2022年高中英语 Unit 21 Human Biology Communication Workshop课时作业 北师大版选修7

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1、2022年高中英语 Unit 21 Human Biology Communication Workshop课时作业 北师大版选修7.单词拼写1In India the cow is a_(神圣的)animal. 2Though in the_(晚期的)stage of cancer,he keeps walking every day. 3When she was young,she left home to seek her _(发财)abroad. 4The _(公司)was badly hit by petition from abroad. 5Many students find _

2、(临时的)jobs during their summer holidays. 6There is still one month left before the _(截止日期). 7Because of the financial crisis,the number of people buying houses has _(下降). 8Even today they still have the_(荒唐的)idea that the earth is flat and motionless. 9Under no_(情况)will we agree to make the pany spil

3、t up. 10If you ask for money from us,you have to_(提交)details of the damage. .单项填空1(xx凤阳高二月考)All that this young man dreams of is to make_and live_easy life.Aa big fortune;anBa big money;anCbig fortune;/ Dbig money;/2This is the first time we_a film in the cinema together as a family.Asee Bhad seenCs

4、aw Dhave seen3The epidemic must be wiped out_or the chicken raisers will suffer a terrible loss.Aat home Bat any rateCat a sale Dat a time4Can I use the telephone on the table,sir?Under no circumstances_to use the telephone in the office for personal affairs.Aanyone is allowed Bnobody is allowedCis

5、anyone allowed Dis nobody allowed5In the eyes of the newlyelected prime minister,there is never too small a thing as far as the farmers_.Aare concerningBconcernCare concerned Dconcerned6(xx蚌埠高二月考)Three men_a local bank_a large amount of money last night.Arobbed;from Brobbed;byCrobbed;of Drobbed;on7T

6、he robot_camera can do many things for mankind.Aequips with Bequipped withCequipping with Dequipped for8To my surprise,the price of the cars_from 100,000_98,000 yuan each only in one month,which would save me 2,000 yuan.Aincreased;to Bassessed;offCdeclined;to Dcut;on9(xx马鞍山高二检测)If we cant reach agre

7、ement,well have to vote_it.Afor BagainstCon Dto10The pleted design must have been_to the boss by the end of this month.No problem.Aunited BopposedCassisted Dsubmitted.阅读理解AGenetically modified (GM) (转基因的) crops have made an enormous positive influence on the world. In recent years, GM technology has

8、 brought much benefit directly to farms, reducing the use of poisonous chemicals that kill pests of plants, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions (排放)A particular concern among farmers in developing countries is the loss of crops to insect pests. One way to fight this problem is to use chemicals,but

9、 this behavior will do harm to the health of farmers, the environment, and the people who eat the food. Instead, biotechnology can be used to increase production of pestresistant crops. For example, in Africa, the sweet potato serves as an important crop, but viruses (病毒) can dramatically destroy it

10、s output by up to 80%. The Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, however,has developed a genetically modified sweet potato that can increase crop production by 1825%. Whats more, this new kind of potato has genes that resist damage due to bad climate or unexpected natural disasters.The use of genet

11、ically modified foods can have a positive effect on the economy, especially in less developed countries. GM crops have already led to economic growth in South Africa, according to some studies. Because GM crops require fewer chemicals, farmers can save money on both the costs of pesticides and labor

12、 necessary to manage the treatments. This, bined with higher output, allow the farmer to gain more from the product.With an increasing adoption of GM crops, the use of pestcontrol chemicals has been greatly reduced. In fact, while not necessarily related to foodrelated biotechnology, some GM plants

13、have been developed to take care of heavy metal pollution in some polluted soil. Finally, biotechnology can allow people to receive vaccines (疫苗) that are difficult to distribute. By putting vaccines into food products, organizations can more easily transport them to people in need.1We can learn fro

14、m the text that_.AGM crops benefit the environmentBfarmers fail to grow a lot of plantsCinsect pests do less harm to the soilDmore greenhouse gas is sent into the air2What can we infer from the example of the sweet potato?AKenya will have the most advanced technology in the future.BCrops can be modi

15、fied to grow in worse natural environment.CPotatoes grown in wet areas can resist different kinds of insects.DThe adoption of GM potatoes may do harm to the farmers health.3According to the text, GM crops in poor countries_.Aneed further research on chemical resistanceBcost more time and money on farm managementCsuffer fewer natural disasters during the growthDoffe



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