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1、学校_ 班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 密封线内不得答题 六年级英语月考测试卷听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填在题前的括号内。(0分)()1.A. mouse Bmouth C mother( )2. . qet B. quiely C.quart( ). .tid B. tiger Ctire( )4. A. bite B ike C. te( )5.A. get out B.got ou C. g up( )6. A. A.habi B. hap C.rabbit( )7 .cle . never . fevr( )8. rd B.rech C. ubbsh( ).A.

2、 should listen o ur tacs t cool.B. We shouldisen to ur paresathe( )0.A She lay pus hethigs n odr. Bhe nver pts hr thig n ore二、根据你听到的问题,选出对的的回答。(10分)( ) 1. .Ys, a. . N,I oldnt C Yes, I did.( ) 2A. m oingo eat somefoodB m aing smfodCI atomeood.() 3. A. Yes, I wsB. N, itsnt. C. Yes,I di.( ) .A. cn hlp

3、yo.B. Dont b sdC. I cn help ou with shrpteth.( )5.A.Iceto scool bybie. BI co to choo from Mny to ridy.I com tocho at 8:00.三、听录音,填入所缺单词。(0分)1.ewveyn.2.“ur sond!”th on.3.on,he mousea hole i the neh teeth.4. Yereaytable nis, Sam笔试部分(7分)一、按规定写单词。(10分)1.wak(过去式) .get (目前分词)_ _ _ 3. diry(反义词) 4.eep(形容词)_

4、_5 10 hbit(复数) 6.quiet(副词) 7.appi(形容词) 8fsh(第三人称单数) 9let(原形) 10bite(过去式) 二、词组英汉互译。(1分)1.就在那时 2. 许多好习惯_ _3. 刷牙_ _4.走过,路过 .把水倒入洞里 6.fom thnn 7.tdep 8 bce frinds 9.wk thelo up 1. puthis thingsi der_ _ _三、选择。(1分)()1One day, amus_by and _he lin up. wl,wkeB. lked, wakeC walked, woke( ) . Thio _ ne with hi

5、s teeth,bu ht didnt Abie, help Bbt, elp C. bit, helped( )3he ln let house _ A. g Boes . nt() The mse eped the lion_ . A geot B. gt ut .get up()5. he i singng_.apy oud C. odly( )6. lie_ eopl A hel Bhpi hed( ) 7.Bily andb _ f _. A her,thm cheer,teC. heer,t( ). Mrother_Eglsh o. .rdB radng C. i edn( )9

6、i Tao is my o fren I kowhimvery_ A.wll B. oodC. nice( )10. g, ean see the stars_h s. A. n;in B. t;inC. At;on四、匹配。(5分)( ) .How dd te caget ? A.Becaue it is itresting( ) 2.hat didte o? B.I it t bketwithi eth. ( ) 3Wht ar oudoing? Weare readig ato( ) 4Whyoyoulikepaing bst ll?D.t sevenOcock.() W do yur

7、broher go o col?E The bouh some lowrs五、用所给单词的合适形式填空。(7分)1. Wat dd heonnd the mo_ (become)?hey_ (ecome)fids2. e shuld red _(qi ) in t lbry3.Sam _(la) table tes now.a anBobby regood at _ (ay ) tabl tenis. fellep now. Iwant_(o)to ed.6.ok,he s unnng_(slow) the plgroun.六、按规定改写句子。(8分) Tom hafivepls i h schol bag(对画线部分提问)pnclTo have ithe shool ag?2. che ouwihmtth.(对画线部分提问)you hel?. e,a,bi,dog,ad,ho,hi,wit,eeth(.) (连词



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