外研版英语八年级上册教案:Module9 Unit1(初二上)

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《外研版英语八年级上册教案:Module9 Unit1(初二上)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版英语八年级上册教案:Module9 Unit1(初二上)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课题名称:Module 9 Animals in dangerUnit1 I need to protect animals.设计者 课型:Listening and speaking一、学生分析1、本班学生年龄在14岁左右,都是来自乡镇,特点是情感外露、好动、好奇心强,接受新鲜事物能力较强,基础较好,对英语学习兴趣较高,但部分学生学习缺乏目标性。2、在学习本课前,学生在上学期已经学习了有关动物的英语单词,对一些动物有初步的了解,能用简单的句子介绍动物,为本课学习打下了一定的基础。3、一直提倡学生主动参与、感知体验、探究发现,合作交流的学习方法,大部分学生能做到预习、复习、课堂积极发言,有较强

2、的合作意识。二、教材分析本课内容是外研版初中英语上册第九模块第一单元的听说课,而该模块以“Animals in danger”为话题,以学习动词不定式的用法为主线,介绍了当前濒临灭绝,需要人类保护的动物的情况,并重点介绍了大熊猫的保护情况。在此基础上,学生可以根据自己的建议制定更合理的动物保护措施;模块同时通过该话题还复习了一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时、一般将来时的用法。 Unit 1 是一篇对话,所遇到的生词和复杂的句子并不多,所以让学生通过听、读、说训练,理解动词不定式的用法,学会恰当地使用动词不定式,这是本课时的重难点。本课内容较多,要在一节课完成所有的内容难度较大,因此我把Act

3、ivity5放在下一课时。三、教学目标根据英语课程标准,结合学生实际和本课的课型,教学目标的核心任务是能听懂谈论动物的对话,并表达、谈论论动物情况和如何保护动物,学习相关词汇,具体目标设定为下面几个方面:1、语言知识、技能目的:a、掌握词汇:danger, protect, orange, cousin, brown, reserve, mad, surprising, kill, hard, away, dirty, awful, peace, find outb、能听懂谈论动物的对话,获取对话的主要信息。c、能够谈论动物情况和动物保护。D、能够运用不定式作主语、定语、状语以及不定式的否定形

4、式。2、情感态度目标:a、提高学习英语兴趣,树立信心,培养其积极主动参与各种语言实践活动的学习态度。b、培养良好的合作精神,鼓励学生大胆表达自己的想法和愿望,增强保护环境和进行环保宣传的责任感。3、学习策略目标:a、培养话题和词汇的语言域意识,形成话题联想的习惯。b、创造浓厚的学习氛围,采取形式多样的学习方法引导学生参与实践,进行真实的交际。 四、教学策略本节课型为Listening and speaking,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点,主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、听说法等教学方法实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学习和与他


6、教师活动学生活动活动目的Step1 Lead-in1. Organization2. Ask the Ss to say out the animals that theyve known.1. Sing a song.2. Say out the animals that theyve known .1、激发学生的学习兴趣,使课堂充满轻松、愉快的气氛。2、复习学生熟悉的动物的单词,自然引入新课。Step2 Pre-task1. Show the pictures of some parts of animals on computer. See who can guess and say t

7、hem out the most quickly. Then organize the Ss to describe them.2. Have the students complete the quiz with the words.1. Guess and say out the names of animals. Then describe them2. Complete the quiz with the words in the box in Activity 1. Then check in pairs.1、采用竞猜的形式学习新单词,既能调动学生学习的积极性,又能发挥学生的想象力。

8、2、让学生在情景中巩固词汇,并为听对话做准备。 Step3 While-Task1. Play the tape. Then organize Ss to check the answers.2. Play the tape. Then organize Ss to check the answers in pairs.3. Organization.1. Listen to the tape in Activity 2 and choose the best answers to the sentences on page in 学案. Then Ss check the answers w

9、ith their partners.2. Listen to the conversation between Ling and Sally in Activity 3, and answer the two questions: 1)What are they talking about ? 2)Why do some people kill whales or elephants? Then check in pairs.3. Read the conversation in Activity 3 and complete the following form.Which animals

10、 are in danger?Why?How to protect1、训练学生听细节的能力,熟悉词汇。2、训练学生的听力和学习新的语言内容。3、理解、熟悉对话。4. Organize the Ss to read the conversation and solve the difficulty that the Ss have.4. Read the conversation in pairs and discuss the difficulty . Then find out the points that they dont understand.4、梳理对话,引导学生解决难点。Step

11、 4Post-Task1. Organize the Ss to retell the conversation.1.Retell the conversation as a short passage with the information in the following form.1、把学到的语言知识及形成的能力运用到语言实践中去,即在听、读“输入”的基础上,激发学生的“说”。2、用本课所学的知识,在学生之间进行采访、交流。Which animals are in danger?Whales, elephants, etc.Whyto kill them for meat, have

12、no place to live in, the water is dirtyHow to protecthelp them live in peace, stop killing2. Organize the Ss to make an interview.2. One student act as a journalist to interview another student, talking about animals and filling the following form.Which animal is the most in danger?Are you surprised

13、 to find out that it is in danger?Does it have enough places to live in? Why?Do people kill it for its meat?Do most people want to help animals in danger?How do you protect the animals?3. Organization3. Make a report about their interview with the information in the above form.3、对信息进行整理、汇报,这样既巩固了本课的重点句型,又培养了综合运用能力和自主探究能力。Step 5.Summar-yGet the Ss to sum up the language points.Sum up the key structures.明确本课重点Step 6.Home-workDescribe which animal is the most important to protect.



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