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1、省某高级高三英语语法专题训练:第4讲形容词和副词高考真题体验1(高考)John is very_ if he promises to do something hell do it.AindependentBconfidentCreliable D flexible解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:John非常值得信赖如果是他容许的事情,他一定会做到的。reliable表示“可信赖的,可靠的,符合语意。答案:C2(高考)It seems that living green is_easy and affordable.A small step makes a big difference.Aexac

2、tly BfortunatelyCsurprisingly Dhardly解析:考查副词辨析。exactly“确切地;fortunately“幸运地;surprisingly“令人惊讶地;hardly“几乎不。句意:看起来绿色生活是惊人地容易并且(人们)能够承受得了。只要迈出一小步就能成就一大步。答案:C3(湖南高考)I can_be a teacher.Im not a very patient person.Aseldom BeverCnever Dalways4(高考)The Great Wall is _ tourist attraction that millions of peop

3、le pour in every year.Aso a wellknown Ba so wellknownCsuch wellknown a Dsuch a wellknown解析:句意:长城是如此著名的旅游胜地,以至于每年都有上百万人涌来。sucha形容词单数名词 that从句,表示“如此以至于。答案:D5(高考)Peters jacket looked just the same as Jacks,but it cost_his.Aas much twice as Btwice as much asCmuch as twice as Das twice much as解析:考查倍数表达法。

4、B项为固定的倍数表达法,即“倍数asadj.as比拟对象结构。答案:B名校模拟检测1(八校联考)Its quite _ of beginners to forget to use an article before a noun.Aordinary BusualCtypical Dgeneral解析:句意:初学者忘记在名词前使用冠词这一现象很典型。typical“(某人或某事物)特有的,独特的。ordinary“平常的(当处于群体中时,看不出差异);usual“通常的,平常的;general“全面的,整体的。答案:C2(石室模拟)I have got the most famous cook

5、to do some cooking for me,so the dinner menu is the _ of my worries tonight.Amost BleastCbetter Dworst解析:根据句意:今天请了最著名的厨师做晚餐,故不用担忧晚上吃什么,所以least最恰当。答案:B3( 模拟)Strong typhoons hit this area very _.Normally,they form and come here between July and August every year.Agenerally BregularlyCusually Dsuddenly

6、解析:句意:强烈的台风定期袭击这个地区。一般情况下,它们每年的七八月份形成并来到这里。generally“一般地,总地;regularly“定期地,有规律地;usually“通常地,往常地;suddenly“突然地。答案:B4(崇文高三模拟)Its too noisy here.Can we go somewhere_?Aquietly Bmore quietlyCmuch quiet Dquieter解析:句意:这里太吵了。我们可以去较安静的地方吗?根据句意,答案应该是一个形容词比拟级,故答案为D。A、B两项为副词,副词是用来修饰动词的,在本句中表示go的方式,即“静静地去某地,很显然不合题

7、意。答案:D5(华师一附中模拟)When you make a decision to buy something,you must remember that a good name of product doesnt _ mean good quality of it.Asimply BessentiallyCnecessarily Dpurposefully解析:句意:当你决定买东西时,一定要记住商品的牌子好不一定质量好。necessarily这里是“一定地意思。essentially“必要地,不可缺少地;simply“仅仅,只不过;purposefully“有目的地,自觉地,这三项都不

8、恰当。答案:C6(毕业班质检)The result of the football match is really _.I agree.Our team shouldnt have lost the two scores.Apleasant BcheerfulCrelaxing Dannoying解析:句意:“这场足球赛的结果真让人郁闷。“我同意。我们队不应该失去那两分。pleasant“使人愉快的,可喜的;cheerful“快乐的,兴高采烈的;relaxing“令人放松的;annoying“令人烦恼的。答案:D7(质检)Most of the children can work out th

9、e problem,so it should be quite _ to adults.Apatient BplainCfamiliar Dlucky解析:句意:大多数孩子能解决这个问题,因此这个问题对成人来说应该很简单。patient“耐心的;plain“清楚的,明白的,易懂的,清晰的;familiar“熟悉的;lucky“幸运的。答案:B8(期末调研)Youd better go there by train.The train ticket is _ the plane ticket.Aas cheap three times asBas three times cheap asCthr

10、ee times cheaper thanDcheaper three times than解析:句意:你最好乘火车去那里。火车票比飞机票廉价3倍。此题考查形容词比拟等级的常用句型。原级比拟句型是:倍数as形容词/副词原级as.;比拟级常用句型是:倍数形容词/副词比拟级than.。答案:C9(湖南雅礼月考)Readers Digest is_ magazine in the world.It has a devoted following of 100 million readers across the globe.Athe most widely read Bread the most w

11、idelyCthe mostly wide read Dthe more widely read解析:句意:读者文摘是世界上被最广泛阅读的杂志。read为过去分词作定语,widely修饰过去分词read并置于分词前。由句意可知,此处应用最高级。答案:A10(十校3月模拟)Tea is considered by some Europeans _ popular drink,while coffee comes second.Aa most Ba moreCthe most Dthe more解析:句意:一些欧洲人认为茶是最受欢送的饮品而咖啡名列第二。根据comes second可知本句是对饮品

12、的受欢送程度进行排序,故C为正确答案。答案:C11(学军模拟)I havent seen _ Maggie since I came here.Aas lovely a girl as Bso a lovely girl asCgirl as lovely as Das a lovely girl as解析:句意:自从来到这,我还从未见过像 Maggie 这么可爱的女孩呢。“so/as/how/tooadj.a/ann.或“sucha/anadj.n.为固定结构。答案:A12(十校素质检测)What a wonder!Theyve finished _ half of the project

13、in such a short time.Ano more than Bno less thanCnot more than Dmuch less than解析:句意:真是一个奇迹!他们在这么短的时间内就完成了一半的工程。no more thanonly“仅仅;no less thanas much as“不少于,多达。答案:B13(模拟)Parents always get a little _ when their kids are taking some important examinations.Aeager BanxiousCimpatient Dconfused解析:句意:当孩子

14、们参加重要考试的时候,父母总是有点担忧。eager“渴望的;anxious“着急的,担忧的;impatient“不耐烦的;confused“困惑的,糊涂的。答案:B14(皖北协作区联考)Everybody said it was a perfect marriage;no one had ever known_ couple.Athe happier Ba happierCa happiest Dthe happiest解析:句意:大家都说那是一桩美满的婚姻,没有人认识(比他们)更幸福的一对了。根据句意,可知此空处应该用比拟级,故排除C、D两项;“定冠词形容词比拟级表“两者当中较的,所以A项不合题意;而“不定冠词形容词比拟级表示“更的一个,应选B。答案:B15(东北三省四市一联)These oranges are only


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