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1、摘 要论文所研究的直线电机是应用于数控非圆车削系统中的。数控非圆车削是一种高精度车削加工技术。工业计算机控制微进给机构,驱动刀具按照预先设计的参考输入轨迹沿被加工零件径向作高频率往复运动,从而车削加工出具有非圆横截面形状的零件。论文首先介绍了直线电机的发展历史和分类,分析了永磁伺服直线电动机的工作原理。建立了直线电机的数学模型。为了寻找影响直线电机综合性能的关键参数、获得改进设计的突破点,本文对直线电机添加位置反馈控制、PID控制、速度反馈控制等方案,利用MATLAB数值分析软件对上述控制过程进行了仿真计算。通过仿真,获得了影响直线电机性能的重要因素,改进设计将从这些影响因素出发来提高直线电机


3、作,是装配过程中的关键。通过试验获得了直线电机的各项性能参数。论文最后总结了完成的工作以及取得的成果,对弹性支承直线电机的发展作了展望,为今后进一步改进设计提出了建议,这些建议对以后的设计工作有一定的指导意义。关键词:直线电机,数控非圆车削,计算机仿真, 磁路设计AbstractThe linear motor studied in this dissertation is applied to numerically controlled, non-circular machining, which is provided with a high precision turning tech

4、nology. The linear motor, controlled by industrial computer, drives the cutter to oscillate at a high frequency along the pre-determined reference input path perpendicular to the spinning axis of the machined workpiece, and generate a workpiece with non-circular shaped cross-sections.The history and

5、 classification of linear motor was first mentioned in this dissertation, also, the principle of permanent-magnet servo linear motor was introduced. Mathematical model of linear motor was constructed. Position feedback control, PID control, velocity feedback control were analyzed in order to find ou

6、t the key-parameters which affected the general performance of linear motor, and to find the entrance of redesign. MATLAB was used to get the simulation of the above control processes. Through simulation analysis, key-parameters were found. Base on these, the task of redesigning linear motor was rei

7、fied, and by improving these, the performance of linear motor can be enhanced.In the dissertation, the structure of linear motor and the magnetism-loop of permanent magnet were comprehensively analyzed. Through the analysis and computations of magnetism-loop of previous linear motor, the big leakage

8、 flux and the small actual air gap flux density were pointed out. By improving these shortcomings, ameliorate design was given. Continue with the analysis and computations of ameliorate design, it validated that the leakage flux was reduced and the air gap flux density was enhanced exactly. In order

9、 to reduce mass of the mover, the structure of coin, coin framework and the support of framework were redesigned. In order to enhance the stiffness of the linear motor, the software of finite element computation, MARC, was used to compute the stiffness, and then the logical structure dimension was g

10、iven. In order to enhance the system damp, linear speed sensor was designed. Based on all of these, the design scheme and detailed drawing of the new version linear motor was put forward. The problems occurred during the process of assembly of linear motor and its resolvent were mentioned in this di

11、ssertation. Solving these problems was so important that it determines whether the linear motor could work normally. The parameter of linear motor was gained through test. Furthermore, in the end of this dissertation, the task finished and the harvest obtained were summarized, also the following imp

12、roving view of the linear motor was mentioned. Some advices were given, which was gathered from practical task, could be helpful in future.Keywords: Linear Motor, Numerically Controlled Non-circular Machining, Computer Simulation,Magnetism-loop Design第一章 绪论1.1 直线电机的发展直线电机的历史可以追溯到1840年惠斯登制作的并不成功的略现雏形

13、的直线电机,其后的160多年中直线电机经历了探索实验、开发应用和使用商品化三个时期。 1971年至目前,直线电机终于进入独立应用的时期,各类直线电机的应用得到了迅速的推广,制成了许多有实用价值的装置和产品,例如直线电机驱动的钢管输送机、运煤机、各种电动门、电动窗等。利用直线电机驱动的磁悬浮列车,速度已超过500km/h,接近了航空飞行的速度。 我国的直线电机的研究和应用是从20世纪70年代初开始的。目前主要成果有工厂行车、电磁锤、冲压机等。我国直线电机研究虽然也取得了一些成绩,但与国外相比,其推广应用方面尚存在很大的差距。目前,国内不少研究单位已注意到这一点1.2 直线电机在数控机床上应用的现

14、状 近几年,国际上对数控机床采用直线电机显得特别热门,其原因是: 为了提高生产效率和改善零件的加工质量而发展的高速和超高速加工现已成为机床发展的一个重大趋势,一个反应灵敏、高速、轻便的驱动系统,速度要提高到4050m/min以上。传统的“旋转电机+滚珠丝杠”的传动形式所能达到的最高进给速度为30m/min,加速度仅为3m/s2。直线电机驱动工作台,其速度是传统传动方式的30倍,加速度是传统传动方式的10倍,最大可达10g;刚度提高了7倍;直线电机直接驱动的工作台无反向工作死区;由于电机惯量小,所以由其构成的直线伺服系统可以达到较高的频率响应。 1993年,德国ZxCell-O公司推出了世界上第

15、一个由直线电机驱动的工作台HSC-240型高速加工中心,机床主轴最高速达到24000r/min,最大进给速度为60n/min,加速度达到1g,当进给速度为20m/min时,其轮廓精度可达0.004mm。美国的Ingersoll公司紧接着推出了HVM-800型高速加工中心,主轴最高转速为20000r/min,最大进给速度为75.20m/min。 1996年开始,日本相继研制成功采用直线电机的卧式加工中心、高速机床、超高速小型加工中心、超精密镜面加工机床、高速成形机床等1。 我国浙江大学研制了一种由直线电机驱动的冲压机,浙江大学生产工程研究所设计了用圆筒型直线电机驱动的并联机构坐标测量机2。200

16、1年南京四开公司推出了自行开发的采用直线电机直接驱动的数控直线电机车床,2003年第8届中国国际机床展览会上,展出北京电院高技术股份公司推出的VS1250直线电机取得的加工中心,该机床主轴最高转速达15000r/min。 1.3 直线电机的工作原理 直线电机是一种将电能直接转换成直线运动机械能、而不需要任何中间转换机构的传动装置。它可以看成是将一台旋转电机沿径向剖开,并展成平面而成,如图1-2所示。由定子演变而来的一侧称为初级,由转子演变而来的一侧称为次级。在实际应用时,将初级和次级制造成不同的长度,以保证在所需行程范围内初级与次级之间的耦合保持不变。直线电机可以是短初级长次级,也可以是长初级短次级。考虑到制造成本、运行费用,目前一


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