新概念英语青少版 1B 备课教案

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1、新概念英语青少版 1BUitTopicKeywords ad sentnces16O heLondoEyhere e tw cars inonder .Are terany wme i fon of / ear / bsi .?Thee arent anychiren in he ak.Ther are smechldenin the classoom.How ny atr e in .?atsee anyhildren in . bt I an se oe in .Tere arew men n thestret. hy arepolceen.17le, please!Cn yu do th

2、s? Yes, I an. / No, cant.a you drive ar?Yes, can Is easy. /o, I cant. It difficlt.Cnoula violin? e, Ican. m goda t / No,I can. ueles a it.18Men cancook o!hats the packet?Is it ea? No, t nt (tea). ts offeeI cant ee any tea. I ca. Teres me in the pcket.Pass /ive me som milk, please.ceeaup i hecuboard.

3、 No, tere isnt n.I cat seny tea e cpboar.N, tereisnt an.19oumut eat!Theresa lot of ts of fis .Thee re alot o /lt of peches .Is heany fih .? Yes, there s, thresnt anymeat.Ar there n eches .?Ys, tere are, ut threarent any grapesBuy some brd peachs, plse. Why?There r a ot .onbuay bread/ peaches Why not

4、? here arnt n .umust at.20at a surprse!hatime s it?Itsa quate past two/ l past to a qarrto three.Whatime / WhenouEglheso?A oneclck. / t a quarer pastwo. / alf pas to. / At qatr o six / We ut hury.ome on!uy !21BreakfastblesHvyou gotany tea?Yes, Ihve. / No, hven.Have we got any cffe? es, we ave./ No,

5、we hvnt.eyve o somebea, butey hvent gt n cake.How much oe e yu / w o? I / We haentgot muh.oyu wn any .?No, Ion wnt any .I dtwan ny ., bt I w so .22tcg the neiborsal has got a lot offiends.Theyaven gt a lo of spe tieHe can troduce herto hem.How myC hsPau o?23An xpnsive cmerH / segota Brtih camera? Ye

6、s, he / heh / N, he /sh hastWhat indof cmera hs hehegt? Hes/ he go aapnesone.lairents cera. She doesntwnt CD plye.He / Se like Janes caeras.Wha kind ofbg do yu wan?I at leather one. I lk leahr bags.24 lght dnneDoyou lik egetabs? Yes, do. , I dont.Do ou like tea? Ys, do, b Idon want anyowI/ We /Tey o

7、ntlieveetabls very uchIl vegabes! Ihte em!2he weeknd shoig wana bag of s abottl of wie / a acket otea .She/ e nedsom sugar.How mu (uga)doe she / he nee?She e eedone /abo ofcholatesIrgar nn ral: a/ ona wooavs26 elfsevce restratHsKangot acat any gles? , he st. Shower tht one / hseho it them /tha one t

8、hose ren.Give me / he mtht one he.Pas me hr/ m that n thos.Take he / hm hat one / thseI dontwant aoat / any glvs. Ive aleadygotone some.27othaceWhat day is it? Its Sday. Whs your antmnt? Its on SudWe c he deti seeyou? He can see eato oclokon una.Hw oes Rber feel / look?He fl wful. He lo miseable.Wat

9、sthe mter ith Robert? Hehas got/ e got tootahe.28Every da s different!Wat the eter li iprng smme / auumn / winter?Is t ever fe and wm in spring (nnglad)?Its ofen/usul/smeimelwas/nverfn and arin spring.he sn ften snes. / Itrains metmes. / t someis snowsWhich seasn do yoke? I lik ner2May p retrs of te

10、 a!Which i h first / at month ofte year?Juary / cmber.Wih otcmes ft/ comesbfor Jnuary?- Febrary / Decmbrhs th ate? ts e seon of ebruar. / It erur thescon.Whenis Lindas thay? tsin Jnuary. It othe nnth of Janury / on Jarythe ithow old is Lna? Shes 2. he 42 yea oldAn interntinlventWhee doe he / she co

11、rom?He Shecomes from AustrlaWhr dothey yu oe ?The/ We/ I comefro China.Where dos seliv?He Seliv i Syny.Whtlaguae oeshe / she pak?He / Sespeaks EnglishUit16:O the Lonon Eye1:Teahing oectivs复习一般目前时学习Some和ay旳用法2:angua fous:Fn, beie, rge, rell, pss,bculrs, any ,shp3:Teaching rocduePart 1: Greetn: 简介自己,同步规定学生做自我简介,内容涉及am, (Mnae sor I am)e,(Iam yars o o I a grl o bo f yearsol)Geder,Hbbes (I like ong)等几种方面。Warmu: see a itte bee, siting onm



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