _12_ time as life.When a person dies,his life ends.Since life is short,we must devote our time and energy to our

10、 _13_ so that we _14_ be able to work and live well in the future.Laziness is the _15_ of time,for it not only brings us _16_,but also does other _17_ to us.If it is necessary for us to do our work today,_18_ us do it today and not _19_ it until tomorrow.Remember that time is much more _20_,A.lostBp

11、assedCmissed DusedA.important BtrueCinteresting DusualA.for BlikeCafter DoverA.amount BqualityCnumber DpriceA.think BimagineCguess DcheckA.spare BfreeCenough DmuchA.that BwhyCbecause DcertainA.doing BmakingCtaking DgettingA.neednt Bhave toChad better DmayA.easy BsimpleCstupid DinterestingA.worthless

12、 BpricelessCready DlittleA.consider BagreeCthink DbelieveA.life BworkChobbies DstudyA.must BshouldCmay DwouldA.helper BthiefCfriend DteacherA.wealth BhealthCfailure DillnessA.danger BharmCtrouble DdifficultyA.help BmakeChave DletA.keep BremainCmanage DleaveA.valuable BexpensiveCworth Drich.阅读理解For C

13、hinese students nowadays,no matter what kind of schools theyre going to,they have to face the problem of learning English.All examinations they want to pass require them to pass English.Examinations for entering further education,studying abroad and even graduating from college require scores in English examinations.English has become the most popular course in tutorial classes and even in the selfstudy classroom.When nearly all students attention is focused on English,looking at



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