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1、 学习基本句型 掌握英语结构 一.英语的基本句型: 英语的一个显著特点是句子成分的顺序较为固定,句型数量较少.千变万化的英语句子大多可归纳为五种基本句型:1)主语+谓语+表语;2)主语+谓语;3)主语+谓语+宾语;4)主语+谓语+间宾+直宾;5)主语+谓语+宾语+补语.例如:1. 主语+谓语+表语:This is a pen. She is a peasant. The fields looked like a golden sea. My home is in Shanghai. These pictures are rather old. He will be glad to help.

2、Every one of them seemed interested. 2.主语+谓语: My mother also teaches. The sun never sets Wang Qing gets up very early. Factories have sprung up. He dresses, washes and goes out to do exercises in the fresh morning air. Some are walking by the lake. Others are sitting on the benches. 3.主语+谓语+宾语: They

3、 hated him. This landlord had a cock. He reviews his lessons. The teacher will answer them. One of them is making a shirt. The other is patching a pair of trousers. 4.主语+谓语+间宾+直宾: They gave him a good beating. He gave them little to eat. They taught the landlord a lesson. The woman is showing an old

4、 man a rowel and some soap. 5.主语+谓语+宾语+补语: This makes the Sahara rich and important. That will make him very happy. He made the farmhands work very hard. Kao Yupao saw the landlord stead into the courtyard. 二.通过基本句型了解英语的一些规律: 一个英语句子属于何种句型是由句中的谓语所决定的.第一种句型的谓语是系动词,除be外还有appear,feel,look,prove,seem,sme


6、refuse.save.show.sing.take.tell.win.write等.第五种句型的动词believe.consider.cut.drive.find.get.make.paint.send.think.turn等用形容词.分词作补语;若动词为call.choose.consider.elect.name.recognize.regard.see.suggest.treat等,其宾语后面的补语需使用名词或用as引导名词,例如:Some geographers regard Europe as a peninsula of Asia. 另外动词如果是make.hear.see.no

7、tice等就必须用不带to的不定式或现在分词作补语. 通过基本句型可以看出,英语的句子都必须有主语和谓语.除一些特定的句式如祈使句和省略句外,主谓结构可说是一个独立句子的框架.这一点与汉语的差异较大,因为汉语经常会出现一些无主语或无谓语的句子,试对照:她的父亲不在北京:Her father is not in Beijing. 天快黑了:It is getting dark. 椅子不够: There are not enough chairs. 很奇怪房间里一个人也没有:It is strange that there is no one in the room. 这样短时间内完成这项工作可能

8、吗?可能的.Can you finish the work in such a short time? Yes, we can.另外,基本句型还向我们揭示英语的句子成份.词序较为固定.要分析句子成分,首先找出谓语动词,出现在谓语前的代词.名词.动名词或相当于名词的其它结构通常是主语,主语前的介词短语.副词,从句等通常是状语.而谓语后面的代词.名词.动名词或其它结构常作宾语.英语状语如用词组.从句充汉多放在主语前,谓语或宾语后.定语若是单词,放在所修饰词的前面,如果定语是介词短语等词组或从句,由置于所修饰词的后面.句子的必要成分主谓.表语.宾语或补语加上非必要成分状语.定语和同位语等便可将基本句

9、型进行扩展,例如: 1)My sister is a nurse at a hospital in Shenyang.(第一句型加定语.) 2)In the tropics there are also two seasons, a raining season and a dry season. (第一句型加状语.同位语.) 3)Near a flower garden, two white-haired grannies are knitting in the sunshine. (第二句型加状语.定语.状语.) 4)Yesterday, we went to an exhibition

10、on the life and work of Lenin, the great revolutionary leader of the working class.(第二句型加状语.状语.定语.同位语.) 5)For more than two months, you cant see the sun, even at noon.(第三句型加前后两个状语.) 三.通过基本句型学习并列句.从属句和非谓语动词: 1.并列句:英语中只有一套主谓结构的句子称简单句,前面的例句均属此类.如果句中有两套或两套以上的主谓结构,用并列连词and. but. or. both.and. either.or.

11、neither.nor. not only.but(also)等连接,即成为并列句: 1)we are very busy here and life is very interesting. 2)we have English lessons every day and I like them very much. 3)You can borrow books from the library, but you can borrow one without a library card. 4)Sometimes you may want at borrow a book but you do

12、nt know its call number. 5)We must hurry up or it will be too late. 2.从属句:由从属连词引导一个或一个以上的简单句,即是英语的从属句,再加上主句全名为主从复合句.在宾语从句和定语从句中从属连词有时可以省略: 1)But here the teacher and her pupils were doing just that, although the Russians had spies everywhere in Warsaw. 2)when the bear was gone, and all was safe, the

13、 man in the tree came down. 3)the bear thought (that)he was dead and walked away. 4)The man who said (that)he would help his fried at once got up early. 5)Dont trust those who leave their friends the moment they get into difficulties! 3.非谓语动词:在一个简单句中,如果已经出现了谓语动词,句中的其它动作需用非谓语动词形式-不定式.现在分词或过去分词来表示.未做的

14、.想做的动作用不定式,与谓语同时进行的用现在分词,已做的.被动的动作用过去分词,例如: 1) I have a few things to tell you.我有几件事要告诉你. 2) You may ask them to help you.你可以请他们来帮你. 3)They are working very hard to catch up in science and technology.他们正努力工作以追赶科技的发展. 4)Good morning, said Hans, smiling from ear to ear.早上好,汉斯说道,笑得嘴也合不拢. 5)I dropped to

15、 the ground thinking this was the end.我摔倒在地心想这下完了. 6)The people, led by the Party, have got rid of the mud and dirt.在党的领导下,人们已经清除了污泥浊水. 7)He crossed the ocean and discovered strange lands, inhabited by a people unknowned to Europeans.他跨过海洋发现了奇异的陆地,那里居住着一个欧洲人所未知的民族. 英语的所有句式都是从基本句型演变而来的.将系动词(第一句型及被动语态).助动词.情态动词(其他句型);置于主语之前,即构成疑问句和倒装句;在这些动词后面加上not,即构成否定句.因此,掌握基本句型是英语的良好开端,对学习起到纲举目张的作用.


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