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1、吉林市普通高中20192020学年度高一年级上学期期末调研测试 高一英语答案第I卷(选择题)第一部分:听力1-5 BACBC 6-10 CAACB 11-15 CACAB 16-20 AACBB第二部分阅读理解 A篇:BDA B篇:BCCB C篇:CADA 说明文21.B细节题。根据第五段中的“If you are fat and want to lose weight,keep junk food out of your house.”可知选B。22.D细节题。根据第二段中的“Write down why you want to stop a certain behavior”和第六段中的“

2、Bad habits develop over years,so you probably wont be able to get rid of them quickly.”以及最后一段中的“When you talk to others,they might be able to provide advice or encouragement that you usually wouldnt get from yourself.”可知A、B、C三项都是正确的,而D项与文中内容背道而驰,是错误的。23.A推理题。根据第一段中的“Heres some advice on how to get r

3、id of bad habits.”可知选A。B记叙文(本文讲述了一名律师在为一名谋杀犯辩护时,企图迷惑陪审团,但最终被识破的故事。)24.B 细节题。根据第一句话 A person is on trial for murder in a court room in Oklahoma.可知,罪犯是因为谋杀罪而审判。25.C 推理题。根据第二段第一句话以及第四段律师的陈述I, therefore, put it to you that there is a reasonable doubt in this case as to whether anyone was killed and insi

4、st that you pass a judgment of no guilty.可知,他的目的是为犯罪嫌疑人辩护。26.C 推理题。根据第三四段内容可知,律师耍了伎俩,迷惑了陪审团,所以可以断定陪审团是吃惊和受骗了。27.B 细节题。根据最后一句话Answers the jury member, “Oh, we did look. But your client didnt.” 可知,虽然陪审团被迷惑了,可是,诉讼委托人心里明白,他的行为暴露了自己。C说明文(文章分析了影响孩子教育水平的因素,告诉我们家里有书对孩子的重要性胜于家长受过高等教育的影响。)28.C 细节题。根据第二段第一句话Fo

5、r years, educators have thought the strongest predictor(预示物) of attaining high levels of education was having parents who were highly educated. 可知。29.A 词义猜测题文章二、三段一直在说家中有书对孩子的积极影响。本句Having as few as 20 books in the home still has a significant impact on motivating a child to a higher level of educat

6、ion, 也说明家中有书可以激励孩子获得更高层次的教育水平。故而与A相对应。 30.D 推理题。根据文章第四段The researchers were struck by the strong effect having books in the home had on childrens educational attainment even above and beyond可知。七选五:GCEFB(详解略)完型填空:36-40 DBCAD41-45 CABDA46-50 CBDCA51-55 DAACD详解:体裁:记叙文题材:人物故事主题:令他人快乐的乞讨者36.D 由下文可知Bean是作

7、者几乎每个工作日的早上都能看到的乞讨者。37.B 由下句“After all, hes just a beggar ”可知,作者起初是“忽略”他的。38.C 由设空处前的 a beggar 和常识可知,作者起初对乞讨者的看法就是“困住”他人来乞讨的,符合语境。39.A 前文dawn on 是“渐渐明白”之意,明白其中一件事就是总是同一个人。40.D ask for “索要”符合语境。 give away,“泄露、捐赠”;hold up,“支撑、阻碍”等41.C 按照一般思维,最重要的往往最后提到,符合语境。presently adv. 可通过构词法得知“目前”42.A 通过“dancing,

8、playing, smiling”可知。43.B 通过“almost every workday morning”可知是惯例。44.D 由“he wasnt there”可知,他没有在那个匝道,所以没有人跳舞向作者打招呼了。45.A 由下文中的look for him every morning 可知,作者“想念”他。46.C由下文中的look for him every morning 和上句中的 worried 可知,作者“开始”寻找他。47.B 根据设空处后的 like the sun had come out after a week-long storm 可知,这一周作者都没有看到他

9、在那里。48.D 由第二段倒数第二句中的he was dancing and playing the guitar 可知,作者又看到他在早上“跳舞”了。49.C 由本句中的 was smiling 和myself waving back 可知,作者“发现”自己在回应Bean。 50.A 由常识可知,挥手打招呼是件小事。51.D 由下句中的feeling lighter and happier 可知,作者感觉到更加轻松和快乐,认为打招呼带来了一整天的“幸运”。blessing :“幸事、幸运、福气”可数名词。习语blessing in disguise “因祸得福;塞翁失马,焉知非福。” 52.

10、A 由下文中的 “ Look around you. Look at your life, your surroundings” 可知,作者在“提醒”读者要关注一下身边的人和事物。53.A 根据设空处后的 just your grocery store 和设空处前的your life, your surroundings 可知,作者提醒读者去观察生活中的人和事物,“甚至”是杂货店。空后的内容与空前的应是递进关系。54.C 根据上文提到的Bean 给作者的生活带来积极影响可知,生活中的一些事情是有神奇力量的,所以,magic 符合语境。55.D 由设空处后的 you cant even drea

11、m 以及Bean 给作者的生活带来的快乐可知,有些你没有注意到的人和事会用你想不到的方式来“touch” 在这里是“影响”的意思。影响到你的生活。第II卷(非选择题)单词: 56. succeeded 57. confidently58. frightening 59. explored60. advertisement 61. schedule62. actually63. recovering64. equal 65 sank课文背诵:66. there was a time when67. she organize the trip68. where we have almost no

12、rights at all69. will be admitted as competitors70. to provide humans with语法填空: 71. had seen 72. were expected 73. dressed74. whose 75. for 76. what77. competition 78. have been used 79. where 80. up参考范文:Dear Confused daughter,Im deeply concerned about your situation. Therefore, Im writing to offer

13、you following practical suggestions:First, its wise to understand your mum and her love to you, because understanding is the first step to solution. Besides, talk to her face to face and ask her to give you some private space. Just imagine how she hopes to narrow the generation gap. Finally, why not

14、 do something to earn her trust? You can get her involved in some of your daily activities. If so, she will be relieved to find her daughter reliable and promising.Above is my advice, which may help make your life a lot easier. Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua听力材料Text 1W: Can I help you find something, sir?

15、M: Yes. I need a lock for my bike.(1) I m a photographer, and I often have to leave my bike for long periods of time to go take pictures.Text 2M: Are you going to spend the winter holiday in Australia?W: No. I was planning to go to Canada, but my children begged me to take them to Japan instead, and I agreed.(2)Text 3M: Why is the bus so late? I dont know how I can make it in time for my meeting. But taxis are too expensive.W: How about taking the subway instead?M: Good idea.(3)Text 4W: Will it rain, or wi



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