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1、精选文档可编辑: 单词听写 7%二:选择填空: 15%1A : What are Mary and Mike doing over there ?B: TheyA:are play tennisB: Playing tennis2.A:thousands of competitors in the race.B: Really? It s amazing.( 刺激的 )A : There isB: There areC: They are3.A:this red carto you?B: No, isn t. It belongs to Jim.A: Is, belongsB: Does, b

2、elongs4 . A: Are you looking forward tohim?A: meetB: meetingC: met5. A:is this car?B:It sA: Whose, Lily sB: Who, Lily s6. A: Jane works as a teacher at the college,B: Yes, sheA: doesn t , doesB: isn t, is新概念英语2A 第一阶段测试卷C: are playing tennisC: Do, belongsD: meetsC: What, Lilyshe ?C: does, doesD: Here

3、 isD: Does, belongD: plays tennisD: Where, over hereD: is, is7. A: What do you often do Sunday.8: I often go swimming.A: atB: on C: in D: of8. A: Who the meat in the kitchen now?8: MumA: is cooking B: cooks c: cooking D: are cooking9. A: Whose is this book?8: It is .A: mineB: your C: herD: he10. A:

4、pictures have you got?8: ten.A: How muchB: How manyC: How oftenD: How long11. A: Can she football?B: Yes, I can.A: play the B: play C: plays the D: plays12. A: Would you like to eat?B: Yes, I A: anything, would likeB: something, would like toC: something, would like.A: pick it upB:put it upC: turn i

5、t offD: throw it away.15.That music is very loud. Please.A: put it downB:turn it offC:put it upD: get it upD: putting downC: anything, would like to13 .Lucy is her pen.A : waiting for B:looking for C: turning on14 . The magazine is on the floor. Please.三:按照括号中的要求改写下列句子。35%1 : They are putting up the

6、 curtains. (_ 对划线部分提问)2 : He is Tom.(改为同义句)3 : My name is Linda.(对划线部分提问)4 : That is a key.(对划线部分提问)5 : That is my bag.(改为复数形式)6 : They are my friends.(改为否定句)7 : That is my sister.(对划线部分提问)8:The ball is on the floor.(对划线部分提问)9:Where is the basketball.( 改为复数形式)10 : need, I, my, for, class, some, thin

7、gs.( 连成句子)11 : I have a tennis racket.(改为一般疑问句)12 : She has a volleyball.(改为一般疑问句)13 : They have 8 students.(对划线部分提问)14 : He has a good friend.( 改为否定句)15 : Do you like salad.( 做否定回答)16 : Is this your pencil-case?(做肯定回答)17 : He likes bananas and apples.(对划线部分提问)18:My birthday is October 10 th (对划线部分提

8、问)19: My hat is black.(对划线部分提问)20: She is fifteen years old.(对划线部分提问)21: He often goes to school on foot.(改为否定句)22: The book is seven dollars.( 对划线部分提问)23: I go to school on Monday.( 对划线部分提问)24: I can play the piano very well.(改为一般疑问句)25: He can sing and dance.(对划线部分提问)26: Can she speak English well

9、?( 作肯定回答)27: It s ten thirty now.(对划线部分提问)28: when, Joe, does, up, get.(连词成句 )29: : Her favorite color is red.(改为同义句)30:My art teacher is Mrs Mendoza.(就划线部分提问)31: : She likes English because it s interesting 就划线部分提问)32: Her phone number is 87695685.(就划线部分提问)33: Is she your teacher?(做肯定回答)34: Joe is

10、playing basketball with Tom. ( 就划线部分提问)35: Please open the door.(改为否定句)四:改错。找出下列句子中有错误的地方并订正。10%1: : This pencil belong to me.2: It is a fine day, is it?精选文档3: Who are those pens?4: Give that book for me, Lily.5: she often go to school by bus.6: They are play ping-pong on the playground.7: She can s

11、peaks English.8: There is some cakes on the table.9: There are some milk in the bottle.10: Do you have some books?11: This umbrella is Mr Smith.12: Are you looking forward to see me?13: There are thousands of competitor in the race.14: A hour has sixty minutes15:1 like play football.16: I am speakin

12、g you at London Centre.可编辑17: It is like village.18: We are visiting this year Marathon.19: They are sitting on the armchair.20: Lily comes from the Japan, but she can speak Chinese well.五:将下列句子翻译成英文。60%1 :她在那里干嘛?2:你有什么?3: Karen 在等 Peter 吗?4:你星期天几点钟去学校?5:妈妈在做蛋糕,她不是在做面包。6:他正在看书。7:这里有几百家参展商和成千上万的参观者。8

13、:站在我身旁的是一位参赛者。9:贸易博览会上有多少参观者?10:你们在参观什么?11 : Tom 对Paul说了什么?12 :我们正在和老师等出租车。13:那些学生正在学习英语。14:那它为什么在我的口袋里?15 :这是保罗的笔迹吗?16 :这不是我的书,这是她的。17 :这是属于谁的?18 :这张便条看起来像什么?19 :这些数学书是我们的。20 :你感觉怎么样?21 :穿上你的外套吧,你不要感冒了。22 :我们正在听收音机。23 :让我把我的英语老师介绍给你吧。24 :请给我一下你的新书包。25 :你正在关电视机吗?26 :你什么时候去学校?27 :她有英语书吗?28 :她不喜欢熊猫。29

14、 :你会唱歌跳舞吗?30:比赛中有多少游泳选手?六:根据回答写出合适的问题。5%1: : No, it isn my book. It is his book.2: I am listening to music.3: I am feeling well, thanks.4: There are thousands of visitors in the race.5: No, he is taking the pictures up.七:阅读对话,用下列词语的适当形式完成对话。 3%too or watch basketball what playA:would you like, playing volleyball or?B: Neither. I like football.A: I like football,.B: What about going to play football sometime?A: When shall we go, this afternoon tomorrow afternoon?B: I am going to a football match on TV.A: let s



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